All Cameron Art Museum volunteers are asked to:
- Submit a Volunteer Application & Release Form
- Meet orientation and training requirements associated with volunteer position
- Commitmentof six (6) months as a volunteer (exceptions may apply)
- Be minimum of 15 years old
We are committed to your privacy and never rent, exchange or sell this information to anyone.
Last Name ______First Name______
Street Address ______
City, State, ZIP ______Birth Month/Year: ______
Phone:______Email: ______
Emergency Contact Name & Phone: ______
Minors (15-17 years old or high school student) parent/guardian *information and *signature are required
*Parent/Guardian Name: ______Phone: ______
Relationship to above volunteer: ______
Are you -
-a member of Cameron Art Museum? Yes / No
-if fulfilling a graduation requirement specifyhours required: ______Deadline: ______
-if fulfilling a court-orderedcommunity service requirement specify hours required ______Deadline: ______
Will you agree to a background search? Yes/ No
VOLUNTEER INTERESTS & AVAILABILITY Review the volunteer program description page on the Cameron Art Museum website for positions that match your skills, interests and time schedule.
Volunteer Positions:
Visitor Services Desk/Museum Shop
10am – 2pm2pm – 5pm5pm – 9pm (occasional Wednesday/Thursday)
Call Center/Administrative Office
9am – 2pm 2pm – 5pm
Docent – Between 11am-4pm (Saturday’s and various other times)
Special Events (as needed, some nights and weekends)
2014 Festival of Trees, Nov. 22- Dec. 7
2015 Civil War Living History Weekend, Feb. 5-8
2015 Gala
Children’s Events/Programs
Weekly (#of day’s ______) Twice Monthly Special Projects On-Call
Retail Telephone System Cash Register Credit Card Terminal Food & Beverage Data Entry
Online Transaction Basic keyboard use Data Entry Word Spreadsheets Excel Word
PowerPoint MS Publisher InDesign Graphic Public Speaking Oral Presentations Acting
Storytelling Writing/Correspondence Second Language: ______
Do you use any forms of social media? Yes, I love it! Yes, but only to keep in touch with people Yes, but only for business purposes No way! I’m not a fan of any of that.
Which of the following do you use?
Facebook Twitter LinkedIn MyspaceGoogle+ Other (please specify): ______
List organization where you currently volunteer: ______
Contact information: ______
List any other volunteer experience: ______
Contact information: ______
What other professional experiences or hobbies would you like to share? ______
How did you learn about volunteer opportunities at the Cameron Art Museum?______
List physical limitations (if any):______
List any Medical conditions, needs or concerns that CAM staff should be aware of: ______
Current Occupation:
School ______Year Graduated______Major/Degree ______
School ______Year Graduated _____ Major/Degree ______
REFERENCESList two references familiar with your skills and work habits (other than family members).
First Reference
First Name, Last Name ______Relationship______
Telephone ______Email ______
Second Reference
First Name, Last Name ______Relationship______
Telephone ______Email ______
Applicant is required to sign of copy of this release during your scheduled interview
Photography Release
The undersigned volunteer hereby grants the Cameron Art Museum, (hereinafter referred to as Museum), permissionto take or have taken still or moving images whether print or digital, including television broadcast or voice transmission. Theundersigned also consents and authorizes Museum, its advertising agencies, news media, and any other person interested inMuseum and its work, to use and reproduce the images, video and sound recordings and to circulate and publicize the same by allmeans, including, without limiting the generality of the foregoing, newspapers, magazines, television, media, brochures, pamphlets,instructional materials, books and clinical materials. With respect to the foregoing matters, no inducements, or promises have beenmade to secure this signature to this release other than the intention of Museum to use or cause to be used such images, films, recordings, and video for the primary purpose of promoting Museum and its work.
Waiver and Release of Liability
In consideration of being allowed to volunteer my services at the Museum, I hereby acknowledge that there are certain risks of injuryinvolved, and I knowingly and freely assume all such risks and assume full responsibility for my participation. To the extent allowedby law, I agree to indemnify and hold harmless the Museum, its officers, employees, agents, representatives and volunteers, of allliabilities and all loss or damage to person or property which may occur or be incident to my involvement or participation.
Volunteer Confidentiality Agreement
I recognize that as a volunteer of the Museum, I may have access to confidential information concerning the Cameron Art Museum (CAM), the Museum, its guests, donors, members, alumni, vendors, employees, volunteers or other representatives. Inconsideration of any volunteer status with the museum, I agree I will not at any time, during or after volunteering for the museum,divulge or reveal to any person, firm, or corporation, any information (including, but not limited to, personal or financial informationor customer lists), directly or indirectly, which might in any way be used to injure or interfere with the business of the museum, or toalienate guests, customers, agents, employees, volunteers or representatives from the museum or to cause discontent ordissatisfaction among any such persons.
I agree that should I have any questions as to the propriety of release of any museum information, I will request clearance from the Cameron Art Museum prior to releasing such information.I certify that the information in this Volunteer Application is true, correct and complete to the best of my knowledge. I authorize theCameron Art Museum to verify any and all information I provided by contacting appropriate sources.
Volunteer Printed Name Signature Date
Printed Name *Signature Date
If a minor, parents printed name and signature required and agrees to Release/Waiver/Agreement above.
Send completed application to:
Mail: Pam Palmer 910.395.5999 x 1012 email:
Cameron Art Museum
3201 S. 17th Street
Wilmington, NC 28412
CAMERON ART MUSEUM Volunteer Application & Release Form(9/1/2014) Page 1 of 3