Washakie County School District #2 School Board MinutesNovember 8, 2010

The regular meeting of the Washakie County SD #2 Board of Trustees was called to order at 7:00p.m. byChairman Jonna Abel. Present were board members Jonna Abel,Terril Mills, Casey Johnstone, Holly Nash andDoug Smith. Also present were Superintendent Jerry Erdahl, Principal Jean Peterson,Business Manager Jim Mayer and Administrative Assistant Neysha Lyman. Guests were Boyd Whitlock, Laura Yaracz, Ed Newbold, and Georgia Stocklin.

Pledge of Allegiance was led by Chairman Jonna Abel.

Adopt Agenda: Holly Nash made a motion to approve the agenda. Seconded by Casey Johnstone. Motion carried 5-0.

Guests and Patron Comments:

Reports and Recognitions:
Relations Team: Ed Newbold and Georgia Stocklin updated the board on the activities and projects the relations team has been working on.
Technology Update:Mr. Whitlock answered questions to his report.
Maintenance/Transportation Update:Report was included in packet.
Principal:Mrs. Peterson added comments to her Principal report.
Superintendent:Mr. Erdahl added comments to the superintendent report that was included in the packet.

Business (Consent Agenda Items): Minutes of the October 11, 2010meeting were approved. Board members received copies of the statements and bills for review. Casey Johnstonemade a motion to approve the consent agenda. Seconded byHolly Nash. Motion carried5-0.Authorization to pay the following vouchers: General Fund warrants #14771-14861in the amount of $201,502.06; Federal Fund warrants #2976-2982in the amount of $14,080.76; Hot Lunch Fund warrants #1014-1019in the amount of $8,296.65; Teacherage Fund warrants #1255-1256 in the amount of $459.52; Activity Fund warrants #1895-1899in the amount of $2,113.03.
Approved prepaid bill: General Fund warrants #14758-14770in the amount of $7,209.41; Federal Fund warrant # 2974-2975 in the amount of $804.07; Activity Fund warrant #1894 in the amount of $528.00.

Approved ratifying the change of professional development days from March 14, 2011 to November 15, 2010.

Business (Discussion Agenda Items):

2010 WSBA Delegate Assembly Proposed Resolutions: Discussion followed.
Approve Graduation Speaker/Senior Trip: Terril Mills made a motion to approve Dolleen Grobe as the graduation speaker and canceling the senior trip due to lack of funds. Seconded by Doug Smith. Motion carried 5-0.
Increasing Pay for Activity Workers: Doug Smith made the motion to approve the increase in pay for activity workers from $10 an event to $15 an event. Seconded by Terril Mills. Motion carried 5-0.

Executive Session:Doug Smith made a motion to go into Executive Session for personnel issue at 8:00 p.m. Seconded by Terril Mills. Motion carried 5-0. Terril Millsmade a motion to come out of Executive Session at 8:26 p.m. Seconded by Doug Smith. Motion carried 5-0. Terril Mills made a motion to approve the Executive Session Minutes. Seconded by Doug Smith. Motion carried 5-0.

Approve Administration to Advertise for Full-Time Custodian: Doug Smith made a motion to approve the administration to advertise for a full-time custodian. Seconded by Holly Nash. Motion carried 5-0.
Finalize Stipend Amounts: Casey Johnstone made a motion to approve Mr. Erdahl’s recommendation of stipend amount to staff in the total amount of $35,323.19 from the Federal Job Fund award of $38,109.36 with the difference of $2786.17 to reimburse the general fund for 2.7% increase the district incurred to the retirement fund.

Policy and Procedures

  1. Approve 1st Reading of Policy III:Casey Johnstone made a motion to approve first reading of Policy III. Seconded by Terrill Mills. Motion carried 5-0.

NovemberBoard Agenda Items: Approve 2nd Reading Policy III.Approve Surety Bonds as needed. Set Time and Location of Regular Meetings. New Board Members take office.

Meeting Was Adjournedat 8:49 p.m. byChairman Jonna Abel.



Jonna Abel, Chairman


Neysha Lyman, Board SecretaryHolly Nash, Clerk