Communication Innovation, Inc.

Shani K. Romick, MS CCC/SLP

Confidential Case History Form

*Please complete & return before your first appointment*

Today’s Date:____/____/__

Patient Information:

Name: ______Likes to be called:______

Date of Birth:______Age:_____

Street Address:______City/State/Zip code:______

Home Telephone:______Cell: ______


Main language used:______other languages?:______

Employer or school and grade if student:______

Name of Primary Physician:______Telephone:______

Name of Counseling Professional: ______Telephone:______

Has the patient had any psychological, educational or Speech Language Pathology Testing?:


Existing Medical/psychological, etc. Diagnosis(es):______

Referred by (if any):______

What services are you seeking today?: ______

Have you received treatment for this concern previously? If yes, when/where/results:____



Please describe your main concern/problem:______


Who notices this problem the most?:______

How long have you had this difficulty?:______

What do you think may have caused the problem?:______

How has the difficulty changed over time?:______

Describe the effects of your difficulty in the following areas:

At school/work:______

At home/with family:______

In social situations:______

Please list 2-3 goals/skills you would like to see improve with therapy:




Please share a few of your/your child’s favorite activities/interests:


Do you have a hearing loss, vision problem, learning disability or a speech/language disorder?:

(circle all that apply) please describe:


Do you have any food allergies?List:______

Have you had a stroke, head injury or other neurological problem?_____


Other problems not previously listed:______

Current Medications/what are they taken for:______


Describe any relevant concerns or issues which you have not written about:______



Person completing this form:______Relationship to patient:______

If patient is a minor:

Name and contact information of parents/legal guardians:______

Parent’s marital status:______

Patient lives with:______

Any custody situations you would like me to be aware of?:______

Emergency Contact


Phone numbers:______

Family Information

List all persons living with the patient and siblings living elsewhere:

NameAge Relationship/living at home?






Indicate any significant stressors or changes the patient/family has experienced in the last year:

____ death of a family member___marital stress/tension____financial stress

____change in residence ____change of school/job ____legal problems

____job or school problems

_____addictions/alcohol or drug use ___other:______

Thank you for completing this form. The information will help me provide the best service for you and your family.

Shani Romick MS CCC/SLP 4608 Yorkshire Trail Plano, TX75093 972-754-1234

Please note: I value your time and I will be prompt for our appointments. Please extend the same courtesy to me.

Appointments will end at their scheduled time so that the appointment after yours starts on time.

Please call me if you are running late and give me 24 hours for a cancellation to avoid charges.

Please submit payment (check or cash) at the time of service.

Thank you.