Nadir Badr Eddine TALHA
Student ID: 3397733
Letter of intent
Ambitious, reachable and a problemsolver. Those are some of the qualitiesthatdefine me. As a First-YearRepresentative, I willbe a leader but not any leader, I willbe a confident and understanding leader thatisgoing to deal withevery challenge wisely and try to the best of mycapability to overcomeit. In addition to servingmyconstituents’ needs, I willbringunity and school spirit to ourSpartancommunity. I willbe able to do all of that and more by using the multitude of skills and toolsthat I acquiredso far.
As a world traveler, I willbe able to represent the concerns of both the international and domesticstudent body. I won’tberepresenting one group of students ; I willberepresentingevery single individual of the Class of 2021.
As a former high schoolPresident, I have a considerableamount of experiencedealingwith clubs and otherextracurricularorganizations as well as organizingschooleventssuch as dances and awardceremonies. As a matter of fact, I have created 5 clubs in my former high schoolthatembraced the diverse talents of myfellowclassmatesfromdebate and public speaking to music and painting withoutforgettingathleticism and sports. I wasalso part of one of theseclubs: the debate club thatheldmanytrophiesduringmy time as a member, but perhaps the most impressive of all was holding the Moroccan National Debate Champions trophyfor the first time.
As a debater and MUN delegate, I willbe able to convince the schoolrepresentative to address the first yearstudents’ issues and make the Class of 2021 one of the best classes ever. My argumentative skillswillallow me to advocate for ourstudent body and winmany cases.
As an engaged leader, I have a greatability to work in a group. In addition to being a problemsolver (Engineering major), I amalso a greatlistenerwhichmakes me workalongsidemycolleagues and alwayslearnfromthem.
Whetheritbehiking in the exoticmountains of New Zealand in tropical heat, discussingpolicymatterswithSenators in Washington DC, or evenplaying soccer games in my native Moroccanbeacheswith total strangers, I amdriven to go for any challenge thatispresented to me. The hikewas a biologylesson, the meeting was a stress test and thatseemingly fun soccer gamewas an appliedphysicsexamination. This continuousattempt to learnisencoded in the smallestparticles of mybrain. As First YearRepresentative, I willbecontinuouslylearning and I willalwaysbeservingmyclassmates.