Underlined: member of the BCDiv UMRs
Bold: scientists funded by BCDiv
1. Articles published or accepted in indexed journals (107)
Allemand R., Bardet N., Houssaye A.Vincent P., 2017. Virtual reexamination of a plesiosaurian specimen (Reptilia, Plesiosauria) from the Late Cretaceous (Turonian) of Goulmima, Morocco, using computed tomography, Journal of Vertebrate Paleontologye132589.DOI:
Anso, J., Barrabé, L., Desutter-Grandcolas, L., Jourdan, H., Grandcolas, P., Dong, J., Robillard, T. (2016). "Old lineage on an old island: Pixibinthus, a new cricket genus endemic to New Caledonia shed light on gryllid diversification in a hotspot of biodiversity." PloS One 11(3): e0150920.
Anso, J., Jourdan, H., Desutter-Grandcolas, L. (2016). "Crickets (Insecta, Orthoptera, Grylloidea) from southern New Caledonia, with descriptions of new taxa." Zootaxa 4124(1): 1-92.
Antoine P., Moncel M.-H., Limondin-Lozouet N., Locht J.-L., Bahain J.-J., Moreno D., Voinchet P., Auguste P., Stoetzel E., Dabrowski J., Bello S. M., Parfitt S.A., Tombret O. & Hardy B., 2016. Palaeoenvironment and dating of the Early Acheulean localities from the Somme River basin (Northern France): new discoveries from the high terrace at Abbeville-Carrière Carpentier. Quaternary Science Reviews, 149, 2016, 338-371 (doi : 10.1016/j.quascirev.2016.07.035)
Arias M., Meichanetzoglou A., Elias M., Rosser N., de-Silva D. L., Nay B.,Llaurens V., 2016. Variation in cyanogenic compounds concentration within a Heliconius butterfly community: does mimicry explain everything? BMC Evolutionary Biology 2016, 16.
Arias M., Mappes J., Théry M.Llaurens V., 2016.Inter-species variation in unpalatability does not explain polymorphism in a mimetic species. Evolutionary ecology, DOI 10.1007/s10682-015-9815-2.
Assefa Z., Pleurdeau D., Duquesnoy F., Hovers E., Pearson O., Asrat A. & Lam, Y.-M., 2014. Survey and explorations of caves in southeastern Ethiopia : Middle Stone Age and Later Stone Age archaeology and Holocene rock art. Quaternary International, 343 : 136 – 147.
Bahain J.-J., Falgueres C.,Shao Q. Tombret O. Dolo J.-M., 2015. La datation ESR/U-Th de restes paléontologiques, un outil pour estimer le remaniement des niveaux archéologiques? Quaternaire, 26, (3), p. 213-223.
Bosse M., Megens H. J., Madsen O., Crooijmans R. P., Ryder O. A., Austerlitz F., Groenen M. A., de Cara M. A., 2015. Using genome-wide measures of coancestry to maintain diversity and fitness in endangered and domestic pig populations.Genome Research 25: 970-981. doi: 10.1101/gr.187039.114
Cersoy S., Zazzo A., Lebon M., Rofes J.Zirah S., 2016. Collagen extraction and stable isotope analysis of small vertebrate bones: a comparative approach, Radiocarbon 2016, pp. 1–16. doi: 10.1017/RDC.2016.82.
Cui Y., Béthoux O., Kondratieff B., Shih C. & Ren D., 2016. The first fossil salmonfly (Insecta: Plecoptera: Pteronarcyidae) back to the Middle Jurassic. BMC Evolutionary Biology, 16: 217.
Charlier P., Wils P., Froment A., & Huynh-Charlier I., 2014. Arterial calcifications from mummified materials: use of micro-CT-scan for histological differential diagnosis. Forensic science, medicine, and pathology, 10, 3 : 461-465.
Chintauan-Maquier I.-C., Legendre F., Hugel S., Robillard T., Grandcolas P., Nel A., Zuccon D. & Desutter-Grandcolas L., 2016. Laying thefoundations of evolutionary and systematic studies in crickets (Insecta, Orthoptera): a multilocus phylogenetic analysis. Cladistics 32:54-81; DOI: 10.1111/cla.1211
Chouteau M., Arias M., & Joron M., 2015.Warning signals are under positive frequency-dependent selection in nature. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America113(8): 2164-2169.
