The Fox Valley News

Ward Elementary Fall Festival

E. P. Ward Elementary will be hosting its annual Fall Festival on Friday, October 9th. The chili supper will begin at 4:00 p.m.; classrooms will be open from 5:00- 7:00 p.m.; Royalty will begin at 7:00 and the auction at 7:30. Come out and support your students’ classrooms.

E. P. Ward Elementary

Royalty Candidates

Royalty candidates for this year are Sadie Tranbarger and Braxton Fields (Kindergarten); Zachary Edmond and Jade Hilterbrand (1st Grade); Elijah Thompson and Haley Cassidy (2nd Grade); Caden Basford and Abby DeAtley (3rd Grade); Megan Jones and Ryan Drake (4th Grade); Dylan Dealty and Jadyn Gevedon (5th Grade) and Shaun Gilvin and Shana Weaver (6th Grade).

Scholastic MONSTER Book Fair is Coming!

Book Fair is October 12th - 16th

Students will shop during their class library time on Monday, Wednesday and Thursday.

There will be class coloring contests. The winners choose a FREE book of their choice! Drawings for books, posters and other prizes.

Family Night is Thursday, October 15th right after school till 6:00 p.m.

October Family Read


Come join us for a night of “Batty” fun! We will be having a Family Fun Reading Night on Thursday October 15th from 4:30 until 6:30 p.m. Students in grades K-6 are invited with their parents to read books about bats, take Accelerated Reader tests, shop at the Scholastic Book Fair and make their own bats. (This is a green form event)


Ice-cream social

By Dylan DeAtley, Madison Weaver and Koleton Thompson

E. P. Ward Elementary celebrated their grandparents this year with an old-fashioned ice-cream social. Students brought their grandparents on a tour around the school and to their classrooms. The grandparents got to meet their grandkids’ teachers and enjoy ice-cream in the cafeteria. It was an amazing sight! So much ice cream! I thought I was in heaven. I believe a good time was had by all who attended and I would love to have this again next year. It was really fun and I think those who did not come this year should try and

attend next year.

Picture Retakes

Students who were absent or would like to have their picture retaken may do so on October 20th.

Grandparent Program

Mrs. Logan’s second grade class provided the entertainment at the September PTC meeting. Her children had written pieces about their grandparents or parents. They described them and told why they were special to them. The next PTC meeting will be October 13th and the program will be provided by the Kindergarten class.

Family Resource News

By: Mrs. Dales

The Family Resource Center is a great avenue to access community services to assist the Whole Child while in school such as Preschool and Kindergarten Readiness (Early Childhood Council Events), Families in Training (New Parents), Family Literacy (Family Read Night and Watchdogs), Health (Referrals and Health Education) and Academic Support (Red Ribbon Week, Character Education, Attendance and Literacy Studies). Also Family Crisis is a component that refers to any need the student may have that would need referrals to other agencies. (All information is kept confidential)

Upcoming Events:

*Big Smiles-new program that will be located in the school. Date for Ward will be November 16th

*Bullying Education classes to begin in October-Wear Orange on Unity Day October 21

*Red Ribbon Week will be October 26-30: Wear red all week long and classes will be receiving anti-drug, alcohol and substance abuse lessons.

*Grandparent meetings are every other month: Nov. 20th, Feb. 26 and April 29. All Meetings are on Fridays and begin at 10:00 a.m.

*All 6th Graders will travel to SMS for the annual Health Fair on Oct. 13. This is an exciting day for everyone.

*The Early Childhood Development and Safety Gala will be October 15 from 5:00 to 6:30 p.m. Food and Childcare provided. This is a GREEN FORM event and Community Christmas applications will be taken.

Ward PTC and SBDM

Ward Elementary will have their monthly SBDM meeting at 5:00 p.m. and their PTC meeting at 6:00 p.m. on October 13, 2015. The Kindergarten will be presenting the program. This is a GREEN FORM event.

School Board

The Fleming County School Board will have its monthly meeting on Wednesday, October 14, 2015 at 7:00 p.m. This is a GREEN FORM event.

Students of the Month

E. P. Ward Elementary School recognized their students of the month for August and September for the character trait of Respect. They are Hunter Kidd (Kindergarten); Braylon Basford (1st Grade); Wyatt Hamilton (1st Grade); Elijah Thompson (2nd Grade); Jocelyn Crum (3rd Grade); Carsyn Dingee (4th Grade); Summer Cox (5th Grade); Lexie Gulley (5th Grade); Rigo Corona (6th Grade); and Ricky McCarty (Mrs. Aschenauer). Congratulations students on a job well done.

October Birthdays

Cody Darlington 10/2

Mahala Duncan 10/4

Jason Thompson 10/5

Jenna McKee 10/6

Mrs. Greer 10/7

Ms. Bradway 10/10

Kayden Thomas 10/12

Mrs. Cindy 10/15

Preston Woods 10/16

Zachary Edmond 10/19

Mrs. McKee 10/19

Adrew Duncan 10/20

Brantley Barta 10/21

Britney Riley 10/23

Ashtyn Blakley 10/24

James Wright 10/24

Jeremiah Logan 10/26

Mr. McKee 10/27

Madison Humbarger 10/28

Alexis Weaver 10/28

4H Muffin Baking

By: Hayley Rodriguez, Isaiah Standifer, and Jadyn Gevedon

The second Tuesday of each month, the fourth thru sixth grade classes is treated with Mrs. Staci Newsom who comes out and does a lesson about 4H, healthy living and having fun. This month was about baking and measurements.

We had to be prepared to help her figure out each of the measurements of the ingredients.

Baking muffins is always good but Mrs. Staci from 4H made them even better! The 4th thru 6th grade classes got to have a little taste and boy was it good! The basic ingredients for the muffins were cocoa, flour, baking powder, baking soda, milk, eggs, sugar, and oil (applesauce if you want a healthy alternative). While the muffins were baking we played a game called “I’ve gone camping”. It was fun and tricky.

Mrs. Staci let us make the muffins so we would be excited for 4H all through the school year and it really worked I think everybody loved them. 4H is an awesome learning experience you get to try new things.

4th Grade Poetry

By Ms. Bradway

The fourth grade class has been studying poetry in their ELA class that goes along with their novel “Love That Dog” from their Engage NY unit. Students have been writing both free verse and structure poems. Below are some examples of the students’ writings.

So much depends upon

A big, black dog

That catches rabbits

On a hill.

He sleeps at night

In his cage.

By Justin Moore

So much depends upon

A pair of pink ballet slippers

Waiting by the front


Waiting to dance


By Maddie Prather

So much depends upon

A green tractor

In the hayfield

Raking hay and

Baling it.

By Ryan Drake

5th grade Math News

By: Mrs. Bays

Decimals, Decimal, Decimals!
We are learning all about decimals. The best way to practice decimals at home is with money. Take a little extra time to let your child figure up the change when you are shopping. Use old receipts from shopping to practice. Have them keep track of an estimate of the total and then see how checkout. Do pretend shopping activities using the grocery store ads that come in the subtracting using coupons. Decimals are something we use every day. Take some time to practice these with your child and he or she will see that math is much more than just a subject in school.

Mrs. Adams’ Science Class

“What’s the Matter?”

Students in Mrs. Adams’ 5th grade Science classes have been studying matter! All kinds of matter…states of matter, physical and chemical changes, and properties of matter.

Students have been learning through hands-on experiments and the scientific process. They have been focusing on using the CER method of stating a claim, providing evidence and sharing their reasoning.