The Friends of the Stoughton Public LibraryNewsletter 1|Page Summer 2017
Friends of the
Stoughton Public Library
Summer 2017
A very special thanks goes out to all those who helped with theSpring/Summer Book Sale. It was a great success. A special thanks also goes out to the book lovers among you who came away with some great reads. Now that’s the way to enjoy the summer!
Do you purchase items off of Amazon? If you do a part of your purchase can go to the Friends of the Stoughton Public Library. When you shop Amazon consider using AmazonSmile. Simply go to: from your web browser or mobile device. If this is your first visit, before you begin shopping, you will need to select the Friends as the charitable organizationtoreceive donations from your eligible purchases. Then every eligible purchase you make on that site results in the Friends getting a donation, it’s a win-win transaction!
August 9: Friend’s Board Meeting – Library Carnegie Room (6:00 pm – 8:30 pm)
November 4: Fall Fundraiser – Holiday Lunch at BBG’s with Dean Martin tribute artist, Russ Loniello (10:30 am-2:00 pm). Call 608.873.4050 if you would like to reserve a table or make a table centerpiece for the auction.Bring your friends, neighbors, relatives!
November 8: Friend’s Board Meeting – Library Carnegie Room (6:00 pm – 8:30 pm.)
November 30 – December 2: Fall/Winter Book Sale – Library Carnegie Room
The mission of the Friends of the Stoughton Public Library is to promote library services to the Stoughton community; to stimulate gifts and bequests to the library; to provide support for library programs; and to encourage the broadest possible use of the library’s facilities, materials and services.– Adopted: January 20, 1984
Einstein’s Greatest Mistakeby David Bodanis
More print has been devoted to Einstein that any other scientist in history, yet what do we really know about the man? This book explores the profound mistake Einstein made at the peak of his powers which would tear apart his life, and lead to decades of near isolation. This fascinating story encompasses Einstein’s theory of relativity-made accessible to the general reader-as well as exploring the numerous facets of the great man’s life, and holds many lessons for those keen to learn from the mistakes of the genius.
The Lost Order by Steve Berry
From the backrooms of the Smithsonian to the deepest woods in rural Arkansas, and finally up into the rugged mountains of northern New Mexico, The Lost Order is a perilous adventure into our country’s dark past, and a potentially even darker future. The Lost Order continues renowned New York Times top 5 bestseller Steve Berry’s Cotton Malone series with another riveting, history-based thriller.
Amanda Bosky has been involved with library youth services since 2000. She began her career in south Florida, moving to Wisconsin in 2013. She loves to read books to children and teens. In her spare time she writes, watches horror movies and enjoys time with her family and pets. She has a dog, Ripley, and two guinea pigs, Caz and Palli. Ripley was named after the lead character in the movie “Alien” and Caz and Palli refer to characters from Lois McMasterBjuold’sCurse of Chalion. Amanda’s favorite reads include what is referred to as speculative fiction of which Bujold is a master. One of her favorites is Orlando by Virginia Woolf.
I loved reading all my life.– John Wayne
On Monday, August 21, 2017, the Stoughton Public Library will be hosting Stoughton’s first solar eclipse event at the Stoughton Rotary Park Gazebo, 401 West Main Street, Stoughton WI 53589. The event begins at 11:30 am. The first 50 people who arrive will receive free special eclipse viewing glasses. This event is for all ages and no preregistration is necessary. Bring your curiosity and enjoy a rare astronomical event.
Please note: If you arrive and the special glasses are no longer available, a demonstration will show you how to safely view the eclipse without looking at the sun itself. Viewing the sun without special protection can cause permanent eye damage.
This will be a total eclipse of the sun and will occur exclusively over the US moving coast to coast. The last total solar eclipse in the continental United States took place in 1970 and was only visible in Washington state and Montana. The last time Wisconsin had a total solar eclipse was in 1954 when it sliced across the top part of the state from Hudson Wisconsin to Hurley before entering the upper peninsula of Michigan.Unfortunately, Stoughton is not in the path of totality for this eclipse and, therefore, will only experience close to 86% totality.
In the event of rain, another eclipseis scheduled for April 8th, 2024. If you wish to wait until Stoughton gets a total solar eclipse,you’ll have to wait until 2099.
The New York Public Library was dedicated in 1911. It is the second-largest public library in the U.S. - behind the Library of Congress - and fourth-largest in the world. The idea for the library took off in the late 1800s, with the death of former New York governorSamuel J. Tilden. When he passed away in 1886,he had a net worth of 7 million dollars which is equal to around 200 million in 2017. In life he had strongly believed in the need for a public library, and his will left over $2 million for its inception.For years, New York City had already had two major libraries - the Astor and the Lenox. The Astor Library was purely a reference stock hold, and as such it did not circulate its books. The Lenox was even more exclusive as a collection of rare books intended primarily for scholarship. The Lenox was free, but required tickets of admission. In 1895, a plan was solidified to combine the Lenox and Astor libraries with the Tilden funds to create a truly public New York library. More than 1 million books were available for checkout. Around 40,000 visitors showed up on opening day. In the following years, Scottish-American steel baron Andrew Carnegie helped to fund branch libraries across the city. Today, the library exists in 92 locations, holds nearly 53 million items, and serves about 18 million patrons.
The Friends has a vacant Board position. If you are interested, call 608.873.4050 or come to the next Board meeting, August 9, 2017.
Public Relations Chairperson: This position works to facilitate fundraising events and similar activities as the need arises including website updates. This is a great opportunity to meet new people, plan a party e.g., the Fall Fundraiser, and work to raise money for library resources and programming.
Some people drink from the fountain of knowledge, others just gargle. – Robert Anthony
Anyone can be a Friend of the library!
For as little as $10.00 you can become a member.
Check out the Friends bulletin board in the library lobby or
download a registration form at
The Friends of the Stoughton Public LibraryNewsletter 1|Page Summer 2017
Stoughton Public Library
304 South Fourth Street
Stoughton WI 53589
Library Hours:
Monday – Thursday 9am – 9pm
Friday – Saturday 9am – 5pm
Sunday (Sept-May) 1pm-5pm
Friends of the
Stoughton Public Library
Board Members
Committee Chairs
President…………………………………………Amy Allen
Vice-President……………………………Priscilla Flood
Secretary……………….….………..Claudette Higgins
Treasurer……………….……….……………Jeanne Burt
Book Sale/Book Cart Chair………………Amy Allen
Membership Chair...……………...Nancy Fuhrman
Newsletter Chair…………………..….Ralph Winrich
Pie Place Chair……………………………..Jeanne Burt
Public Relations Chair………………………....Vacant
Fundraising Events Chair………………..……Vacant
If you have questions or would like additional information, please call the Friends at 608.873.4050 or email .
The Friends of the Stoughton Public LibraryNewsletter 1|Page Summer 2017
Friends of the Stoughton Public Library
2364 Jackson St #186
Stoughton WI 53589