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a campus wellness letter

Vol. 22; no. 15 December 2014

Published by the Whittier College Wellness Coalition Alex Rowell M.A.

During this holiday season take some time out of your day to relax and spend some time with the people you care about.

Self-Care Tips for the Holiday Season

1. Create joyful and fun rituals. During this holiday season, make it a point to see family and friends with whom you are close. Picking out a Christmas tree or having a chat over some hot cocoa can help to ward off potential holiday blues.

2. Spread holiday cheer. Go to a food bank or a place where you can volunteer to help those who are less fortunate. Helping others in need not only makes those who you help feel better, but also can help you feel better for doing a good deed, after all the holiday season is about giving.

3. Put on some holiday music. Songs such as “White Christmas” or “Home for the Holidays” can lift your spirit.

4. Make sure you get your rest. Sleep is very important and a break can be a great time to catch-up on needed rest. On average people need at least 6-8 hours a night. Those who do not get enough sleep often feel tired, agitated, and stressed out about day-to-day activities.

5. Set limits. During the holiday season, make sure you do not overextend yourself by over-committing yourself. Plan a day where you do things that you only want to do.

6. Get a massage. Between all that holiday shopping for friends and family, give your body a well-deserved break.

Want to win a free massage?

Stop by the Wellness Coalition’s De-Stress Carnival

for a chance to enter a raffle, play games, enjoy popcorn, and more!

Monday, December 8, 2014, 11:00-3:00

Campus Center Courtyard

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