T.N.G. SIGNS OF THE TIMES - N.M. May 12, 2002 (#107)
Greetings from Russell's Remnant:
Dr. Russell Whitesell always cautioned his students to “watch the signs of the times.” Be aware of what is in the works. He also told his classes of the great changes that are to occur on the planet – some of which have occurred previously and others that will be new for humanity. Those familiar with the Magi Society’s Astrological teachings have found that they are revolutionizing the field of astrology. Ancient astrological secrets are being revealed, and new astrological findings are being presented as a result of what the modern computers can do. The work of the advanced astrologer is doubling. Greater astrological discoveries are occurring because of advanced techniques.
When one Magi astrologer tried to explain this doubling of work to a homeopathic friend, the homeopath replied that their work was also doubling - new techniques, new remedies, new methods. The homeopath referred to the great tests coming at the winter solstice of 2012. It was stated that there would be tests given at that time. Those who had prepared and done their esoteric homework will be given help and pass the test. Those who have not worked and prepared will also be given tests but will not be given help.
The following are some brief extracts from web sites in regard to the Winter Solstice of December 21, 2012:
21 December 2012: The Mayan Calendar End-Date – by Jim Papp … Papp first learned about the Mayans in 1987 from Jose Arguelles’ book The Mayan Factor. [Note: See the Tngnl16 from January 1995] He learned that the Mayans tracked cycles within cycles within cycles of time. Their calendar acted as a harmonic calibrator, linking and coordinating the earthly, lunar, solar and galactic seasons in an esthetically simple and elegant manner. On this Winter Soltice of 21 December 2012, a rare astronomical and Mayan mythical event occurs. In astronomic terms, the Sun conjuncts the intersection of the Milky Way and the plane of the ecliptic. Due to a phenomenon called the precession of the equinoxes, caused by the Earth’s wobble that lasts 25,800 years, the apparent location of the Winter Solstice sunrise has been ever so slowly moving toward the Galactic Center. Thus the Great Cycle we are currently in began on August 11, 3114 B.C. On this Winter Soltice 2012, the present world age will end and a new world age will begin. We are shifting, astrologically, from the Age of Pisces to the Age of Aquarius. The Mayan calendar does not really “end” in 2012, but rather, all the cycles turn over and start again, vibrating to a new era. It is as if humanity and the Earth will graduate in the eyes of the Father Sun and the Grandmother Milky Way. We may trust that it is time for humanity to awaken into a true partnership with each other, with the Earth, and the Cosmos. By accepting this partnership we may claim our birthright and become Galactic Citizens who care for and sustain the planet, thus sustaining ourselves. This is clearly the challenge of our times.
New Prophecies – from the Maya Mystery School of Northern California … In the 2012 winter solstice conjunction, we will experience nothing less than a total rebirth of the planet and our consciousness, at proportions so extreme that our linear brains cannot possibly conceive of the enormity and complexity. The wisdom will be based on a totally new multidimensional consciousness that allows its initiates to function in the fourth and fifth dimensions with third-eye activation and a global consciousness that is shared through a connection of our heart chakras.
Harmonic Convergence August 17, 1987 – from The Wild Rose Dreamers Lodge … The Harmonic Convergence started on 8/17/87 which began the projected 25 year culmination of the 5,125 Great Cycle of History, as well as the 26,000-year cycle of evolution, both slated to end in 2012. The Mayans based the Mayan calendar on the universal mathematics of the fourth dimension. The frequency of time is the 13:20 ratio on which the Mayan calendar is based. Humanity is now in the process of changing the old 12:60 (twelve months in a year, 60 minutes in an hour) timing frequency to the timing of natural law, thus taking us out of time as we know it and into fourth dimensional awareness. When we have accomplished this transformation, we will enter a new path of spiritual and mental evolution in tune with the cycles of the universe. Some call this “Heaven on Earth.” Energy and The Magnetic Field – since the initiation of the Harmonic Convergence, there have been measurable increases in the energy of our planet Earth. After resonating at a base resonant frequency of 8 Hz per second for thousands of years, during which Earth has essentially been asleep, her frequency is now rising. She appears to be rising to a fundamental vibration of 13 cycles per second, as predicted by the Fibonacci series (mathematical proportions based on the Golden Mean, also called the harmonics of the universe). Accompanying this energy boost is a rapid decrease in the magnetic field that surrounds the planet. Earth and our bodies are preparing for the Zero Point (of the magnetic field) experience of change, collectively known by the ancients as The Shift of the Ages. The Shift represents a rare opportunity for collectively re-patterning the expression of human consciousness. We are receiving wake-up calls telling us to speed up our personal process of spiritual awakening.
