English 10name:
Mrs. Sharpperiod:
Identifying Persuasive Techniques
Fact vs. Opinion
Identify whether each of the following statements is a fact or opinion. Write “F” or “O” on the line provided. Then, circle/highlight/underline any clues that led to your response.
_____ 1. Anyone looking for a few quiet moments in an airport departure gate is in for big trouble.
_____ 2. Café USA is a TV network aimed at shopping-mall food courts.
_____ 3. Last year, Nielson Media Research reported that 8.4 million people a month saw airport TV ads.
_____ 4. Furthermore, at home, everybody is more likely to turn off the sound during commercials.
_____ 5. Regulation of unwanted noise is nothing new; many communities place restrictions on jet skis, leaf blowers, and snowmobiles.
Propaganda Techniques
Use the chart below to identify the propaganda techniques used in the numbered sentences in the following passage. Each sentence will demonstrate more than one technique.
The Family Highway
1Join the growing list of proud sponsors – like Holly Crane High School and Computer Chips Inc. – that are helping keep our highways clean. It’s easy to join the Adopt-A-Highway program. 2All you need is a dedicated group of people who are as concerned about maintaining the beauty of our community as you are. 3Together, we can prevent the litterbugs from taking over. 4The people who drive along the great highways that stretch across our community and country will thank you for preserving a visible part of our nation’s grandeur.
BandwagonDoes it make you think that everyone else is supporting the cause? / Transfer
Does it project qualities of one person group, or object onto another? / Emotional (Loaded) Words
Does it use emotional words to create strong feelings? / Glittering Generalities
Does it refer to highly valued, abstract ideas, such as freedom and democracy? / What reaction is the sentence trying to evoke?
Faulty Reasoning
Identify the type of faulty reasoning best exemplified by the following passages. Label each as one of the following:
Hasty Generalization (HG)
Either-Or Reasoning (EO)
Name Calling (NC)
Circular Reasoning (CR)
_____1. Jane Smith is too self-serving to be a candidate worth voting for.
_____2. Chris has the best leadership qualities because he is captain of the football team.
_____ 3. Since I am the youngest child in my family, and I am very creative, all youngest children must be creative individuals.
_____ 4. If any funding for the local library is cut, it will destroy people’s enthusiasm for reading.
_____ 5. Stan’s Sports has the best selection of sports equipment because it has the most variety.
_____ 6. If you really believe in environmentalism, you should donate money to Project Green.
_____ 7. How could anyone listen to Senator Jones’ proposal for budget reform when he has always lined his pockets with taxpayer’s money?
_____ 8. Because many websites contain false information, students should not cite websites in research papers.