Board of Trustees Workshop Meeting
Tuesday, September 17, 2013
Meeting began with introduction of Kevin Barkley of Galway Fire Company, who was
invited to explain their project and the timing of the new building. The library hopes to avoid duplication of Fund Raising within the township.
Kevin had architect sketches of approved (with a few variations) building, and timeline for their project. They will not have a massive public drive, but will make a special appeal in their regular annual fund drive this fall. They hope to be in their new building by July. They plan to sell their current property and use the funds for the new building. A member of Senator Farley’s Staff is their lawyer. They are building for years ahead . . . since their service area is broad and development continues.
Present: Arlene Rhodes, Neil Goes, Jim Hodsoll, Phyllis Keeler, Fred Baily, Ed Pike ,M. L. Kopper.
Absent: Library Director Regina Doi and Sue Stewart and Kevin Hertzel.
Meeting called to order at 7:40 p.m. at conclusion of discussions with Mr. Barkley.
Approval of resolution to direct President Arlene Rhodes to sign all necessary documents for the purchase of the Michalski property on East Street. Motion made by Fred Baily, 2nd by Phyllis Keeler. Vote was 6 approved, 0 against. Papers were signed and turned over to Arlene Rhodes. Original for library records. A copy is filed with the minutes.
Farmer’s Market participation: There was a misunderstanding or mis-communication between
last Board Meeting and this one – the Galway Get Together newsletter announced that the library would
host other authors who would be selling their books at our “information” table. Such was not approved - only that the library could, if desired, sell our own books at our table. Motion by Phyllis Keeler and 2nd by Neil Goes to reaffirm the position that the library will provide information about programs and events and sell their publications at the farmer’s market table. Publications by other writers will not be sold at the library table. The motion carried.
Donnan property: Concern as indicated by Regina’s email that Kyle has misunderstood the last contacts he had with Board. Motion by Mary Lynn and 2nd by Ed Pike to direct Arlene and Jim to meet with Kyle Donnan, apologize for any misunderstanding, and discuss any conditions under which the library could obtain ownership of the strip of land separating the Dockstader and Michalski properties. The motion was carried.
Library Alarm : Jim had a call again last week regarding the motion detector at library, might have been movement of paper in draft, or other non-significant movement. The board agrees with Jim’s suggestion to contact the alarm company and add the village police to the call list which already includes the state police and sheriff. Jim will do this.
Roles and Responsibilities of new Building Committees : President and board members agree that the
Board has “final say “ in the recommendations made by the Building Committee. The role is the same as in any other committee, to make recommendations to the Board. The building committee which includes volunteers will act in an advisory capacity. A steering committee for the new building would be comprised of board members and the director and would communicate with the architect and builders.
Arlene shared information from the Clifton Park library building project in which there were both an advisory committee in the preliminary stages and the Building Committee comprised of board members.
Lengthy discussion followed on the steps that will follow the closing on the Mihalski property, tentatively scheduled for September 25. These include a survey at one-foot intervals, geotechnical studies, percolation test and further design work by BRM..
Arrangements for the one-foot survey of the building lot frontage will be made at the next regular board meeting.
Placement of parking lot is one item that must be discussed –not just accepted. Architect indicates
parking in front; neighbors prefer back or side of building.
Motion by Phyllis and 2nd by Neil to direct Fred as building committee chair to contact BRM to determine next steps in the building project. The motion was carried.
Arlene suggested that we search for new legal counsel as soon as possible. Fred indicated that we also need help with the bonding issue. He suggested we contact Ben Gailey for advice on options for bonding. Arlene said it would be good to have a member of the board who is a lawyer and who could give advice on routine matters. Phyllis will contact one of our local lawyers to determine any interest in serving on the board.
PR for land purchase How do we announce that we have completed the purchase of the Michalski property? Fund-Development Committee is meeting tomorrow and will discuss it also. It was suggested that we might do a large sign on the property, as the Fire Company has on theirs – Phyllis will check with Kevin to see who made their sign. There should also be newspaper publicity. This will be a topic at our next regular meeting.
Fred and the building committee will collect ideas to present to the Friends at our joint meeting in October 15. Arlene will contact Margie and ask her to provide Fred with a copy of the power point presentation that was developed this spring. Fred can edit this to include pertinent information on the Michalski property and next steps in the building project. He will send this to board members for their comments before the next board meeting, when final plans must be made.
Ed suggested we ask the Friends and the Public for ideas on what to do with the Dockstader Property.
We could put it on a blog with our other information and survey questions. Ed will compile his ideas on how to accomplish this and send them out before the next board meeting.
Arlene suggested that we contact our CPA Dave Johnson to discuss the tracking of building project finances. It has been suggested that we have separate accounts for the building project, an investment account and a checking account. Jim will follow up on this.
By-laws section on treasurer and bookkeeper. Regina had emailed additions to the by-laws for these positions. Suggestion was made to separate the library director section from the bookkeeper and treasurer sections. Suggestion was also made to edit “With the assistance of the Library Director and Finance committee, the Treasurer will propose an annual budget…..” to say With the assistance of the finance committee and the Treasurer, the Library Director will prepare an annual budget…..
Further suggestions are requested and should be sent to the Director. Discussion of this item will continue at the next meeting.
On a question by Fred regarding the monies needed for the property closing, Jim assured the board that all financial matters are in order.
October 1st, 7 p.m., Regular Board Meeting
October 15, 7 p.m. Meeting with Friends at Town Hall
Motion to adjourn by Phyllis, 2nd by Neil. Motion carried.
Meeting was adjourned at 9:10 p.m.
Mary Lynn Kopper
Secretary Pro Tem