Cibot, M., Guillot, J., Lafosse, S., Bon, C., Seguya, A., & Krief, S., 2015. Nodular worm infections in wild non-human primates and humans living in the Sebitoli area (Kibale National Park, Uganda) : do high spatial proximity favor zoonotic transmission?. PLoS Negl Trop Dis, 9(10), e0004133.
Cibot, M., Bortolamiol, S., Seguya, A., & Krief, S., 2015. Chimpanzees facing a dangerous situation: A high‐traffic asphalted road in the Sebitoli area of Kibale National Park, Uganda. American journal of primatology, 77(8), 890-900.
Cook P. K., Languille M.-A., Dufour E., Mocuta C., TombretO., Fortuna F. & Bertrand L., 2015. Biogenic and diagenetic indicators in archaeological and modern otoliths: Potential and limits of high-definition synchrotron micro-XRF elemental mapping. Chemical Geology, vol 414, pp1-15.
Coty D., Aria C., Garrouste R.,Wils P., Legendre F., & Nel A., 2014. The First Ant-Termite Syninclusion in Amber with CT-Scan Analysis of Taphonomy.PloS one, 9, 8.
Cucchi T., Barnett R., Martínková N., Renaud S., Renvoisé E.,Evin A., Sheridan A., Mainland I., Wickham-Jones C., Tougard C., Quéré J.-P., Pascal M., Pascal M., Heckel G., O'Higgins P., Searle JB. Dobney K., 2014. The changing pace of insular life: 5000 years of microevolution in the orkney vole (Microtus arvalis orcadensis). Evolution, vol 68, n°10 : 2804-2820.
Cupello C., Brito P. M., Herbin M., Meunier F. J., Janvier P., Dutel H. & Clément G., 2015. Allometric growth in the extant coelacanth lung during ontogenetic development.Nature Communications, doi: 10.1038/ncomms9222
D'Avila-Levy C., Boucinha C., Kostygov A., Santos H., Morelli K., Grybchuk-Ieremenko A., Duval L., Votypka J., Yurchenko V., Grellier P. & Lukes J., 2015. Exploring environmental diversity of kinetoplastid flagellates in the high-throughput DNA sequencing era. Memorias do Instituto Oswaldo Cruz. 110:956-65.
Décamps T., Herrel A., Ballesta L., Holon F., Rauby T., Gentil Y., Gentil C., Dutel H., Debruyne R., Charrassin J.-B., Eveillard G., Clément G., & Herbin M., 2016. The third dimension: a novel setup for filming coelacanths in their natural environment. Methods in Ecology and Evolution.
Desjonquères C., Rybak F., Depraetere M., Gasc A., Le Viol I., Pavoine S.Sueur J., 2015. First description of underwater acoustic diversity in three temperate ponds.PeerJ 3, e1393.
Desutter-Grandcolas L., Anso J. & Jourdan H., 2016. "Crickets of New Caledonia (Insecta, Orthoptra, Grylloidea): a key to genera, with diagnoses of extant genera and descriptions of new taxa." Zoosystema 38(4): 405-452.
Dillehay T. D., Bonavia D., Goodbred S., Pino M., Vasquez V., Tham T. R., Conklin W., Splitstoser J., Piperno D., Iriarte J., Grobman A., Levi G., Lazzaris, Moreira D., Lopéz M., Tung T., Titelbaum A., Verano J., Adovasio J., Scott Cummings L., Béarez P., Dufour E., Tombret O., Ramirez M., Beavins R., DeSantis L., Rey I., Mink P., Maggard G. & Franco T., 2012. Chronology, mound-building and environment at Huaca Prieta, Coastal Peru, from 13 700 to 4000 years ago.Antiquity vol86, pp 48–70.
Drexler J.-F., Corman V.-M., Lukashev A.-N., Van den Brand J.-M., Gmyl A.-P., Brünink S., Rasche A., Seggewi N., Feng H., Leijten L.-M., Vallo P., Kuiken T., Dotzauer A., Ulrich R.-G., Lemon S.-M., Drosten C. & Hepatovirus Ecology Consortium, 2015. Evolutionary origins of hepatitis A virus in small mammals.Proc Natl Acad Sci USA. 112(49) : 15190-5. doi: 10.1073/pnas.1516992112.
