Tiree Community Development Trust

Board Meeting

Date / 13th June 2017
Time / 7.30pm
Venue / Trust Offices
Present / Trust Directors: Fiona Malcolm, Ian Tainsh, Rosaleen Campbell, John Bowler, Adam Milne, Isabella MacKinnon,
Neil MacPhail, Ann MacDonald (after item 2)
Staff:Shari MacKinnon, Andy Wright, Donna MacLean (Item 5 only)
Apologies: William Angus MacLean, Martin Finnigan, Craig Smith

1.  Welcome and Apologies

·  AW welcomed all present, apologies were received from WAM, MF and CS.

2.  Appointment of Office Bearers

·  Chair – It was proposed and seconded that IT be the Chair.

There being no other nominations, IT was elected as Chair and proceeded to chair the meeting.

·  Vice-Chair – It was proposed and seconded that NMP be Vice-Chair.

There being no other nominations, NMP was elected as Vice-Chair.

·  It was agreed to defer the appointment of Treasurer and Secretary until July meeting pending feedback from other directors.

·  It was voted unanimously that Martin Finnegan and Ann MacDonald be co-opted as directors for another year.

3.  Minutes of Previous Meeting

·  The minutes of the previous meeting were proposed by IMK and seconded by JB.

4.  Matters Arising and Previous Actions

·  It was noted that the board of directors are keen to see AW complete a form of managerial/HR training. AM/IT/AW to arrange meeting and discuss further. AW to action.

·  It was noted that the new Sage software upgrade is complete and Sage 50c is now being used for Trust and TREL finance.

·  A response had been received from TC Young regarding suggested Heads of Terms for Hynish. These draft terms of agreement have been passed to Hebridean Trust, awaiting feedback – chase up. AW to action.

·  Asset transfer of the public toilets in Scarinish – agreed to ask Tiree Community Council to keep us updated regarding this. AW to action.

5.  Presentation from Donna MacLean – Music & Culture Coordinator

·  DML attended to give an update on progress with Music & Culture project.

·  DML is mainly working with 5 groups: Tiree Music Festival, Fèis Thiriodh, Piping Society/Pipe Band, Comann nam Parant and Music Club.

·  Ongoing activity & project work includes, Gaelic language development, Ùlpan, Ranger service collaboration and investigating funding opportunities.

·  Other aspects of DML’s job are organising the Trust’s annual community events (Hogmanay Dance, Bonfire Night, Christmas Lights etc.) and communications (website, social media, An Tirisdeach updates).

·  IT thanked DML for her comprehensive presentation and the board agreed the post has developed very well over the last few years.

6.  Conflict of Interest

·  AMD declared a conflict of interest under item 6 of the agenda Windfall Fund – Finn MacDonald.

·  IMK, AM & RC declared conflicts of interest under item 14 of the agenda An Talla Windfall Award.

7.  Paper on Rotation of Directors

·  A paper prepared by the Finance Subcommittee and previously circulated was discussed. The paper proposed to amend the Memorandum and Articles of Association (M&A) to limit the time any director can serve on the board continuously to 9 years (3 terms of 3 years), at which point they would retire for a minimum of one year before being eligible to re-stand for election. Although this is not required by law, various articles and reviews were highlighted which suggest it is good practise. Several other island Development Trusts have similar rules.

·  It was agreed, following a lengthy discussion that the way forward would be to write up a policy (rather than amend the M&A) which would be agreed by the directors, outlining the above principle. This was agreed as a more suitable option for the time being, as opposed to a change to the M&A. Finance Subcommittee to discuss and bring revised paper to next meeting. AMD/IT/MF to action.

8.  AGM Debrief

·  It was agreed that future AGM’s must be combined with another event, in order to attract members. Soup and sandwiches, Children’s activities, Part of the Open Day were a few of the ideas discussed.

·  It was agreed to think about amending the conditions of Windfall awards so that a member of the recipient group should attend the AGM, this would help to ensure a quorum is present.

·  It was agreed a short directors meeting should be held immediately following the AGM to appoint a new Chair, and to discuss co-opted directors. This will ensure there is no ‘limbo’ period where there is no chair.

9.  Growth Plan 2017 - 2020

·  The consultation period runs until Monday 19th June. AW reported that approximately six responses have been received so far.

·  It was agreed to review the action dates, to ensure they are all feasible. Consultation responses also to be reviewed. AW/AM/WAML/IT to action.

10.  Windfall


·  Several enquiries were received and discussed. LR to feedback to enquirers.


·  Finn MacDonald

§  An application was received from Finn MacDonald for £192.92 to go towards Travelling to Scottish Surf Championships – total project cost is £715.85.

§  This application was approved and Finn MacDonald will receive £192.92 to go towards this project.

