Alice B. Landrum Middle School
SAC Minutes – 9/15/16
Ryan Player
Erika Carpenter (Teacher)
SJCSB:Kelly Barrera
ILC:Bonnie Curran
Landrum Representatives:
Rowena Barnard (Teacher)
Michelle Henzey (Teacher)
Robert Campbell (Non-Instructional)
Laurie Stanton
SAC Buddy: Donna Soncrant
PTO Representative:
Lyn Gabrielsen
Parent Representatives:
Nadia Talbot
Devon Witt
Hugh Rappa
Erika Marino
Susan Kelly
Katrina Geevers-Collins
John Noell
Lyn Gabrielsen
Business Partners:
Greg Doss
Nicole Crouch
A meeting of the Landrum Middle School Advisory Council (SAC) was held on Thursday, September 15, 2016. Chair Erika Carpenter called the meeting to order at 2:21pm. Katrina Geevers-Collins recorded the minutes. The SAC body reviewed the May minutes and found some errors. These minutes will be approved at the next meeting in October.
Principal’s News:
- Mrs. Middaugh has attended the Five Star conference and is moving forward in making our school a Five Star school.
- This year the students will follow the four C’s. This will help students take control of their learning:
Communication: Schoology will serve as a new communication tool for students, teachers, and parents.
Critical Thinking: We will focus on applying knowledge and learning how to use it in the real world.
Caring: We will promote a caring environment for all students
Collaboration:Students will learn how to work in a group and the staff will ask how to help.
- The media center is going through some changes. More details to come.
- Mr. Player is excited to be here and develop partnerships beyond the school level.
Budget Update:
Devon Witt reported that our current available budget is $9,379.00. This does not reflect school recognition funds.
PTO Update:
Lyn Gabrielsen reported that the PTO is five weeks into the school year and they have signed on $29,000 in business partners. The PTO is currently looking into ways to spend the PTO monies. The school year began with the annual welcome back lunch, and this year it was held at Guana with the theme, “Mission and Vision”. Teachers were provided startup money for their classrooms, two new water fountains were installed in the hallways, and a water cooler was placed in the teacher’s lounge. Spirit wear/apparel is new and selling well.
Lyn Gabrielsen also attended the district PTAO/SAC meeting held at the district office. The community was invited to a reception for the new superintendent finalists on Thursday, October 6th at 6pm at FCTC Building C, 2890 Collins Ave., St. Augustine, 32084.
Dr. Joyner stated that 2.5 million needs to be cut from the district. We are the 3rd smallest administration in the state with a 0.72 increase in budget last year. This year is worse.
Peachjar is the new system to distribute electronic business flyers. Businesses pay a small fee to have their information distributed in the schools. It has not been determined where these funds will be allocated at the county.
New Business:
- SAC body: Erika Carpenter went over the SAC do’s and don’ts via a Prezi presentation. SAC election was held and Hugh Rappa, Erika Rogers, and Marcy Stoudt were voted in to SAC for the 2016-2017 school year. Michelle Henzey motioned for new members to be voted in, and Devon Witt made a second motion. All approved.
- Ad Hoc bylaws: Nadia Talbot, Michelle Henzey, and Devon Witt will make up the bylaws committee.
- Survey Committee: Laurie Stanton will recruit a volunteer team at the next meeting.
- Meeting Dates: Erika Carpenter motioned for approval, and Michelle Henzey made a second motion. All approved. Below are the meeting dates for this school year:
September 15, 2016
October 20, 2016
November 17, 2016
December 15, 2016
January 19, 2017
February 16, 2017
March 23, 2017
April 20, 2017
May 18, 2017
- Achieve 3000: Bonnie Curran will present the benefits of this reading program at the next meeting. This program is used at OPE and PV High. It is designed to impact every student in all subject areas. We are looking for ways to purchase this expensive program. Rowena Barnard agreed to pilot this program in her classroom.
Old Business:
- Heikens request: Joshua Heikens requested funds to buy Kuta Software for the Math department was approved and the Math department says it has helped with making assessments and practicing skills.
- Craddock request: Dr. Jill Craddock’s book request for 85 blank books for the “100 Years of Childhood” project has been successful.
The meeting was adjourned at 3:15pm. Michelle Henzey motioned for adjournment, and Nadia Talbot made a second motion. The next meeting of the School Advisory Council will be held on October 20th, 2016 at 2:15 in the media center.