RACGP FOUNDATION Grants and Awards


The purpose of the Outcomes Report is to enable the RACGP Foundation to follow up on the outcomes of its grants which were not known or not apparent at the time of the final report. This is important for monitoring the success of the grants program and also assists in promoting the grants program.

Principal investigator





Project title

Name of RACGP Grant and Amount

Academic output

List any publications that have been, or are likely to be, produced as a result of this research. Please indicate if they have been published, are in press, submitted or in preparation.

List where and by whom your findings have been/will be disseminated (eg conferences, workshops).

Other dissemination

Has the knowledge gained from the grant been disseminated in any other ways? For example, other publications or resources, government, industry, mainstream media, social media, medical media, newsletters, patients/general public, general practitioners, other health professional/primary care researchers. If yes, please provide details.

Have any collaborations been initiated/strengthened as a result of this grant?

If yes, please provide details and indicate whether they are local, national or international.

What has been the wider impact of your research? You could include the following domains: advancement of knowledge, clinical practice, community health, policy development, medical or health professional education.

Did the RACGP grant lead to any future grants? (eg was there additional funding that was leveraged by the grant, or that can be attributed to the capacity built by the grant?)

If yes, please indicate the source of funding and amount.

Would you consider the contribution of the RACGP funding to these follow-on grants considerable, moderate or small?

Did the RACGP grant contribute to any follow-on research? If yes, please provide details.

Did the grant impact on career advancement of the investigators or other participants? For example, academic tenure, promotion, supervisory opportunities, academic qualification, support for higher degrees, other career advancement. Please provide details.

Did the grant lead to any awards or other professional recognition? If yes, please provide details.

Since receiving the grant, have you continued to work or train in a general practice research related position?

What has been the importance of RACGP funding to you? For example, benefits to your career and/or clinical practice?

Have the research findings had any other impacts on clinical practice, guidelines, policy development (local/state/federal), postgraduate education, medical or health professional education, benefits to patients, practices and the community, other general practice research capacity building, or any other impacts? Please provide details.

Are there any other ways in which the grant has contributed to capacity building in general practice research? Please provide details.

Have there been any negative aspects to receiving the grant?

Please provide any additional comments of feedback on the RACGP Foundation grants program.

In accordance with the RACGP Foundation Terms of Grants and Awards, reports may be used by the RACGP Foundation for promotional purposes, for example on the RACGP website.

Report submitted by: ______Date:______

We welcome feedback and would be pleased to hear about any

further outcomes that arise in the future.

RACGP Foundation Outcomes Report Template- July 2015 1