Out of the pinpoint light of a star,
Out of a journey cold and far,
Out of a seed in the wind above,
Out of the human need for love,
Out of the clouds into snowflakes torn,
Out of the night’s desire for morn,
Tonight a new boy born,
Tonight a new boy born,
Tonight a new boy born,
Tonight a new boy born.
Part 1: Out of the spreading wings of a bird,
Part 2: Out of an angel’s whispered word,
Part 1: Out of the cities asleep so deep,
Part 2: Out of the fields of cows and sheep,
All: Out of the midnight hour and the dawn,
Out of a labour bravely born.
Part 1:Tonight,
Part 2:Tonight a new boy born,
Part 1:Tonight,
Part 2:Tonight a new boy born,
All:Tonight a new boy born,
Tonight a new boy born.
Out of a trumpet’s triumphant note,
Out of a donkey’s wordless throat,
Out of the soul’s desire for more,
Out of the straw on a stable floor,
Out of a light from the heavens torn,
Out of a cross fashioned from corn,
Tonight a new boy born….
Part 1:Tonight,
Part 2: Tonight a new boy born…BmOut of the piBm/Anpoint G7light of a starF#7,
BmOut of a Bm/Ajourney G7cold and farF#m,
C/EOut of a G7seed in the D/F#wind abovBm7e,
G7Out of the D/F#human Eneed for love,
G6Out of the F#7clouds into Bmsnowflakes tornF#m/A,
G6Out of the F#7night's deEmsire for morAn,
F#7To - Bmnight a F#7new boy Bmborn,
ToAnight a Em/Gnew boy F#7born,
ToE9night a A7new boy Dborn,G7
Em7Tonight a F#m7new boy BmbornF#/A#. GEm/GF#7BmF#m/AEm7/GF#7
Part 1: BmOut of the Bm/Aspreading G7wings of a biF#7rd,
Part 2: BmOut of an Bm/Aangel's G7whispered woF#mrd,
Part 1: C/EOut of the Bm/Gcities asD/F#leep so Bm7deep,
Part 2: G7Out of the D/F#fields of Ecows and sheep,
AllG6: Out of the F#7midnight Bmhour and the dF#m/Aawn,
G6Out of a F#7labour Embravely bornA.
Part 1: F#7/ATo - nBmight,F#7Bm
Part 2: To - night a new boy born,
Part 1: ATonight,Em/GF#7
Part 2: Tonight a new boy born,
All: ToEm9night a A7new boy Dborn,G7
Em7Tonight a F#m7new boy Bmborn. F#/A#GEm/GF#7BmF#/A#G6F#7
BmOut of a Bm/Atrumpet's triG7umphant nF#7ote,
BmOut of a Bm/Adonkey's G7wordless F#m7throat,
C/EOut of the Bmsoul's desD/F#ire for Bm7more,
G7Out of the D/F#straw on a Estable floor,
G6Out of a F#7light from the Bmheavens F#m7/Atorn,
G6Out of a F#7cross Emfashioned from Acorn,
F#7To - Bmnight a F#7new boy Bmborn,
ToAnight a Em/Gnew boy F#7born,
ToE9night a A7new boy Dborn,G7
EmTonight a C#7new boy F#born.
A new boy born.
Part 1: ToBmnight,F#7Bm
Part 2: Tonight a new boy born,
Part 1: ToAnight,Em/GF#7
Part 2: Tonight a new boy born,
All: ToEm9night a A7new boy Dborn,G7
Em7Tonight a F#7sus4new boy B7bornEm7. D7C7B