May 19, 2014
MEMBERS PRESENT: Gene Hoppe, Bonnie Olson, Bill Switalla, Jerry Erdmann, Deb Noffke
ALSO PRESENT: Tom Madsen, John Gutho, Randy Wright, Kelly Bueschel, Dan Borowski, Tim Ryan, and Christine Fellman
LOCATION & TIME: Shawano County Courthouse, Room 202
12:30 p.m.
1. Meeting called to order by Chairperson Hoppe at 12:35 p.m.
2. Fellman verified that the meeting notice was properly posted.
3. Motion made by Noffke, and seconded by Olson to deviate from posted agenda. All ayes. Motion carried.
4. Public comment: None
5. Committee comment: Hoppe commented on the informational handout presented by Administrative Coordinator Thomas Madsen regarding a cost breakdown of health insurance alternatives.
6. Discussion and possible action regarding wage rate for Interim DCP Director: Interim DCP Director Kelly Bueschel answered committee questions regarding both positions she is currently performing: Community Services Manager and Interim DCP Director.
7. Motion made by Noffke at 12:45 p.m., and seconded by Erdmann to go into closed session at the request of the Administrative and Insurance Committee pursuant to Wisconsin statute section 19.85(1)(c) for consideration of performance evaluation data of specific county employees over which the governmental body has jurisdiction and exercises responsibility and Wisconsin statute section 19.85(1)(f) for consideration of disciplinary data of specific persons, preliminary consideration of specific personnel problems and the possible investigation of charges against specific persons which, if discussed in public, would be likely to have a substantial adverse effect upon the reputation of any person referred to in such data, or involved in such problems or investigations. Dan Borowski was present for closed session. Roll call vote: Switalla, Yes; Noffke, Yes; Erdmann, Yes; Olson, Yes; Hoppe, Yes. All ayes. Motion carried.
8. Motion made by Hoppe, and seconded by Olson to return to open session at 3:20 p.m. Roll call vote: Switalla, Yes; Noffke, Yes; Erdmann, Yes; Olson, Yes; Hoppe, Yes. All ayes. Motion carried.
9. Motion made by Erdmann, and seconded by Hoppe to hire Phillips Borowski to proceed as directed in closed session. Roll call vote: Switalla, Yes; Noffke, Yes; Erdmann, Yes; Olson, Yes; Hoppe, Yes. All ayes. Motion carried.
10. Discussion and possible action regarding the Shawano County Personnel Policies and Procedures Manual and Shawano County Management and Administrative Manual: Dan Borowski detailed changes he has made to the handbook per committee/board action.
11. Discussion and possible action regarding law enforcement overtime and work periods: Borowski discussed work periods for the various law enforcement departments. Motion made by Noffke, and seconded by Erdmann to authorize Phillips Borowski to review and recommend appropriate modifications to county work period for law enforcement. Roll call vote: Switalla, Yes; Noffke, Yes; Erdmann, Yes; Olson, Yes; Hoppe, Yes. All ayes. Motion carried.
12. Further Discussion and possible action regarding wage rate for Interim DCP Director: Motion made by Olson, and seconded by Erdmann to set the wage for the Interim DCP Director at $36.51 per hour retroactive to April 11, 2014. Roll call vote: Switalla, Yes; Noffke, Yes; Erdmann, Yes; Olson, Yes; Hoppe, Yes. All ayes. Motion carried.
13. Discussion of Wage Study & Grade Order List: Committee discussion and consensus on positions that they would like an additional explanation from Carlson Dettmann at a future meeting.
Grade O - Assistant Highway Commissioner
Grade N - Human Resources Coordinator
Grade N - Emergency Management Director
Grade N - Parks Director
Grade N - County Conservationist/Land Info.
Grade M - Tech Communications Analyst
Grade L - Social Worker
Grade J - Nutrition Specialist
Grade J - Staff Accountant
Grade I - Administrative & HR Assistant
Grade I - Paralegal
Grade I - Victim Witness Specialist
Grade I - Fiscal Services Asst.
Grade H - Deputy County Clerk
Grade H - Maintenance Technician
Grade H - Deputy Register in Probate
Grade H - Evidence Technician
Grade G - Economic Support Worker
Grade B - Transport Driver
14. Discussion regarding future meeting date: Next meeting date was confirmed for June 2, 2014 at 12:30 p.m.
15. Letters and Communications: None
16. Motion made by Olson, and seconded by Erdmann to adjourn meeting. All ayes. Motion carried.
Submitted by: ______
Gene Hoppe Bill Switalla
Chairperson Secretary