Southend and Leigh Bridge Club Committee Minutes.
Wednesday 18th September 2013.
Members present: G. Randall, T. Livesey, T. Wise, P. Clark, J. Simmons, O.Owers,
P. Elliott, G. Foster, S. Taylor.
- Apologies for absence.
These were received from M. Parry and T. Metcalfe
- Minutes of the meeting of 7th August.
The minutes of the last meeting were agreed.
- Matters Arising from the minutes.
- A cheque for £200 has been sent to the new supplier of playing cards and the new packs should arrive soon.
- The new teaching and supported play arrangements are settling down.
- The new tea urn is now in use.
- The Club has been entered for the Fletcher and the Cup of Clubs competitions. There was discussion about entering a team for the Nicko competition. It was agreed that G.Foster will take this forward.
- Two new Honours Boards are needed for the men’s and ladies’ teams of four. A quote of £250 plus VAT has been received.
- T. Livesey raised the matter of payment for directors of supported play sessions. There was a discussion and it was agreed that the status quo should prevail.
- The Chairman’s Report.
- G. Randall has received a letter from one of the tea ladies (Frieda) saying that she has lost a purse containing £31 on the Club’s premises and she believes that it may have been stolen. However, there does not appear to be any corroborative evidence to this event. The decision of the committee was that without additional evidence it is not the responsibility of the committee to use Club funds to reimburse Frieda . A decision was taken to ask Frieda to return the key to the front door that she currently holds.
- A suggestion has been received from Maryann Perry that we should adopt a system of parallel sessions. This was agreed for Friday evenings on the basis that the beginners must play a maximum of 16 boards a session.
- Communications are now organized as follows: T. Wise is in charge of the website and P. Clark is in charge of the Club’s communication with the press.
- There was a discussion about key-pad scoring. T.Wise and T.Livesey agreed to put forward proposals for the committee to consider at their next meeting in November.
- G. Randall has received a complaint and there may need to be a disciplinary hearing. P. Clark, G. Randall and J. Simmons volunteered to sit on the panel if it is needed. P. Elliott advised that it would be preferable if the Chairman is not a member of the panel.
- Secretary’s Report.
- Thanks were given to J. Simmons and T. Wise for organizing the playing in of new members.
- Several people have applied for membership and 11 possibles are being played in.
- Sandy Riach needs to be asked to become a member. G. Foster agreed to ask him.
- In the directory the words “Start Time” need to be replaced by “Session Time”.
- Get Well cards have been sent to Chris McCleary and Linda Thompson and a card of congratulation has been sent to our 99 year old member, Dorothy Mason.
- The Tournament Director’s Report.
6.1 The winners of the Shapiro Cup are Mike Parry and Don Tuff.
6.2 It was agreed that the cost of the prizes for Friday’s charity event should come out of the Club’s Funds.
6.3 The dealing machine has not always been used. The director of a session is responsible for preparing the hands beforehand or arranging for them to be done
T. Wise will inform the directors of this requirement.
6.4 Dates of the forthcoming Men’s and Ladies’ team events are on the notice board and on the website.
6.5 T. Wise proposed that simultaneous pairs should be programmed into our sessions every two months. There were no objections to this proposal.
- A.O.B.
- It was agreed that any member who is complained about twice or more for parking across residents’ drives should receive a warning letter from the committee.
- Date of the next meeting.
- This was agreed as Wednesday 6th November.
PME 11/10/13