A World-wide Call to
The Community ofexpertsin the fieldof bioethics.
Dear Colleagues,
Re: Invitation:
The UNESCOChair inBioethics takes the liberty andis pleased to inviteyou to become an active member of the
InternationalScientificCommittee of the
International Conference on Bioethics Education
The Committee will be authorized to compile the final version of the scientific program
Your application should be provided along witha CV document
Conference Secretariat
POB 574
Jerusalem, Israel 91004
tel:+972-2-6520574; fax 972-2-6520558
UNESCO Chair in Bioethics
8th International Conference
Bioethics Education:
Contents, Methods, Trends
September 2-5, 2012, Zefat, Israel
The Conference is designed to offer a PLATFORM for the exchange of information and knowledge, and to hold discussions, lectures, workshops and exhibition of programs and databases
Target Groups
Teachers and educators, researchers and writers,
rectors, deans and administrators in academic institutes, medical schools, nursing schools, law schools, schools of social work, faculties of philosophy and ethics.
Professional Organizations * Governmental & Public bodies
Main Topics
Ethics education: General, Objectives, Teaching Methodology
Level of teaching, status of the programs, evaluation of teaching, teachers and students
Study resources, References, Materials
Main Aspects
Bioethics, Echo-bioethics, Dental ethics, Environmental ethics,
Ethics and Law, Ethics and religion, Ethics and social sciences,
Medical ethics, Meta-ethics, Nursing ethics, Pharmacy ethics,
Philosophical ethics, Scientific ethics, Technological ethics.
Main Issues
Ideology & concepts History Trends Prospects
Awareness of normative dimensions; Moral sensitivity; Good conduct; Identification of moral issues; Knowledge/information; Analysis/reasoning; Justification/argumentation; Critical reflection
Teaching Methodology
Lectures; Seminars; Tutorials; Computer-assisted learning; Clinical cases; Moral games; Simulation & role play; Group discussions; Distant learning; On-line/our reach education; Video-conferences; Tele-conferences
Level of Teaching
Schools/Academic institutes; Graduation programs; Master programs; Doctorate/PhD programs; Post doctorate programs; Continuous programs; Specialization
Status of Programs
Mandatory - Optional
Evaluation of students
Oral examination; Written examinations; Essays; Attendance
Study resources, references & materials
Publications; Journals; Case materials; Videos & Films; Websites; Face book; UNESCO Bioethics; Core Curriculum
Rich Social Programs Post Conference Tours
Under the auspices of:
Zefat Academic College, Zefat Forum for Bioethics,
International Center for Health, Law and Ethics, University of Haifa, Israel National Commission for UNESCO
I shall appreciate your response and acceptance as a member of the INTERNATIONAL SCIENTIFIC COMMITTEE.
Hoping the 2012 Conference will be a great success.
Best regards,
Amnon Carmi, Chair
UNESCO Chair in Bioethics
קרא באופן פונטי