Ďuriš Z. & Horká I., 2017. Towards a revision of the genus Periclimenes : resurrection of Ancylocaris Schenkel, 1902, and designation of three new genera (Crustacea, Decapoda, Palaemonidae). ZooKeys 646: 25–44.
Dutel H., Herbin M., Clément G.Herrel A., 2015. Bite force in the extant coelacanth Latimeria : the role of the intracranial joint and the basicranial muscle. Current Biology, 25:1-6.
Dutel H., Herbin M.Clément G., 2015.First occurrence of a mawsoniid coelacanth in the Early Jurassic of Europe.Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology.Doi:10.1080/02724634.2014.929581.
Dutel H., Herrel A., Clément G. & Herbin M., 2013.A re-evaluation of the anatomy of the jaw-closing system in the extant coelacanth Latimeria chalumnae.Naturwissenschaften 100, 11 : 1007-1022.
Dutel H., Herrel A., ClémentG. & Herbin M., 2015. Redescription of the hyoid apparatus and associated musculature in the extant coelacanth Latimeria chalumnae: functional implications for feeding. TheAnatomical Record.
Erens J., Miralles A., Glaw F., Chatroub L. W. & Vencesa M., 2017. Extended molecular phylogenetics and revised systematics of Malagasy scincine lizards. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution, vol. 107, p. 466–472.
Evin A.,Girdland Flink L., Bălăşescu A., Popovici D., Andreescu R., Bailey D., Mirea P., Lazăr C., Boroneanţ A., Bonsall C., Vidarsdottir U.-S., Brehard S., Tresset A., Cucchi T.,Larson G. & Dobney K., 2015. Unravelling the complexity of domestication: a case study using morphometrics and ancient DNA analyses of archaeological pigs from Romania.Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, vol 370, 1660.
Evin A.,Dobney K., Schafberg R., Owen J., Vidarsdottir U., Larson G. & Cucchi, T.,2015. Phenotype and animal domestication: A study of dental variation between domestic, wild, captive, hybrid and insular Sus scrofa. BMC Evolutionary Biology, vol 15, 6.
Evin A., Cucchi T.,Escarguel G., Owen J., Larson G., Vidarsdottir U.-S. Dobney K., 2014.Using traditional biometrical data to distinguish West Palearctic wild boar and domestic pigs in the archaeological record: new methods and standards.Journal of Archaeological Science, vol 43 : 1-8.
Evin A., Girdland Flink L., Krause-Kyora B., Makarewicz C., Hartz S., Schreiber S., von Wurmb-Schwark N., Nebel A., von Carnap-Bornheim C., Larson G. & Dobney K., 2014. Exploring the complexity of domestication: a response to Rowley-Conwy and Zeder.World Archaeology, vol 46, n°5 : 825-834.
Evin A., Cucchi T., Cardini A., Vidarsdottir U.-S., Larson G. & Dobney K., 2013. The long and winding road: identifying pig domestication through molar size and shape. Journal of Archaeological Science, vol 40, n°1 : 735-743.
Falguères C., Richard M., Tombret O., Shao Q., Bahain J.-J., Gopher A. & Barkai R., 2015. New ESR/U-series dates in Yabrudian and Amudian layers at Qesem cave, Israel. Quaternary International, in press.
Fisler M.& Lecointre G., 2013. Categorizing Ideas about Trees : A Tree of Trees. Plos One, 8.
Fisler M., Darlu P., Crémière C. & Lecointre G., 2013. The treeness of the tree of trees.Cladistics.
Fraimout A., Loiseau A., Price D. K., Xuereb A., Martin J-F., Vitalis R., Fellous* R., Debat V.* and A. Estoup*, 2015. New set of microsatellite markers for the spotted-wing Drosophila suzukii (Diptera: Drosophilidae): a promising molecular tool to infer the invasion history of this major insect pest. European Journal of Entomology 112(4): 855-859.
