February 2, 2008Phoenix Oncology Nursing Society (PONS)

Board of Directors Meeting


10462 N. 92nd St.

Scottsdale, AZ85258

Board meeting called to order by Patrice Welsh-Benjamin, RN, MA, OCN (President) at 9 AM. All present introduced themselves and identified their role.

Members present:

  • President: Patrice Welsh-Benjamin
  • Treasurer: Aida Amado
  • Secretary: Judy Turner
  • Director at Large Elect: Debbie Green
  • Programs Committee: Carol Guarnieri
  • Membership: Brenda Keith
  • President Elect: Toni Marando
  • Treasurer Elect: Sherril Bierman
  • Director at Large: Linda Alsvig
  • Ex Officio: Denice Gibson
  • AzNa Liaison: Kristen Derryberry
  • AZ State Health Policy Liaison: Christopher O’Laughlin

Members absent:

  • Nominating Committee: Dolores Rivera
  • Historian: Patrina Barnett
  • Webmaster: Karen Baden

Corrected contact list for board members distributed.

Review of the January 10th Minutes:

Review of the minutes from the January 10th meeting (See Attachment I). No corrections were noted and motion was made to approve by Denice Gibson and second motion to approve by Linda Alsvig.

Summary of 2007 Annual Report:

Denice Gibson reported the status of the 2007 Annual Report. The report is nearly complete. Denice passed out sections of the Annual Report to members of the board asking for input in regards to actions carried out during the year. Denice reports that she will begin writing the 2008 report now in stead of waiting to the end of the year.

Budget Report:

Aida Amado reported that she did the January 2008 budget and the next budget report is due in March 2008. PONS current checking account holds $13,764.19. Three hundred and twenty dollars ($320.00) were collected in dues in the month of January 2008 (See Attachment II).

Membership Committee Report:

Brenda Keith reports PONS members number one hundred and sixty-seven (167). Brenda reminded the board that those nurses who are members of the National Society need to be encouraged to join the local chapter and vice versa.

Program Committee Report:

Carol Guarnieri provided a table that lists the future PONS Programs along with a listing of the pharmaceutical companys sponsoring the programs (See Attachment III). Carol brought up for discussion the idea of investigating the possibility of trying to include local talent as speakers at future programs. The board agreed it is a good idea to pursue. There was also discussion to have local and national membership applications available at each program. Brenda Keith will bring these applications to the programs. Patrice Welsh-Benjamin recommended that members of the board network at the programs. It is good to get to know the membership and for the members to get to know who is on the board.

Nominating Committee Report:

Discussion to replace the representative for the Nominating Committee held. Patrice Welsh-Benjamin suggested and asked Kristen Derryberry if she would take over the position. Kristen accepted the nomination. Aida Amado called the first motion and Carol Guarnieri called the second motion making Kristen Derryberry the representative for the Nominating Committee.

Webmaster Report: No report

2008 PONS Goals:

Patrice Welsh-Benjamin began the discussion on the 2008 PONS goals by presenting the results of the membership vote for the title of the PONS 25th Anniversary Celebration. “25 Years of Excellence in Caring” received the popular vote by the membership at the January 10th PONS meeting. Before discussing in depth the planning for the 25th Anniversary Celebration, Patrice passed out to each member an outline to guide the board in developing a strategic plan for PONS and a list of goals to consider for 2008 (See Attachment IV).

Twenty-fifth (25th) Anniversary Event Theme, Budget and Program:

Barbara Harvey and the planning committee presented to the Board the following proposed plans for celebrating the 25th anniversary of PONS:

  • Possible locations discussed:

Aida to check on Banner Desert Samaritin

Grand CanyonUniversity


Toni will check on John C. Lincoln

Wellness Community, “The Pavillion” holds 70 chairs (50 chairs and then rent $2.00/chair…parking is a problem.

  • Invite Vendors:

Hospice of the Valley (Debbie Green to help contact HOV)


Charge for exhibit fee

Find sponsor to pay for dinner and display table

Invite all founding members (as guests)

Invite cancer survivors (member or non-member)

Invite the governor and get a proclamation of PONS day

Contact Sonoran Living (May is Nursing Month)…Patrice, Barbara and a PONS member or Cancer survivor to represent PONS

Contact the local newspapers, TV and radio for announcements

  • Suggestions:

Gift(s) for members…Items were discussed however the board did not come to a conclusion for a gift or gifts.

Slide show on-going during the celebration

Silent auction


  • Budget

Find out the cost for table cloths, etc.

Find out the cost for room and decorations

ArizonaState Health Policy Report:

Christopher O’Loughlin provided a hand-out (See Attachment V).

Request for Contacting Members regarding ONSTAT:

Christopher O’Loughlin plans to start out contacting members using email and plans to have a large display at the 25th Anniversary Celebration. Chris will contact Patrice or Linda and remind them to announce ONSTAT at the monthly meeting.

Old Unfinished Business:

The board voted to donate $1000.00 to the National Headquarters of ONS. The vote was motioned first by Brenda Keith and seconded by the whole board.

New Business:

Discussed methods to increase membership in PONS.

  • During State Fair PONS could have a table that could be staffed by members from 10 AM to 10 PM…Chris will check to see if there is a cost to having a booth.
  • Members asked to bring back ideas to decide what we will do this year as a group.

Next Board Meeting:

The PONS 2008 Board will convene again on Saturday, April 5, 2008 at BannerSamaritanHospital (exact location and time TBA)

Judy Turner, BSN, RN, OCN

Secretary (PONS 2008)


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