Natural Resources Core (Year 1)
TNC 6010 / Instructor
Alexis “Koko” Jinbo-Doran / Contact Information
Course Description
This course is designed for students who plan to pursue careers in the Natural Resources Career Pathway. Students will be introduced to basic concepts in natural Resources production, earth, environmental, and energy systems. Using an interdisciplinary approach, the following will be covered: 1) Natural Resources systems and process, 2) Technology and Biotechnology, 3) Natural Resources Management, 4) Environmental Stewardship, and 5) Legal Responsibilities and Ethics.
The ultimate question of this course is: How can a community (individual/school/state/country/world) make efficient use of declining resources? Each quarter, we will work to answer this question through a different theme.
Course Goals
Career and Technical Education Pathway Standards for Natural Resources Core
- Evaluate how natural resource systems interface to fulfill society’s needs.
- Evaluate personal interests, strengths and compatibility with various natural resources careers.
- Assess and evaluate natural resource work environments for health and safety.
- Use various documents and resources to analyze legal and ethical considerations in natural resources.
- Generate/create solutions that enhance and/or sustain natural resource systems.
- Use communication skills to effectively transfer and exchange natural resource information.
Expectations for Student Behavior
- Please refrain from eating food or drinking sugary drinks (but water is fine).
- Please follow the red-yellow-green sheets.
- When the RED sheet is posted on the whiteboard:
- listen to the speaker
- raise your hand and wait to be called on to speak
- do not use your phone at all. The Kalani High School Electronics Policy applies when the red sheet is posted.
- do not work on assignments from other classes.
- When the YELLOW sheet is posted on the whiteboard:
- listen for occasional directions and instructions.
- phone use and headphones are ok after you get the teacher's permission.
- no talking on the phone.
- do only the work assigned for Natural Resources, not another class.
- When the GREEN sheet is posted on the whiteboard:
- you may use your phones as you wish.
- no talking on the phone.
- if you are listening to music or other sounds, you must use headphones.
- you may do work from other classes.
Consequences for Inappropriate Behavior
- Private meeting with the teacher to discuss behavior
- Confiscation of distracting and/or banned items
- Loss of privileges (like participating in field trips)
- Detention during lunch or after school
- Write an apology letter
- Phone call home
- Referral to the counselor and/or administration
Major Course Ideas, Assessments, and Units
Activities, projects, and units on this list are subject to change at any time during the year.
Unit / Guiding Questions / Assessments
Quarter 1:
-Introduction to Agriculture Education
-Plant Science
-Soil Science /
- What is sustainability and how does it relate to my life?
- What is FFA and how can it impact me?
- What is agriculture and what are the different types of it?
- What agricultural careers might be suitable for me?
- How do we establish and maintain a safe farm environment?
- What are the four plant groups?
- How do we identify plants?
- How do we classify soils?
- Agricultural Career Project: Informational brochure written for high school students about your assigned occupation
- Analysis of NR standards
- Scientific experiment on rate of decomposition in composting
- Maintain garden
- Learn water and soil testing
- Grow pumpkins, beans, and corn
Quarter 2:
-Natural and Manmade Recycling /
- How do various nutrients cycle through an environment?
- How can humans reduce, reuse, and recycle any natural resources?
- What agricultural careers might be suitable for me?
- Agricultural Career Project: read and summarize three articles involving someone with your assigned occupation
- Debate on waste and energy
- Maintain garden
- Make paper out of recycled scrap paper and other materials
- Grow and propagate succulent plants and make mini gardens
Quarter 3:
-Invasive Species /
- What is an invasive species?
- What is the difference between “invasive,” “introduced,” “endangered,” “extinct,” “native,” and “indigenous”?
- How do we maintain Hawaii’s biodiversity and prevent invasion by alien organisms?
- What agricultural careers might be suitable for me?
- Agricultural Career Project: describe “A Day in the Life” for your assigned job
- Original game to teach others about protecting Hawaii from invasive species
- Maintain garden
- Grow native plants
- Make natural fiber rope and test its strength, length, and flexibility
Quarter 4:
-Water Conservation /
- Where does water come from?
- How is water delivered to populations?
- How is dirty water treated for reuse and release to environment?
- How did the ahupua’a system of land management work?
- How are plants adapted to drought and arid climates?
- What are water rights and how do they currently affect our community?
- What agricultural careers might be suitable for me?
- Agricultural career project: mock job interview for your assigned job OR interview someone who currently has your assigned job
- Build a diorama model of Dryville to show how water is distributed throughout a city
- Maintain garden
- Organize shop and clean up garden
Grading Policy
- Assessments are separated into three categories:
- Individual Work – 40% of the overall grade
- Group Projects – 30% of the overall grade
- Outside Work – 30% of the overall grade
- Grades will be updated on the Kalani High School website at least every other Sunday.
- Please write in pencil, blue ink or black ink. Please do not write in GREEN ink.
- Assignments can be found on the class website on
- If you have any questions or concerns about an assignment, it is YOUR RESPONSIBILITY to speak to the teacher before the assignment is due.
- If you are absent from class, it is YOUR RESPONSIBILITY to speak to the teacher when you return about work you may have missed.
- Late work will be accepted until the end of the quarter in which it was due. There is no late penalty to the original grade. However, a late assignment’s grade online will remain a zero until the assignment is turned in. Too many missing assignments and the student's overall grade will be very low, which can cause the student to be ineligible for extracurricular activities like athletics and clubs.
- Plagiarism is not tolerated. For the first offense, the plagiarized assignment will receive a zero score (including retakes) and your counselor will be notified and a referral will be written. For offenses after that, the administration will help to determine the appropriate consequences.
Outdoor Policies
- ABSOLUTELY no horseplay. If you show through your actions that you are not ready to take advantage of all we can learn from Kipuka Kalani’iki, security will escort you to the main office.
- Allergies: If you have any allergies (bee stings/insect bites, pollen, etc.), please alert the teacher as soon as possible.
- Sun protection: When we are outside, you may wear a hat to shield you from the sun. Sunscreen is also recommended.
- Bug protection: On days that we work outside, it might be helpful for you to wear long sleeves and pants and/or bring insect repellent if you are sensitive to bug bites.
- Hydration: It can be very hot outside, so please feel free to bring a container of water to drink.
Acceptance of Syllabus
By completing and signing the form below, you indicate your acceptance of course policies as described in the syllabus.
Course: Natural Resources Core (Year 1) Period: ______
Parent/guardian email address: ______
I have received and read the course syllabus and understand the teacher’s classroom expectations.
Student Name (printed) Student Signature
Parent/Guardian Name (printed) Parent/Guardian Signature