Fraimout A., Debat V., Fellous S., Hufbauer R., Foucaud J., Pudlo P., Marin J. -M., Price D. K., Cattel J., Chen X., Deprá M., Duyck P. F., Guedot C., Loeb G., Kenis M., Kimura M. T., Loiseau A., Martinez-Sañudo I., Pascual M., Polihronakis Richmond M., Shearer P., Singh N., Tamura K., Xuéreb A., Zhang J. and Estoup A.. (2017) Deciphering the routes of invasion of Drosophila suzukii by means of ABC random forest. Molecular Biology and Evolution Doi:10.1093/molbev/msx050
Fricke R., 2016, Synchiropus novaehiberniensis, a new species of dragonet from New Ireland, Papua New Guinea, western Pacific Ocean, with a review of subgenus Synchiropus (Neosynchiropus) and description of a new subgenus (Teleostei: Callionymidae). Journal of Natural History, 50(47-48): 3003-3028.
Garrouste R., Lapeyrie J., Steyer J.-S., Giner S. & Nel A., 2017. Insects in the Red Middle Permian of Southern France: first Protanisoptera (Odonatoptera) and new Caloneurodea (Panorthoptera), with biostratigraphical implications. Historical Biology, DOI:10.1080/08912963.2017.1301448
Garrouste R., Hugel S., Jacquelin L., Rostan P.,Steyer J.-S., Desutter-Grandcolas L.Nel A., 2016, Insect mimicry of plants dates back to the Permian, Nature Communications.
Gnezdilov V.-M., Bourgoin T. & Soulier-Perkins A., 2014. Vietnamese Issidae (Hemiptera, Fulgoroidea): new taxa, new records and new distribution data. Zootaxa, 3847, 1 : 080 – 096.
Gnezdilov V.-M., Bourgoin T. & Soulier-Perkins A., 2014. A new genus of the tribe Caliscelini (Hemiptera, Fulgoroidea, Caliscelidae) from Vietnam.Zootaxa, 3900, 2 : 255 – 262.
Golovatch S., 2016. The millipede family Cryptodesmidae in Indochina (Diplopoda, Polydesmida).Zookeys, (578): 33–43.
Gomes Rodrigues H., Herrel A.Billet G., 2017. Ontoge netic and life history trait changes associated with convergent ecological specializations in extinct ungulate mammals. Proceedings of the National Academy of Science, USA 114, 1069-1074.
Goodman S., Kearney T., Ratsimbazafy M., & Hassanin A., 2017. Description of a new species of Neoromicia (Chiroptera: Vespertilionidae) from southern Africa: A name for “N. cf. melckorum”. Zootaxa 4236 (2): 351–374.
Guillot J., Vermeulen B., Lafosse S., Cibot M., Narat V., Masi S., Nieguitsila A., L’Hostis M., Snounou G., Bain O. & Krief S., 2011. Les nématodes du genre Oesophagostomum: un risque émergent pour l’Homme et les grands singes en Afrique? Bulletin de l’Académie nationale de médecine, 195, 8: 1955 - 1963.
Harpet C., Combo A.-S., Hladik C.-M., Simmen B. & Riéra, B., 2014. Méthode d’évaluation des perceptions et des représentations locales sur un échantillon ciblé de la faune et de la flore de la côte ouest de Madagascar. Revue d’écologie – la Terre et la Vie, 69, n°3/4.
Hassanin A., Khouider S., Gembud G.-C., Goodman S.-M., Kadjo B., Nesi N., Pourrut X., Nakouné E. & Bonillo C., 2015. The comparative phylogeography of fruit bats of the tribe Scotonycterini (Chiroptera, Pteropodidae) reveals cryptic species diversity related to African Pleistocene forest refugia. Comptes Rendus Biologies, 338, 3 : 197 – 211.
Hernandez M., Bahain J.-J., Mercier N., Tombret O., Falgueres C. & Jaubert J., 2015.Dating results on sedimentary quartz, bones and teeth from the Middle Pleistocene archaeological site of Coudoulous I (Lot, SW France): A comparative study between TT-OSL and ESR/U-series methods. Quaternary Geochronology, 30, 493-497 (doi :10.1016/j.quageo.2015.06.003)
Hoch H., Bourgoin T., Faille A. & Soulier-Perkins A., 2017. A New Species of Bennini (Hemiptera, Cixiidae) from Granitic Subterranean Environment in Vietnam, an Under-Investigated Biotope.Annales Zoologici 67(1):1-12.
