MONDAY, APRIL 11, 2011
Board Members Present: Vicki Atchley, Dana Church, Lanette Coppedge, Greg Fisher, Darita Huckabee, Norman McNickle, Diane Pedicord, Blaine Smith, Ben Stout, Ron Strecker, Gene Thaxton, Steve Willoughby
Board Members Absent: M.T. Berry, Ronnie Freeman, Linda Herndon, Leroy Lage, Darryl Maggard, Lynn Mell, Richard Ruhl, Stephen Williamson
Notice and Agenda of this regular meeting of the Statewide 911 Advisory Board was posted on the door of Room 534A of the Oklahoma State Capitol Building located at 2300 North Lincoln Boulevard on Friday, April 8, 2011. An additional posting was made at on April 7, 2011.
I. Call to Order: Meeting called to order by Chairman, Norman McNickle, at 1:30 p.m.
II. Roll Call: Quorum present
III. Introduction of Guests: Brent Hawkinson, Cheryl Taylor, Orval Jones, Gene Linton, Matt Stillwell, Allen Stephenson, Stephen Bradley, Shelly Stahlbusch, Marty A. Kimble, Shelly Epperson
IV. Approval of February 18, 2011 minutes: Motion to approve minutes made by Steve Willoughby. Motion seconded by Ben Stout. Motion passed unanimously.
V. Discussion and possible action on legislative issues affecting 911: HB1595 is being passed on the Senate floor. The bill fixes language that would allow for nine counties to have their pre-paid fees held in escrow at the cog level. SB 175 currently provides that the Office of Homeland Security become the State manager of 9-1-1. Senator Anderson suggested however that a task force, being the Statewide 9-1-1 Advisory Board, be created to develop a plan that would provide for more uniform build out and deal with all issues on 9-1-1.
VI. Update concerning the State of Oklahoma’s E911 Grant: Gene Thaxton provided updates to the status of Agencies’ grant project progress. Three of the fourteen projects have been completed and Agencies are in various project stages.
VII. Update from Nominating Committee for Board Officers: The Committee has not had the opportunity to meet yet, but is looking to do so in the near future.
VIII. Discussion and possible action regarding training programs for 911 Communications Officers: The head of the training programs committee was not in attendance. No discussion or action was made on this agenda item.
April 11, 2011 Statewide 911 Advisory Board Meeting Minutes
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IX. Public comments concerning 911: No public comments voiced.
X. New Business: A letter of recommendation for the president of APCO President Dick Morgan has been received by the President Pro Tempore’s office and a follow up call was made to their office to this week. The letter is still going through the approval process however.
XI. Adjournment: Motion to adjourn made by Gene Thaxton and seconded by Lanette Coppedge. Motion passed unanimously.
Adopted this 2nd Day of June 2011.
Chairman Secretary