Name of the PIA: Action for Social Advancement, Bhopal.

Districts: Jhabua, Barwani, Mandla, Chhatarpur & Tikamgarh in MP

Mention Agro-climate, soil condition, Cropping pattern, major crops of the Intervened area
Agro Climatic Zones / M.P:
•  Malwa Plateau:, Medium black (Medium, Rainfall 800-1200 mm,
•  Nimar Plains Medium black (Medium), 800 to 1000 mm
•  Jhabua Hills, Medium black skeletal (Light/Medium), 800 to1000 mm
•  Bundelkhand, Mixed red and black(Medium), 800 to 1400
•  Northern Hill Region of Chhattisgarh, Red & Yellow Medium black & skeletal (Medium/light), 1200 to 1600mm
•  Zone – II, North East Alluvial Plains, Purnea & Khagaria, Rainfall 1382 mm,, Soil, Light to medium textured, slightly acidic, Sandy to Silty loam. (large area comprise of Tal and Diara lands)
•  Zone – III, South Bihar, Alluvial Plains, Jamui Comes this Zone, Rainfall 1102 mm, Soil, Old alluvium to sandy loam.
Major Crops / •  Malwa Plateau: Wheat & Soybean
•  Nimar Plains: Wheat & Cotton
•  Bundelkhand: Soybean Wheat & Gram
•  Northern Hill Region of Chhattisgarh-Rice & Lentil
•  Bihar: Main Crop Rice, Maize in Kharif & Wheat & Gram in Rabi
Major Agricultural Season / Kharif (Rainy) , Rabi (Winter) and Summer Partly
Pattern of Agriculture
Major Agricultural Activities / Practices
(Please mention the name of specific practice/method/substance/equipment used) / Training module developed (write yes/ No)
1 / Pre Cultivation
Crop selection / Major crop of the area, identify key gaps thru “Crop-PRA” , focus on food crops
Variety ( resistant variety / Improved variety etc) / Participatory method of varietal selection , thru. Trial & FFS / Yes
Source of Seed (own /purchased etc) / Both
Seed selection / Based on their own perception got through demos or exposures or feedback received from neighbor farmer / Yes
Seed rate / Optimum Seed Rate like 40 Kg/Acre in Wheat, 3-4 Kg/Acre in Rice, 30 Kg/Acre in Soybean, 30Kg / / Yes
Seed Treatment / use bio seed treatment material Trichderma Viridae @ 5gm/ kg seed / Yes
2 / Cultivation
Spacing / Proper spacing, RxR & PxP e.g. Soybean – 18 inch row to Row Paddy – transplant @ 10 inch Row to row and plant to Plant / Yes
sowing/ Transplanting / Ridge to furrow for Soybean & line sowing for paddy. Soybean – sowing before 7th July and Paddy- 10-12days seedling transplant / Yes
Intercultural operations (weeding, thinning, etc) / Done by hand hoe after each 20 days interval / Yes
3 / Water conservation and water management
Methods of water conservation;
Methods of irrigation / In-situ methods of water conservation by sowing in BBF & R&F for Soya, Maize and other Kharif crops. Promoting micro irrigation like Drip & sprinkler in Rabi apart from other WRD works / Yes
Plan of irrigation (irrigation at critical periods etc) / Irrigation provided in all Critical stages of crops. Irrigation chart prepared for all Rabi Crops like if 2 irrigation available then CRI & milking stage / Yes
4 / Soil fertility Mgmt. /Soil health enrichment and crop nutrient management
Biofertilizer /Organic Manure/ Green manure crops etc / Using INM Principles like Seed & Soil inoculants Rhizobium and PSB for Soya and Azatobactor for paddy & maize, Vermi composting & Green Manuring with summer moong in Rice field. Promoting Jeeva Amrit & Matka Khad / Yes
Methods of application/Practices / Using vermi-compost before sowing @ 1MT/ Ha and1 bullock cart /acre compost/cow dung manure. Also inoculating manure with bio fertilizers like PSB. is also used in vegetables. / Yes
Duration/ Scheduling of application / Before sowing and foliar spray of vermi wash in 20 days of intervals / Yes
Micro nutrient management / INM Starts with soil testing. Based on the soil testing reports application of manure & fertilizers advised. We promotes INM that includes mix of organic and inorganic and bio-fertilizers like in Soybean we promotes use of 4-5 MT compost/ Manure+4 Bags of SSP while for Rice- 4-5 MT/ Ha compost + 100 kg urea + 50 kg DAP / Yes
Methods of enhancement of soil biomass / Promotion of use of cow dung, manure and green manure / Yes
5 / Insect/Pest/ Management
Insect/ Pest control methods/ practices (E.G. If NPM, please specify particular method of control under NPM) / It is mix of Natural, Agronomic and Biological pest control methods. Like in case of Soya & cotton we promotes mix and border crops, avoiding over use of urea, proper plant spacing, nurturing of beneficial insects, natural methods like T peg and biological methods like Matka khad, Yellow sticker board, and Pheromen Trap etc / Yes
Insect/ Pest control substances(biopesticide/ others etc) / As given above. / Yes
6 / Disease Management
Disease control methods/ Practices / We believes in preventive measures in place control hence promoting timely sowing, Selection of resistance varieties, Quality Seeds Seed Treatment, ( by using cow urine & bio-fungicides), timely weeding use of Removal of infected plant from field in case of YMB attack / Yes
Disease control substance (bio funbgicide/others ) / Use of Trichoderma viridae as a seed treatment @ 5gm /kg seed and foliar spray @ 2 kg/ ha in standing crops. / Yes
7 / Harvesting
Methods of harvesting / Manually harvesting is common in our areas as mechanical methods not suits due to small field / Yes
8 / Practices for improving Agro ecological services ( bringing tree component / Bio diversity etc)
Integrating with NABARD Wadi programme in places like Mandla and promoting plantation in integration with government schemes
9 / If the PIA have any post harvest technology regarding storage of food grains, Seeds, value addition, please specify:
Use same time maturity seeds and threshing done @400 rpm in case of harvest threshing of Soybean. We have provided moisture meter to the groups. More than 10% moisture is not advisable for storing. Sun drying and use of Neem leaves, use of clean and tight cover bin are promoted for safe storage.