Judson M. L. I., 2017. A new subfamily of Feaellidae (Arachnida, Chelonethi, Feaelloidea) from Southeast Asia.Zootaxa, vol. 4258, n°1.
Kantor Y.I., Stahlschmidt P., Aznar-Cormano L., Bouchet P.Puillandre N., 2017. Too familiar to be questioned? Revisiting the Crassispira cerithina species complex (Gastropoda: Conoidea: Pseudomelatomidae). J Molluscan Stud 2017; 83 (1): 43-55. doi: 10.1093/mollus/eyw036
Karadjian G., Martinsen E., Duval L., Chavatte J.-M. Landau I., 2014.Haemoproteus ilanpapernai n. sp. (Apicomplexa, Haemoproteidae) in Strix seloputo from Singapore: morphological description and reassignment of molecular data. Parasite, 21, 17.
Karadjian G., Hassanin A., Saintpierre B., Gembu Tungaluna G.C., Ariey F., Ayala F.J., Landau I. & Duval L. Highly rearranged mitochondrial genome in Nycteria parasites (Haemosporidia) from bats. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 2016 Aug 30; 113(35):9834-9.
Karadjian G., Puech M.-P., Duval L., Chavatte J.-M., Snounou G. & Landau I., 2013. Haemoproteus syrnii in Strix aluco from France: morphology, stages of sporogony in a hippoboscid fly, molecular characterization and discussion on the identification of Haemoproteus species. Parasite, 20, 32.
Khonsari R. H., Seppala M., Pradel A., Dutel H., Clément G., Lebedev O., Ghafoor S., Rothova M., Tucker A., Maisey J. G., Fan C-M., Ohazama A., Tafforeau P., Janvier P., Cobourne M. T. & Sharpe P. T., 2013. The buccohypophyseal canal is an ancestral vertebrate trait maintained by modulation in sonic hedgehog signaling. BMC Biology 11(27).doi:10.1186/1741-7007-11-27.
Krief S., Cibot M., Bortolamiol S., Lafosse S., Seguya A. & Guillot J., 2013. Proximités géographiques et phylogénétiques entre les chimpanzés et les humains et conséquences sanitaires. Exemple du parc national de Kibale, Ouganda. Bulletin de l’Académie vétérinaire de France, 166 : 276 - 285.
Krief S.,Cibot M., Bortolamiol S., Seguya A., Krief J.-M. Masi S., 2014. Wild chimpanzees on the edge: nocturnal activities in cropland. PLoS ONE 9.
Krief S., Levrero F., Krief J.-M., Thanapongpuchat S., Imwong M., Snounou G., Kasenene J.-M., Cibot M. & Gantier J.-C., 2012. Investigations on anopheline mosquitoes close to the nest sites of chimpanzees subject to malaria infection in Ugandan highlands.Malaria Journal 11, 116.
Krief S., Watts D., Mitani J., Krief J.-M., Cibot M., Bortolamiol S., Seguya A. & Couly G., 2014. Two cases of cleft lip and other congenital anomalies in wild chimpanzees living in Kibale National Park, Uganda.The Cleft Palate-Craniofacial Journal, online.
Lamy D., Robuchon M., Kervran L., Dennetiere B., Feunteun E. & Le Gall L., 2016. Dinard Herbarium: History of a Marine Station. Cryptogamie, Algologie 37: 29-45. doi: 10.7872/crya/v37.iss1.2016.29
Landes J., Perret M., Hardy I., Camarda C. G., Henry P.-Y.Pavard, S., 2017, State transitions: a major mortality risk for seasonal species. Ecology Letters, 20: 883–891. doi:10.1111/ele.12785
Le Bomin S., Lecointre G.Heyer E., 2016. The Evolution of Musical Diversity: The Key Role of Vertical Transmission. PLoS ONE 11(3): e0151570. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0151570
Le Bras G., Pignal M., Jeanson M. L., Muller S., Aupic C., Carré B., Flament G., Gaudeul M., Gonçalves C., Invernón V. R., Jabbour F., Lerat E., Lowry P. P., Offroy B., Pérez Pimparé E., Poncy O., Rouhan G. & Haevermans T., 2017. The French Muséum national d’histoire naturelle vascular plant herbarium collection dataset. Scientific Data4 :170016
Le Gall L., 2016. Editorial. Cryptogamie, Algologie 37: 3-3. doi: 10.7872/crya/v37.iss1.2016.3
Le Gros A., Samadi S., Zuccon D., Cornette R., Braun M., Senar JC. Clergeau P., 2016. Rapid morphological changes, admixture and invasive success in populations of Ring-necked parakeets (Psittacula krameri) established in Europe. Biological Invasions 18: 1581-1598.
