MARCH 11, 2009

Present:R. Cabral, G. Casillas, S. Corbett, M. Dean, C. Guerrero, B. Hough,

G. Lewis Huddleston, A. Lynch, C. Mainzer,J. Merrill, S. Ordonez,

J. Redding, C. Tafoya

Absent:M. Corral, C. Dorrance, P. Houdeshell, G. Lopez, F. Martin, J. McArthur, P. Mendez,C. Morla, W. Rivera

Guests:Alan Ainsworth and Maria Parker



Jenny Redding opened the meeting at 2:40 p.m.

Adoption of the Agenda

Agenda adopted as presented


Approval of the Minutes

The minutes of the March 25, 2009 meeting were approved as adopted.

Moved/Seconded/Passed1 abst.


Career & Technical Education

Catalog changes:

Dental Assisting – Page 4: DA R023 – Ethics and Jurisprudence for the Dental AssistingAssistant

Dental Hygiene –Page 2: . . . Written Board Examination . . . .Licensing Board Examination. Page 2 and Page 3: MICRO R100 and MICRO R100L

Economic Development & Innovation


Liberal Studies


Math/Science/PE/Fine & Performing Arts

GEOL R103 –Introduction to Oceanography – SLO needs work. PULLED

MST R103 –Introduction to Oceanography – Course Outline changes: II.D. Field trips may be required. SLO needs work. PULLED

MUS R110A –Voice I: Fundamentals of Vocal Technique – First Reading changes had been made.

MUS R110B – Voice II: Vocal Development and the Song – PREQ changes: 1.B. vocalizses. C. HaveList a . . . . .

MUS R110C – Voice III: Vocal Development and the Aria – PREQ changes: 1.B.


MUS R110D –Voice IV: Voice in Musical Theatre – PREQ changes: 1.A. ExplainTthe ...... B. . . . . exercises and vocalizses to establish . . . . .

Student Services



The Curriculum Committee has adopted a policy to streamline the procedure for processing course outlines. For future course outlines submitted, minor changes and editorial changes will be forwarded privately to the authors, and the committee will only deal with substantive changes.

Career & Technical Education

Alan Ainsworth presented the AC courses.

Global comments for AC course outlines:

In Section D. CATALOG DESCRIPTION and E. SCHEDULE DESCRIPTION - Make sure the most updated versions are submitted.

In Section V. METHODS OF INSTRUCTION – Take out phrases that refer to specific chapters, i.e. reading and answering questions from chapters 1-9 in the text book.

On the SLO appendix the Course ID should have a space between the discipline and the number. The number should begin with the letter R and then a zero, i.e. AC R010.

AC R010 – Air Conditioning & Refrigeration I

AC R010L – Air Conditioning & Refrigeration I Lab

AC R011L – Air Conditioning & Refrigeration II Lab

AC R020 – Electrical Systems I

AC R020L – Electrical Systems I Lab

AC R021L – Electrical Systems II Lab – PREQ changes: 1. - AC R020L SLO changes: 2. Delete the last paragraph in this section.

AC R040 – Heating and Control Systems

Robert Cabral presented the CIS course.

CIS R009 – Office Procedures – Outline changes: II.D. Current – Delete last sentence. Previous, if different – . . . . . origination orf correspondence, . . . .

Alex Lynch presented the ENGT courses:

ENGT R101 - Introduction to Computer Network Technology – Outline changes: I.B. . . networking distance education course that . . . III.A. Explain how . . . SLO changes: 4. SLO #1 – Consider rewording the phrase “to the satisfaction of the instructor.”

ENGT R112 –Digital and Analog Circuits –Outline changes: I.C. (ENGT R112 & R113). V. METHODS OF INSTRUCTION SLO changes: 5. SLO #1: . . . the Boolean algebra problem . . .

Economic Development & Innovation


Liberal Studies


Math/Science/PE/Fine & Performing Arts


Student Services


First Reading Approval


First Reading Approval for: AC R010, AC R010L, AC R011L, AC R020, AC R020L, AC R021L, AC R040, CIS R009, ENGT R101, ENGT R112

Distance Learning Approval

BUS R111A, CIS R041, ENGT R101, LA R103, LA R104, LA R105, LA R106,

LA R108

Prerequisite Approval

AC R011L, AC R021L, MUS R110B, MUS R110C, MUS R110D





Consent Items


Consent Item Approval for Title 5 Mandated Repeatability Changes:

ASL R101, ASL R102, ASL R103, ASL R104, AT R020, AT R021, CD R042,

CD R044, CD R050, CD R051, CD R053, ENGL R080, ENGL R103, ENGL R130,

FT R069B, HED R010, IDS R110, LS R006, LS R016A, LS R016B, LS R017,

LS R018A, LS R018B, MST R195, PG R102, TV R104, TV R105



Shannon distributed copies of a report from The University of California and State University of California showing decisions on courses submitted for GE Breadth, IGETC, and the CSU’s American Institutions requirements.

DTRW Report

The next meeting will be held on Thursday, April 23. In order to make the agenda, course revisions must be sent to Betty by Friday morning (April 17). Note: After the meeting Betty was informed that the next meeting will be Thursday, April 30. The deadline for submissions in order to make that agenda is Friday, April 24 by 12:00 noon.

Title 5 Repeatability Changes for Courses Not Available On-line

Betty distributed copies of this report which shows 24 courses that are not available on-line. Gwendolyn will take this matter to Deans’ Council for resolution.


The meeting was adjourned at 4:15p.m.


After the meeting Betty was advised that the DTRW meeting normally scheduled for next week had been rescheduled to Thursday, April 30.

The following courses will be sent to DTRW after Betty receives First Reading changes:

CIS R009Office Procedures

ENGT R101Introduction to Computer Network Technology

ENGT R112Digital and Analog Circuits