Avodah B’Tzibbur: Praise Practice

Cantor Richard Cohn and Cantor Angela Warnick Buchdahl

Psalm 115:18

We will praise God from now until forever. Hal’lu Yah

Va’anachnu n’vareich Yah mei-atah v’-ad olam, Hal’luYah.

Pesachim 117a

“To David a Psalm” intimates that the Shechinah rested upon him, at which point he uttered this song. “A Psalm of David” implies that he first uttered the psalm and then the Shechinah rested upon him. This teaches that the Shechinah rests neither in indolence nor in gloom, not in frivolity nor in levity, not in vain pursuits, but only in rejoicing connected with a religious act, for it said, “And now, bring me a musician.” As the musician played, God’s hand came upon him.

Framing Question

What do we have to “Shed” and what do we have to “Cultivate” in order to Praise?

Psalm 150


Praise God in God’s holy place;

Praise God whose power the heavens proclaim.

Praise the God of mighty deeds;

Praise the God of surpassing greatness.

Praise God with shofar blast;

Praise God with lyre and harp.

Praise God with drum and dance;

Praise God with strings and flute.

Praise God with cymbals clanging praise;

Praise God with cymbals resounding praise.

Let every breathing soul praise God: Hal’luYah!

Psalm 150 (transliteration)


Hal’lu Eil b’kodsho, hal’luhu birki’a uzo.

Hal’luhu bigvurotav,hal’luhu k’rov gudlo.

Hal’luhu b’teika shofar, hal’luhu b’neivel v’chinor.

Hal’luhu b’tof umachol, hal’luhu b’minim v’ugav.

Hal’luhu v’tziltz’lei shama, hal’luhu b’tziltz’lei t’ru’ah.

Kol han’shamah t’haleil Yah, Hal’luYah!

Psalm 146:2

I will sing to my God with my entire being. I will praise… Hal’luYah.

Azam’ra l’Eilohai b’odi, Ahal’la… Hal’luYah.

All sing to You, all praise to You,

O Source of all Creation.

We call Your Name, we sing Your praise,

O Holy One of Blessing:


Psalm 13:6

I have always trusted in your kindness

and found great joy in your love.

A higher love, a higher love,

thank you for bringing me a higher love.

Think about it, there must be higher love

Down in the heart or hidden in the stars above.

Without it, life is wasted time.

Look inside your heart, I’ll look inside mine.

Bring me a higher love.

Va’ani b’chasd’cha vatachti,

Yageil libi bishu’atecha;

Ashira l’Adonai ki gamal alai.