Appendix D

Action Plans: Goals 1-6

Goal 1
Strategic Goal: / Goal 10: Provide a positive, service oriented Phoenix College experience.
Strategic Direction: / Enhance internal and external communication.
Technology Goal 1: / Increase communication with all stakeholder groups and encourage participation to maximize use of available resources and enhance interaction among students, faculty, staff, and the community.
Action Item / People Responsible / Timeline Completion / Cost / Outcome Expected
  1. Create a Technology Coordination Team to address immediate technology needs, trends and innovations
/ VPAS, Dean of Technology / July 2009 / $0.00 / Team created, meeting
  1. Develop a plan to enhance communication for students & faculty/staff on current available technologies and appropriate contacts
/ CTC / December 2009 / $0.00 / Communication plan adopted
  1. Reorganize the PC website to make it more student centric in regards to marketing, providing information, encourage learning, providing access to technology
/ Web Task Force / May 2010 / $0.00 / Web page(s) adopted
MAPR working on redesign
  1. Develop plans for faculty/staff intranet
/ Web Task Force / May 2010 / $0.00 / Intranet adopted
MAPR working on redesign with intranet
  1. Investigate the benefits of using a student portal for increasing student communication and access
/ Web Task Force / December 2009 / $ 0.00 / Report provided to College Technology Committee, PCLC, PET
Benchmark: SCC, MCC using portals
  1. Support district initiatives for student emails. If district emails do not occur, support efforts to encourage students to keep their personal information current and updated on
/ VPAA, Dean of Technology, TSG, CTLT / July 2009 / $ 0.00 / Tracking of email notification kick backs.
GMAIL instituted by district, resources available to students and faculty/staff
  1. Expand wireless access for students and faculty by 10% per year (current estimate 40%) - see Wireless Campus Coverage Mapfor current levels of coverage
/ Director of TSG / June 2009 (See Appendix H for subsequent year funding) / $5,500 / Wireless expansion plan developed and submitted to CTC, VPAA. Access points added annually.
added 2 additional access points to the West side of the Gym this month, and plan to include B, Db, and PSB in our expansion this year.
  1. Implement the use of wireless and email contact for emergency notification
/ VPAS, Director of TSG / December 2009 / Completed / RAVE adopted.
  1. Provide information to students and faculty on current free applications for word processing, tracking tasks, spreadsheets, calendaring, etc (e.g. Google Apps)
/ CTLT Department Chair / July 2009 / $0.00 / Information provided to students/faculty via flyers, web pages or other alternative media.
  1. Support Institutional Advancement in identifying and implementing social networking applications into the Phoenix College marketing systems (Facebook, Twitter, MySpace, etc)
/ Director Institutional Advancement, CTC Committee / July 2010 / $0.00 / Facebook, Twitter, MySpace “instances” are available.
PC main page instaces of Facebook, Twitter, Blog
  1. Support District initiatives to purchase and implement Schools on Facebook
/ eLearning Coordinator, Dir. Institutional Advancement / August 2009 / $ 500.00 / Networking software is installed and implemented.
District holding this up.
Goal 2
Strategic Goal: / Goal 1: Anticipate, plan and implement technology changes tocurrent infrastructure to maximize teaching and learning.
Goal 5: Improve and expand physical learning environments to increase efficiency and enhance learning.
Strategic Directions: / Maximize the use of bond and capital funds to enhance and expand learning spaces..
Expand support services to meet the needs of the student.
Technology Goal 2: / Enhance classroom instruction with appropriate integration of technology
Action Item / People Responsible / Timeline Completion / Cost / Outcome Expected
  1. Expand wireless access for students and faculty by 10% per year (see Technology Goal 1.7)
/ Director of TSG / June 2009 and each following year / See Goal 1.7 / Year-end report from TSG
See Goal 1.7 for update
  1. Develop a plan for instructor station maintenance/upgrade
/ Director Media Service / December 2009 / $0.00 / Instructor station plan is submitted and approved by CTC, PCLC, PET (see Appendix I)
  1. Purchase system to support podcasting, vodcasting, classroom lecture capture
/ VPAS, Dean of Technology, TCT / June 2009 / $40,448 / System is purchased and instructions/training are available
Servers, equipment purchased. How-to videos being developed Oct or Nov 09.
  1. Purchase a college system to support a Digital Image Library
/ VPAS, Dean of Technology, TCT / June 2009 / $0.00 / To be combined with goal 2.3
Art has purchased a digital image library
  1. Setup development server to pilot new technologies being developed
/ CTLT, TSG / June 2010 / $0.00 / Report of research provided to chair of CTLT and CTC
Server set up and available
Goal 3
Strategic Goal: / Goal 1: Anticipate, plan and implement technology changes tocurrent infrastructure to maximize teaching and learning.
Goal 5: Improve and expand physical learning environments to increase efficiency and enhance learning.
Strategic Direction: / Maximize the use of bond and capital funds to enhance and expand learning spaces..
Expand support services to meet the needs of the student.