Le Gros A., ClergeauP., Zuccon D., Cornette R., Mathhys B. & Samadi S., 2016. Invasion history and demographic processes associated with rapid morphological changes in the Red-whiskered bulbul established on tropical islands. Molecular Ecology25: 5369-5376.
Lee M. R., Bernhardt E. S., van Bodegom P. M., Cornelissen J. H. C., Kattge J., Laughlin D. C., Niinemets Ü., Peñuelas J., Reich P. B., Yguel, B. & Wright J. P., 2017. Invasive species’ leaf traits and dissimilarity from natives shape their impact on nitrogen cycling: a meta-analysis. New Phytol, 213: 128–139. doi:10.1111/nph.14115
Lepetz S.Hanot P., 2012. Archéozoologie et patrimoine ostéologique du cheval. Les os des chevaux provenant des fouilles archéologiques : sujets de recherche et archives du sol. In Situ, “Le cheval et ses patrimoines”, 18.
Martinovka N., Barnett R., Cucchi T., Struchen R., Pascal M., Pascal M., Fischer M.-C., Higham T., Brace S., Ho S.-Y.-W., Quere J.-P, O'Higgins P., Excoffier L., Heckel G., Hoelzel A.-R., Dobney K.-M. & Searle J.-B., 2013. Divergent evolutionary processes associated with colonization of offshore islands. Molecular Ecology, vol 22, n°20 : 5205-5220.
Masi S. & Bouret S., 2015. Odor signals in wild western lowland gorillas: an involuntary and extra-group communication hypothesis, Physiology & Behavior 145 (2015) 123–126
Meunier F.J., Mondejar-Fernandez J., Goussard F., Clément G.Herbin M., 2015. Presence of plicidentine in the oral teeth of the coelacanth Latimeria chalumnae Smith 1939 (Sarcopterygii, Actinistia).Journal of structural biology doi:10.1016/j.jsb.2015.02.005.
Mulazzani S., Belhouchet L., Salanova L., Aouadi N., Dridi Y., Eddargach W., Morales J., Tombret O., Zazzo A. & Zoughlami J., 2016. The emergence of the Neolithic in North Africa: A new model for the Eastern Maghreb. Quaternary International (in press).
Páll-Gergely B., Gargominy O., Fontaine B. & Asami T., 2017. Breathing device of a new Streptaulus species from Vietnam extends understanding of the function and structure of respiratory tubes in cyclophoroids (Gastropoda: Caenogastropoda: Pupinidae). Journal of Molluscan Studies 2017; 83 (2): 243-248. doi: 10.1093/mollus/eyx006
Pereira A., Falguères C., Bahain J.-J. ,Tombret O., Anzidei A.-P., Nomade S., Garcia T., Voinchet P. & Bulgarelli G.-M., 2017. New 40Ar/39Ar and ESR/U-series data for the La Polledrara di Cecanibbio archaeological site (Lazio, Italy).Journal of Archaeological Science.
Perreau M. & Faille A., 2015. A new Ptomaphaminus Perreau, 2000 from a granitic subterranean environment in Vietnam (Coleoptera: Leiodidae: Cholevinae: Ptomaphagini). Zootaxa, 4021 (1): 195-200.
Poore G.C.B., 2015, Rediagnosis of Callianideidae and its genera (Crustacea: Decapoda: Axiidea), and description of a new species of Heardaxius Sakai, 2011. Zootaxa, 3995(1): 229-240.
