Biome Research Project

S7L4: Students will examine the dependence of organisms on one another and their enivironments. (Describe the characteristics of Earth’s terrestrial biomes (i.e. tropical rain forest, savannah, temperate, desert, taiga, tundra, and mountain) and aquatic communities (i.e. freshwater, estuaries, and marine).

Approved Websites – You may use these websites to gather information on your Biome. You may not be on any other site without permission from the teacher.

Questions to be answered from the research that you collect: (research the following biomes: Earth’s terrestrial biomes (i.e. tropical rain forest, savannah, temperate, desert, taiga, tundra, and mountain) and aquatic communities (i.e. freshwater, estuaries, and marine).

  1. What is a Biome?
  2. What is the climate like in each biome? (Include average temperature and amount of rainfall)
  3. Where is each biome located and what type of geography does it have?
  4. List three plants and three animals that can be found in each biome. (Include the common name and scientific name for each one)
  5. Include at least one interesting fact about each biome.
  6. What are some special adaptations of the three plants?
  7. What are some physical and behavioral adaptations of the three animals?

What should be included in your PowerPoint presentation?

  1. The name of the Biome.
  2. World Map indicating where the biome is located.
  3. Picture of the three plants and identify them by common name and scientific name.
  4. Picture of the three animals and identify them by common name and scientific name.
  5. Include pictures that show the geography of the land.
  6. Include a slide that tells about the climate (include average temperature and rainfall)
  7. Include an illustration of a food chain for your biome and include at least one plant and animal that was listed in your presentation.
  8. Reference slide that includes all the websites used for information and pictures.


You and your partner will have to present your PowerPoint presentation to the class. You will have 3 ½ minutes to present the information. You both have to participate. You can use index cards to help guide your presentation so that you can face the audience. Try to make it interesting and do not just read it from the board with your back to the audience. Include the audience in the presentation by asking them questions. Practice with each other if you have time in class.