·  Tiree Music Festival

§  An Application was received from TMF for £2,021.04 to go towards Security Equipment – total project cost is £2,887.20.

§  This application was approved and TMF will receive £2,021.04 to go towards this project.

§  Agreed to investigate if Windfall signage can be placed on some of the barriers, which will be made available for use by the community.

·  Tiree Community Council

§  An application was received from Tiree Community Council for £3,000 to go towards their project Tiree Flag – total project cost is £3,400.

§  This application was approved and Tiree Community Council will receive £3,000 to go towards this project.

·  An Iodhlann

§  An application was received from An Iodhlann for £2,470 to go towards Airport historical display cases – total project cost is £3,180.

§  This application was approved and An Iodhlann will receive £2,470 to go towards this project.

·  Tiree Community Council

§  It was agreed to award Tiree Community Council £1,500 as a lump sum towards their running costs over the next two years.

·  An Talla paper re previous award

§  It was agreed that this item would be held over until the end of the meeting so that IMK, AM & RC who had declared conflicts of interest could leave the meeting.

Publication of Windfall Awards

·  A discussion took place, and it was agreed to publicise Windfall awards, when they have been paid out rather than when awarded. This should ensure that there is no confusion if a group or individual doesn’t take up a grant award offer for any reason.

11.  Finance

·  The budget report was previously circulated and discussed.

·  AMD had prepared a Windfall Fund cash flow, which was circulated and AMD introduced the report and led the discussion. This is a working document and will continue to be reviewed periodically.

12.  Staff & Project Reports

·  Project and core activities reports had been previously circulated and were discussed.

·  It was noted that the installation of moorings at Gott Bay has now been completed.

·  It was agreed to review staff/director line management allocations at July board meeting.

·  It was agreed to place an advert in An Tirisdeach seeking quotations for the replacement of two fire doors in Units 1 & 2 of the Business Centre. AW confirmed that the Trust are responsible for this work as the Trust has a full repairing lease with TCB the building owners. AW to action.

13.  AOCB

·  It was agreed to investigate the costings of setting up an @tireetrust email address for all directors. SMK to action.

·  Scottish Islands Federation may seek funding for a staff/director’s fact-finding exchange with other Development Trusts. It was agreed to investigate if this would be of interest to Tiree Trust, and produce a paper for July board meeting. AMD to action.

·  It was noted that the directors of Cùram Thiriodh are currently discussing a transfer of administration work to Tiree Trust. They are also considering the transfer of the Outreach Worker post to Tiree Trust as employer. This would allow the Outreach Worker to join the Trust pension scheme.

14.  An Talla Windfall Award

·  Before leaving the meeting both IMK and RC expressed concern that they had received the review paper as they had conflicts of interest. This was noted. At this point TMK, RC and AM were thanked for their attendance and they left the meeting.

·  A background report had been circulated prior to the meeting regarding An Talla’s renovation work (supply and fitting of new doors and windows, supplying and fitting of new external car park lighting and construction of external safety wall). The salient points of this paper were then discussed in some detail. It was noted that An Talla had previously been awarded £35,837.60 in December towards the cost of supplying and fitting of new doors and windows, whilst knowing that the true cost of the door s and windows was significantly higher. A lengthy discussion took place based on the facts as set out in the report and it was agreed that An Talla’s Windfall award towards the cost of renovations was revised and agreed as £45,887.60. This is an increase of £10,030 consisting of a further £5,000 towards the cost of the doors and windows and £5,030 to cover the full cost of the other work elements namely external lighting and safety walls.

·  It was agreed that a condition of this grant would be that The Trust will open talks with An Talla and Tiree Community Business regarding the ongoing management and maintenance of An Talla.

·  It was further agreed that the FSG would review the Trust’s grant application process and prepare a discussion paper on whether more robust procedures should be introduced.

15.  DONM

·  The date of the next meeting is Tuesday 11th July 7.30pm.

·  There being no other business the meeting was closed at 11.15pm.

Summary of Actions

Mgt to discuss managerial/HR training / Andy Wright, Adam Milne, Ian Tainsh / 30 June
Follow up with Hebridean Trust / Andy Wright / 23 June
Request to be kept in loop re Scarinish public toilets from TCC / Andy Wright / 23 June
Progress rotation of directors item / Ann MacDonald, Ian Tainsh, Martin Finnigan / 5 July
Review Growth Plan responses and dates / Andy Wright, Ian Tainsh, Adam Milne, William Angus MacLean / 30 June
An Tirisdeach advert for fire doors / Andy Wright / 30 June
Investigate @tireetrust emails for directors / Shari MacKinnon / 30 June
SIF exchange paper for July board / Ann MacDonald / 5 July
Paper on grant application processes / FSG / 5 July