Poore G.C.B., Guinot D., Komai T. & Naruse T., 2016. Reappraisal of species attributed to Halicarcinus White, 1846 (Crustacea: Decapoda: Brachyura: Hymenosomatidae) with diagnosis of four new genera and one new species from New Ireland, Papua New Guinea. Zootaxa, 4093(4): 480-514. (Kavieng 2014)
Puillandre N. & Tenorio M. J., 2017. A question of rank: DNA sequences and radula characters reveal a new genus of cone snails (Gastropoda: Conidae). J Molluscan Stud 2017; 83 (2): 200-210. doi: 10.1093/mollus/eyx011
Ottoni C., Girdland Flink L., Evin A., Geörg C., De Cupere B., Van Neer W., Bartosiewicz L., Linderholm A., Barnett R., Peters J., Decorte R., Waelkens M., Vanderheyden N., Ricaut F.-X., Çakırlar C., Çevic Ö, Hoelzel A.-R., Mashkour M.,Mohaseb Karimlu A.-F., Skeikhi Seno S., Daujat J., Brock F., Pinhasi R., Hongo H., Perez-Enisco M., Rasmussen M., Frantz L., Megens, H.-J., Crooijmans R., Groenen M., Arbuckle B., Benecke N., Strand-Vidarsdottir U., Burger J., Cucchi T.,Dobney K. & Larson G., 2013. Pig domestication and human-mediated dispersal in western Eurasia revealed through ancient DNA and geometric morphometrics. Molecular Biology and Evolution, vol 30, n°4 : 824-832.
Owen J., Dobney K., Evin A.,Cucchi T.,Larson G. & Strand-Vidarsdottir U., 2014. The zooarchaeological application of quantifying cranial shape differences in wild boar and domestic pigs (Sus scrofa) using 3D geometric morphometrics.Journal of Archaeological Science, vol 43 : 159-167.
Rabeau L., Gradstein S., Dubuisson J., Nebel M., Quandt D., & Reeb C., 2017. New insights into the phylogeny and relationships within the worldwide genus Riccardia (Aneuraceae, Marchantiophytina).European Journal of Taxonomy, 0(273).
Robuchon M., Lamy D., Kervran L., Dennetiere B., Julliard R., Le Gall L., 2016. Dinard Herbarium: A Source of Information to Infer Temporal Changes in Seaweed Communities ?Cryptogamie,Algologie 37: 47–60.
Robuchon M., Valero M., Gey D. & Le Gall L., 2014. How does molecular-assisted identification affect our estimation of α, β and γ biodiversity? An example from understory red seaweeds (Rhodophyta) of Laminaria kelp forests in Brittany, France. Genetica, 143: 207: 223. doi: 10.1007/s10709-014-9796-z
Rodriguez-Ramilo S. T., Garcia-Cortes L. A. & de Cara M. A., 2015. Artificial selection with traditional or genomic relationships: consequences in coancestry and genetic diversity. Frontiers in Genetics 6: 127. doi: 10.3389/fgene.2015.00127
Ruppé L., Clément G., Herrel A., Ballesta L., Décamps T., Kéver L. & Parmentier E., 2015. Environmental constraints drive the partitioning of the soundscape in fishes. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences112(19):6092-6097. doi:10.1073/pnas.1424667112
Sabroux R., Corbari L., Krapp F., Bonillo C., Le Prieur S. & Hassanin A. 2017. Biodiversity and phylogeny of Ammotheidae (Arthropoda: Pycnogonida). European Journal of Taxonomy,286: 1-33.
Sanders M. T., Merle D., & Villier L. (2015). The molluscs of the “Falunière” of Grignon (Middle Lutetian, Yvelines, France): quantification of lithification bias and its impact on the biodiversity assessment of the Middle Eocene of Western Europe.Geodiversitas,37(3), 345-365.
Saura M., Fernandez A., Varona L., Fernandez A.-I., de Cara M.-A., Barragan C. & Villanueva B., 2015. Detecting inbreeding depression for reproductive traits in Iberian pigs using genome-wide data.Genetics Selection Evolution 47, 1.
Seetah K., Cucchi T.,Dobney K. & Barker G., 2014.A geometric morphometric re-evaluation of the use of dental form to explore differences in horse (Equus caballus) populations and its potential zooarchaeological application.Journal of Archaeological Science, vol 41 : 904-910.
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