Technology Goal 3: / Increase access to technology for students, faculty, staff, and community
Action Item / People Responsible / Timeline Completion / Cost / Outcome Expected
  1. Adopt annual operational budget to support technology purchases, upgrades, maintenance
/ President, VPAS / June 2010 / $0.00 / Plan adopted in annual budget(see Appendix H)
  1. Expand wireless access for students and faculty by 10% per year (see Technology Goal 1.7)
/ Director of TSG / June 2009 and each following year / $0.00 / Year-end report from TSG (see Goal 1.7)
  1. Upgrade and maintain current pay-for-print services
/ VPAS / June 2012 / $5,000.00
annually / Annual renewal paid
  1. Centralize software purchases to maximize access and efficiency (see Appendix G for recommended software purchases)
/ VPAS, Dean of Technology, TC / $152,174.00 / Year-end report from TSG
  1. Adaptive Technologies (Universal Design) - Identify needs, purchase essential software/hardware
/ VPAS, Dean of Technology, Disability Resource Center Manager, Director TSG / June 2010 / $9,000 / Report of research provided to chair of CTC
Goal 4
Strategic Goal: / Goal 5: Improve and expand physical learning environments to increase efficiency and enhance learning.
Strategic Direction: / Maximize effective use of financial, physical, and human resources.
Technology Goal 4: / Increase the efficient use of technology
Action Item / People Responsible / Timeline Completion / Cost / Outcome Expected
  1. Replace desktop computer every 5 years for faculty/staff desktops (see Appendix H)
/ VPAS, Dean of Technology, Director of TSG / June 2010 / $270,000.00 / Year-end report from TS
Ongoing through 2011, Centrix Proposal
  1. Replace lab computers every 3 years for specialized labs, 5 years for all other labs (see Appendix H)
/ VPAS, Dean of Technology, Director of TSG / June 2010 / $454,000.00 / Year-end report from TSG
Ongoing through 2011, Centrix Proposal
  1. Continue infrastructure upgrades (see Appendix J)
/ VPAS, Dean of Technology, Director of TSG / Annually / $1,363,000.00 / Year-end report from TSG
  1. Standardize tracking/scheduling of classroom labs
/ VPAS, TSG, Department Chairs / June 2010 / Unknown / Implementation of a tracking system for all classroom labs
  1. Continue Labstats tracking of open computer labs
/ VPAA, Dean of Technology, Director of TSG / June 2010 / see Appendix G / Annual report
  1. Have SMAC committee evaluate tracking/scheduling data and make recommendations for efficient use of classroom labs
/ VPAA, Associate Dean AA, SMAC / June 2010 / $0.00 / Year-end committee report
Goal 5
Strategic Goal: / Goal 5: Improve and expand physical learning environments to increase efficiency and enhance learning.
Strategic Direction: / Maximize effective use of financial, physical, and human resources.
Technology Goal 5: / Provide technology to increase the security for those who use facilities at Phoenix College.
Action Item / People Responsible / Timeline Completion / Cost / Outcome Expected
  1. Develop an emergency notification system that works with VOIP, text messaging, email systems
/ VPAS, Dean of Technology, Emergency Notification Committee, Director of TSG / Jan 2009 / Completed / Implementation of the emergency notification system.
  1. VOIP integration with phones, campus surveillance
/ VPAS, Dean of Technology, Emergency Notification Committee, Director of TSG / June 2011 / See App. H / Year-end report TSG, Emergency notification committee
  1. Expand Electronic Access Controls
/ VPAS, Dean of Technology, Director of TSG / June 2012 / See App. H / Year-end report from TSG
  1. Expand security measures to discourage theft of technology in the classrooms, offices and in other locations on campus
/ VPAS, Dean of Technology, Director of TSG, Director Media Service / June 2010 / See App. H / Year-end report from Media, TSG
Goal 6
Strategic Goal: / Goal 9: Hire and retain quality and diverse personnel.
Strategic Direction: / Hire and retain quality diverse personnel.
Technology Goal 6: / Provide appropriate personnel resources for current/future levels of technology.
Action Item / People Responsible / Timeline Completion / Cost / Outcome Expected
  1. Replace/maintain current staffing levels for both TSG and Media (including current vacancies – Lead Computer Tech. Network Technician, Comp. Maintenance Tech.)
/ President, VPAS, Director TSG/Media / June 2009 / $0.00 / Open positions filled
  1. Identify/hire a Trainer to meet the needs of training for students, faculty/staff
/ President, VPAA, VPAS / June 2010 / $0.00 to $45,450.00 / Position is filled
  1. Identify/hire Enterprise Systems Administrator (MAT 17 - TSG)
/ President, VPAS / June 2010 / $0.00 to $75,774.00 / Position is filled
  1. Identify/hire Systems Administrator II (MAT 15 - TSG)
/ President, VPAS / June 2010 / $0.00 to $55,161.00 / Position is filled
  1. Identify/hire Network Administrator(MAT15 - TSG)
/ President, VPAS / June 2010 / $0.00 to $55,161.00 / Position is filled
  1. Identify/hire Programmer Systems – SIS (MAT13 – TSG)
/ President, VPAS / June 2010 / $0.00 to $45,450.00 / Position is filled
  1. Identify/hire Manager Technical Support (AMT15 – TSG)
/ President, VPAS / June 2010 / $0.00 to $55,161.00 / Position is filled
  1. Project Manager (MAT 15 - Media)see Figure 4
/ President, VPAS / June 2010 / $0.00 to $55,161.00 / Position is filled


