ReviewProcess for New/Revised Courses and Programs
- Work with your Program and Policy (P & P) representative to createproposal
- Review instructions for form(new or changes) (see OAA website or GSE wiki:
- Note GSE syllabi requirements(see GSE Instructor Handbook at
- Provide a single Word document with both proposal and syllabus
- Approval at program meeting
- Submit proposal to the Department Chair for Fiscal Feasibility Review
- Chair will meet with GSE Chief Financial Officer to determine the fiscal feasibility of new or changed courses/programs
- Present to department faculty; gain approval and signatures (proposer, department curriculum chair/program coordinator, department chair)
- Submit to Program and Policy chair
- Need 1 week prior to scheduled meeting (usually 2nd and 4thTuesdays)
- Submit both electronic version and papercopy with signatures to P & P chair
- Plan to attend P & P committee meeting
- Program and Policy committee reviews proposal
- Small editorial changes will be made by the committee;a revised copy will be forwarded to department
- Significant changes will be returned to department withdetailed instructions for resubmission
- Changes are made and resubmitted to Program and Policy
- Use track changes to make changes
- Respond to instructions with a written memo to show how committee comments were addressed
- Program and Policy re-reviews proposal
- Approved proposal is presented to the GSE by P&P chair
- Proposals are posted on the Wiki for facultyand staff review (notice sent via email)
- Proposals are packagedas a consent agenda
- If there is a question about a proposal, it will be pulledfromthe consent agenda and addressed separately
- There is a one-week review of proposals prior to “approval”
- New Programs need to be submitted for external review
- Meet with GSE Associate Dean
- GSE approved proposal sentto OAA by P&P chair
- Proposals are reviewed for issues (questions come back to P & P chair)
- Proposals entered into the PSU curriculumtracker system(
- PSU Consortium Review(For programs that are leading to licensure)
- Reviewsand evaluates, and makes recommendations on the design, implementation, evaluation, and improvement of the program.
- Documentation needed for the Teacher Standards and Practices Commission (TSPC) approval process.
- For the TSPC approval process, meet with the Director of Licensure.
- Faculty Senate Curriculum Committee (if undergraduate courses)/Grad Council reviews proposal
- Grad Council may contact proposer or department with questions; may be asked to attend meetings (work with your Department Chair)
- If you are contacted by the Grad Council,inform the GSE Associate Dean
- Grad Council approves proposal
- Faculty Senate Budget Committee (Concurrent review with Curriculum Committee and/or Graduate Council)
- Budget Committee member may contact proposer or department with questions; may be asked to attend meetings (work with your Department Chair)
- If you are contacted by the Budget Committee, inform the GSE Associate Dean
- Grad Council approves proposal
- Faculty Senate reviews proposal
- May be asked to attend meeting (keep the GSE Associate Dean informed)
- Faculty senate approves proposal
- Further review
- The final review steps are dependent upon whether the courses/programs are being changed or are new AND type of program (e.g., graduate certificate, degree).
Specific steps for each type of change or addition can be found at
Revised December 16, 2014