Evidence for the Opening of the Hall of Records on December 12, 2012 – by Rush Allen … If these calculations can be backed up, you have fulfilled the ancient prophecy. It will also prove that the Hall of Records is the stars. Remember one simple fact. Everything we are and everything we can know, is within the stars. That was the fundamental synoptic meaning of the Giza complex (in Egypt).
2012 A.D. – The Year of Cosmogenesis – by Kathie Garcia …Maya Cosmogenesis is John Major Jenkins’ voluminous new work. This date is the “Zero Point” in the Mayan Galactic Calendar. In the words of Maya Calendar expert Jose Arguelles, “We are fast approaching the moment of complete planetary synchronization. on the beam, will arrive – the closing not only of the Great Cycle, but of the evolutionary interim called Homo sapiens.” The Maya were obsessed with observing and recording the cycles of Time. Their astronomical observations were incredibly precise. For example, they calculated the solar year to an accuracy of a thousandth of a decimal point over 2000 years ago! In the Mayan Factor Jose Arguelles speaks of galactic Masters who visit the Maya and leave their legacy within the Tzolkin Calendar. Zecharia Sitchin speculates that the Maya inherited their astrological knowledge from highly evolved beings from another system called Nephilim. The Maya had three calendars. All three were based on the vigesimal mathematical system (times twenty). Arguelles suggests that the calendar is more than a calendar, which explains why so much time was devoted to it. He asks, “Is the number system, so exquisitely proportioned, also a means of recording harmonic calibration that relate not just to space-time positions, but to resonant qualities of being and experience whose nature our materialistic predisposition blinds us to?” Jenkins believes, “All the values and assumptions of the previous Age will expire.” So, A.D. 2012 is more than an end date. It is a beginning date. This is the Age of Aquarius, the Golden Age foreseen by many cultures around the world, a time when, as astrologer Dane Rudhyar put it, “man is destined to be transformed into more than man.” In describing the Maya Great Cycle, Moira Timms refers to the “graduation of the lifewave.” “The duration of our 5,125 year Age,” she writes, “is the time it takes for Homo Christos to emerge from Homo sapiens.” The alignment of 2012 occurs once every 25,800 years. The part of the Milky Way that the December sun cojoins is the Galactic Center. Esoterically, it is the Great Central Sun, the great womb from which new stars are born and from which everything in our Galaxy, including us, came. The Maya knew that this rare meeting with the cosmic source and center would trigger a time of unprecedented spiritual acceleration, the transition from one World Age to another. This is the time for unearthing lost secrets for a new journey which we have already begun.
Jade Forrest – Mantis Memos - Tai Chi: An Ancient Practice for the New Age by Jill Jardine … Between August 1987 and December 21, 2012 this planet will be experiencing a “shift in vibration.” During the summer of 2000 we reached the midpoint of this galactic timetable and the cosmic energies are now apparently speeding up. Some theorists believe that our whole time/space continuum on this planet is changing which explains why linear time seems to be moving so fast. According to the Mayan Calendar, on the Winter Soltice, December 21, 2012, time runs out, the calendar stops…
Wherever there is an increase in vibration, debris starts to fall away. Watch out for the falling debris – in school, in work, in society, in government and in churchanity. The times they are a changin’.
There is a Hierarchy of Masters on this planet. The Alice Bailey books from the Lucis Trust tell about these great Teachers. For those who are just beginning their search for spiritual growth we also recommend a wonderful book – Bridges by Aart Jurriaanse.
Don't follow the wrong God home.
Be still and know.