Appendix G

Annual Technology License Software

Item / FY2010 Cost / Next Renewal / Notes
Cox WAN and Internet / $44,000.00 / July 2009 / Network service to PC Downtown and for BearNet wireless Internet
Microsoft Campus Agreement / $29,000.00 / October 2009 / Covers Microsoft Office, Windows operating system, client-server seats
Symantec A/V & Ghost / $16,000.00 / October 2009 / Antivirus and Ghost imaging software maintenance
Cisco SmartNet / $29,500.00 / October 2009 / Cisco maintenance, increases in FY2011 due to VoIP
Document Imaging / $0.00 / March 2013 / Project included four years of maintenance. Est of $12,000 in FY2013
Apple Macintosh OS / $0.00 / January 2012 / Software maintenance. Three year cycle. Will be $9,600 in FY2012
Stanley/Best Basis / $11,800.00 / April 2010 / Electronic locks and video surveillance software & hardware maintenance
DeepFreeze / $2,900.00 / January 2010 / Software maintenance. Used in all computer labs to protect configuration
Synchroneyes / $3,600.00 / February 2010 / Software maintenance. Used in 15 labs for student monitoring, instruction.
Labstats / $1,000.00 / February 2010 / Lab usage tracking software maintenance
SSL Certificates / $500.00 / FY2010 / Security certificates for web server, BearNet wireless
Domain name renewals / $400.00 / FY2010 / Registration of Internet names like
RedHat Linux / $400.00 / January 2010 / Linux server software maintenance
Respondus/StudyMate / $1,140.00 / July 2009 / Test development software for online/hybrid courses
Blackboard / $9,084.00 / July 2009 / Learning Management System for online/hybrid courses
READI / $2,850.00 / July 20010 / Student Skills Readiness Assessment for online learning
SMARTHINKING / $43,000 / July 2009 / Online Tutoring for students
Total / $152,174.00


