Guidance Notes for Research Degrees Examiners Fees and Expenses

Fees and expenses incurred as a result of examining work will be paid upon receipt of both the Claim formand the completed Examination Outcome form, with both the preliminary reports and the final joint reportsent within two weeks of the oral examination.

Claim Form – To ensure payment please complete the Claim Form. The predetermined fee for examination is £100 for MPhil and £150 for PhD examinations.

Guidance on expenses is set out below and more detailed advice can be found at

Any expenses claimed must be accompanied by receipts. Financial pressures prevent the college from being able to meet the excess on expenses incurred through departure from these guidelines. Further clarification on any possible excess incurred as result of the examination should be obtained by contacting the Head of Quality, Planning and Academic Governance, prior to the examination(020 7919 7515).


  • For travel within Europe, economy class tickets should be obtained
  • Rail travel should be in standard class and pre-booked
  • Local bus, tram and underground train fares for business journeys (not home-to-office) can be claimed
  • Private Motor Vehicles should only be used under the following conditions: Where the traveler is disabled or is assisting a disabled person; where the destination is not accessible or requires an excessively long or arduous journey by public transport; where it can be shown to be cost effective (claimants must include evidence of the cost of public transport with any such claim).


When employees are away from their normal place of work on College business they can claim subsistence to cover the cost of food e.g. lunch where away from the College for more than 4 hours; if away overnight – accommodation, breakfast and dinner

  • Lunch all places, maximum of £10
  • Dinner, all places, maximum of £30


  • Overnight accommodation with friends/relatives (up to 24 hours) maximum £25.00
  • Overnight (B&B or hotel up to 24 hours) within London, maximum £128.00
  • Overnight (B&B or hotel up to 24 hours) outside London, maximum £92.00