BylawsChecklist forColleges with Departments

College Name: ______

I.Bylaws approval process:

_____ A.Bylaws must be approved by a majority of the faculty who participate in the voting process (via secret ballot)

_____1.Indicate approval and approval date on the document

_____ B.Bylaws must bereviewedandapprovedby the Academic Dean andtheOffice of the Vice President for Faculty Development and Advancement

_____ C.Bylaws must be postedontheCollegewebsite uponfinal approval

II.Bylaws must include:

_____ A.Curriculumand academicmatters

_____1.Collegerequirements for graduationatall levels

_____ B.FacultyGovernance

_____1.College membership for faculty (must address tenure track andnon-tenure track faculty participation)

_____2.Collegeorganizationincludingtheappointmentor selectionof departmentchairs

_____ C.The structure ofany standing committees

_____1.Distributionof Faculty Senate representatives from the college

_____2.Procedurefor calling collegefaculty meetings

_____3.Procedure and eligibility for voting within the college including electronic voting if applicable

_____4.Process for amending college bylaws

_____5.Sunset provisionfor college bylaws

_____ D.Evaluation procedures for department chairs

_____ E.Promotion andtenurecriteria and procedures

_____1.Tenure-track criteriaandprocedures*

_____2.Non-Tenure-Track criteriaandprocedures*

_____ F.BOT-UFF CBA-Related changes to performance evaluations (As of December 2012)

_____1.New evaluation process effective January 1, 2013

_____2.No evaluation process shall require a forced distribution of evaluation of ratings

_____3.Faculty performance shall be assessed using the following rating:

a)Substantially Exceeds FSU’s High Expectations
b)Exceeds FSU’s High Expectations
c)Meets FSU’s High Expectations
d)Official Concern
e)Does Not Meet FSU’s High Expectations

_____4.Criteria and procedures must be detailed enough that any reasonable faculty member can understand what performance is required to earn each performance evaluation rating

_____5.Merit Evaluations require that all faculty members shall be reviewed for merit

_____6.Meritorious performances is now defined in the collective bargaining agreement as “Performance that meets or exceeds the expectations for the position classification and department/unit”

_____7.Merit criteria may not mandate a merit pay award for all members of the department

_____8.Merit criteria must reflect distinctive levels of merit reflecting the differences in performance

_____9.All evaluations must contain a narrative explanation attached to the evaluation summary form

_____10.New Performance Improvement Plan (PIP) Provisions

a)A PIP is required when a non-tenured faculty member receives a “Does Not Meet FSU’s High Expectations” rating
b)Tenured faculty members may be placed on a PIP if they receive an overall performance rating of “Does Not Meet FSU’s High Expectations” on three or more of the previous six performance evaluations

_____11.Appendix F – Annual Evaluation Summary Form

a)The form was updated in accordance with the new evaluation ratings, and now contains a column for AOR average percentage of assignment in each category

_____12.Faculty members eligible for promotion or for tenure shall be apprised annually in writing of progress towards promotion or tenure in order to provide assistance and counseling in working toward that goal.

_____13.AssistantProfessorsare exempt from letters toward progress intheyearstheyreceivesecondandfourthyear reviews.

_____ G.SACS-Related Changes

_____1.Must include the following statement

a)“Faculty and staff members are expected to be familiar with and follow the Florida State University Substantive Change Policy as found on the university web site

_____ H.Faculty Senate Requirements

_____1.The Faculty Senate Steering Committee will be reviewing all bylaws for adherence to the following guidelines:

a)All units must demonstrate in their bylaws that faculty governance is being exercised through, at a minimum, the selection of members of unit Curriculum, Bylaws, and Evaluation committees
b)Bylaws should clearly state the decisions of these committees are the responsibility of faculty members

*May refer to documents outside of bylaws

Please note: Appendix F- Annual Evaluation Summary Form will be posted on the Vice President Faculty Development and Advancement Website forms

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