Appendix H

Technology Replacement Projections 2009 - 2013

Technology Replacement (Unfunded in Red)
Category / 2008-2009 Actual / 2009-2010 / 2010-2011 / 2011-2012 / 2012-2013
Desktop (new/refurb)1,2 / 140/45, $250,000 / 140/45, $260,000 / 140/45, $270,000 / 140/45, $280,000 / 140/45, $290,000
System printers, peripherals 1 / $20,000 / $21,000 / $22,500 / $24,500 / $27,000
Classroom and Open Lab Computers, Printers 2,3 / 140 + BRC (77 new, 32 refurb) = 249, $434,000 / 240, $454,000 / 240, $469,000 / 240, $484,000 / 240, $499,000
Service Lab Computers and
Printers (refurbished)2 / 30 / 30 / 30 / 30 / 30
Wireless areas added (multiple access points used) 4 / 7, $5,000 / 6, $5,500 / Ubiquitous coverage, $300,000 / Ubiquitous coverage, $90,000 / Ubiquitous coverage, $40,000
Critical Systems (Servers, storage, networking,telephony, emergency comm system, power)5,6 / $591,000 / See Attached Critical Technology Spreadsheet / See Attached Critical Technology Spreadsheet / See Attached Critical Technology Spreadsheet / See Attached Critical Technology Spreadsheet


  1. Desktop and system (non lab) printer replacement funded through 2004 Bond Technology allocation
  2. 20% of upgrades utilize refurbished computers. Some labs and desktops are replaced before the five-year mark. Labs and desktops that receive refurbished computers are refreshed every 2 - 3 years. Printers in labs have variable replacement needs, depending on usage. Currently unfunded
  3. 2008-2009 lab upgrade figures pending BRC capital awards.
  4. Plan is to begin installation of campuswide/ubiquitous wireless system in 2010. Currently unfunded.
  5. Critical Systems partially funded through 2004 Bond Technology Funds. Some components are operational in nature and are seeking recurring funding. See attached spreadsheet.
  6. VoIP and Emergency Communication System receive partial funding ($70,000) from District Office. Remainder of project funded through 2004 Bond Technology Funds.

Appendix I

Media Replacement Projections 2009 - 2013

Category / 2008-2009 Actual / 2009-2010 / 2010-2011 / 2011-2012 / 2012-2013
Instructional Stations New / 18 / 4 / 7
Instructional Stations - Upgraded / 16 / 10 / 12 / 12 / 10
Projectors New/Upgraded / 0 / 601 / 382 / 263 / 303
Request Amount / $612,000.00 / $552,000.00 / $532,000.00 / $346,000.00 / $330,000.00


  1. The 60 projector replacement request for 09-10 is to replace all projectors purchased between 1996 and 2003 and beginning to get on a 5-year cycle.
  2. The 10-11 replacements are for projectors purchased for 2004-05 and 2011-12 is for projectors purchased in 2006.
  3. Upgrades for 2011-2013 (22) represent meeting space upgrades (C102, Dome, Willo, Admin Conf Room, Library Conf room, etc.

Appendix J

Technology Funding Projection – Infrastructure 2010 - 2014