Member of IDAS Board of Directors (Trustee)

Responsible for the Finances of the Charity


Members of the board of directors are responsible for the legal and safe running of the charity’s activities. The board of directors also makes overall strategic decisions about the charity’s direction, its vision, mission and values, and its charitable objects.

The purpose of the Board is to:

  1. Ensure that IDAS has a clear vision, mission and strategic direction and is focused on achieving these.
  2. Be responsible for the performance of IDAS.
  3. Ensure IDAS complies with all legal and regulatory requirements.
  4. Act as guardians of IDAS’s assets, both tangible and intangible, taking all due care over their security, deployment and proper application.
  5. Ensure IDAS’s governance is of the highest possible standard.
  6. Act as an ambassador for IDAS.


The overall role of the treasurer is to maintain an overview of IDAS’s affairs, ensuring its financial viability and ensuring that proper financial records and procedures are maintained.

  • Work in partnership with the Executive Director, Finance Manager and the Board to ensure the financial affairs of IDAS are conducted within legal requirements, accounting conventions and good practice.
  • Ensure the Board is aware of and fulfils its financial duties and responsibilities.
  • Keep the Board informed about IDAS’s finances by written report, at least on a quarterly basis and provide a financial report to the Board on an annual basis.
  • Ensure such financial reports are comprehensible and properly discussed at relevant Board meetings.
  • Ensure that IDAS has an appropriate investment and reserves policy which is periodically reviewed.
  • Work/lead on individual or joint projects or sub-committees developing aspects of IDAS’s governance (focusing primarily, but not necessarily exclusively on the financial aspects).
  • Chair the Finance, audit and risk sub-committee of the IDAS Board meeting quarterly
  • Contributing to the fundraising strategy of IDAS.
  • Ensure appropriate financial goals are set for the resources available to IDAS to meet its present and future needs.
  • Ensure the committee develops a long-term financial strategy for the organisation with objectives which can be monitored.
  • Communicate with relevant staff so as to maintain a clear picture of the financial health of the organisation.
  • Provide ad-hoc mentoring to the Finance Manager and Finance Officer.
  • Ensure proper systems for budgeting, internal financial controls, insurance, and reporting
  • Monitor progress in budget implementation.
  • Stay up to date with and act on developments which may affect IDAS’s financial activities.
  • Ensure the appointment of auditors or independent examiners.

Please note that IDAS retains a Finance Officer (employed full time) and Finance Manager (employed part time). The charity’s annual turnover is £1.7 million. The treasurer will not be required to engage in day-to-day finance requirements. This role requires the treasurer to maintain strategic oversight ensuring the appropriate systems and monitoring takes place as detailed above.

The general duties and requirements of the trustee role can be found at Appendix 1 to this document.


  • Attend quarterly Board meetings
  • Ad-hoc meetings with Finance Manager and Executive Director as required.
  • Finance, audit and risk Board subcommittee


  • There is an induction process in place for all Directors
  • Ongoing support whilst becoming familiar with the remit of the role will be provided.


  • Three year commitment
  • Quarterly meetings approximately 90 minutes’ duration
  • An average of 6 hours of additional work per month, in addition to ad-hoc mentoring/ assistance to the Finance Manager and Executive Director
  • Directors must undergo an enhanced DBS check prior to appointment



  • Strategic thinking and decision making
  • Ability to absorb sometimes complex information and carry out research
  • Ability to understand numerical and budgetary information
  • Ability to analyse proposals and examine their financial consequences
  • Ability to challenge constructively and listen to others
  • Ability to work effectively as a member of a team
  • Self-motivation
  • Good judgment and independence of mind
  • Ability to scope and lead on projects with sometimes challenging deadlines
  • Confident user of e-mail, excel and word
  • Clear communicator and consummate networker



  • Professional Accountancy Qualification
  • Experience in financial matters gained from working in the private, government or charity sector with a good knowledge of financial accounting and reporting procedures
  • Ability to communicate financial information to those who may have little or no financial background
  • Experience in strategic planning, including strategic financial planning.


  • Good knowledge and understanding of issues surrounding domestic abuse and sexual violence.
  • Knowledge of current financial issues facing charities


(As part of Trustee requirement set out at Appendix 1):

  • Commitment and understanding of the aims, core values and work of IDAS
  • Willingness to devote the necessary time and effort
  • A commitment to training and ongoing skill development.

Please ensure you have read the Board of Trustees Information Pack, which can be found here before applying for this role.

This is an unpaid voluntary role. Necessary expenses incurred by attending charity events, meetings, and managing projects will be reimbursed including travel expenses and child care.

To apply, please complete the Trustee Application Form and submitto our Trustees leading recruitment, Claudia Gilham and Jane Adam,


(1)The statutory duties of a trustee of any charity

1. To ensure that the organisation complies with its governing document, charity law, company law and any other relevant legislation or regulations.

2. To ensure that the organisation pursues its objects as defined in its governing document.

3. To ensure the organisation uses its resources exclusively in pursuance of its objects: the organisation must not spend money on activities which are not included in its own objects, no matter how worthwhile or charitable those activities are.

4. To contribute actively to the Board of Trustees’ role in giving firm strategic direction to the organisation, setting overall policy, defining goals and setting targets and evaluating performance against agreed targets.

5. To safeguard the good name and values of the organisation.

6. To ensure the effective and efficient administration of the organisation.

7. To ensure the financial stability of the organisation.

8. To protect and manage the property of the charity and to ensure the proper investment of the charity’s funds.

9. To appoint/ appraise the Executive Director and monitor his/her performance.

This will involve:
• Scrutinising board papers.
• Leading discussions.
• Focusing on key issues.
• Providing guidance on new initiatives.
• Other issues in which the trustee has special expertise.

(2)Specific requirements of IDAS trustees

1. A commitment to the aims, principles and work of IDAS.
2. Knowledge of the issues surrounding domestic abuse
3. Commitment of time: currently a minimum of one meeting a quarter plus adequate preparation time (eg reading papers) and membership of a subcommittee; no more than two consecutive meetings to be missed in succession.
4. A commitment to training and ongoing skill development.

(3) Duties of legal compliance required of IDAS

Trustees have a statutory duty to ensure the organisation complies with the laws relevant to its work. For IDAS this includes:

As a charity:

  • Charity law and the requirements of the Charity Commission
  • Company law and the requirements of Companies House

As an employer of staff and volunteers:

  • Employment Law
  • Health and Safety legislation
  • Data protection legislation
  • The Equalities Act

As a provider of support services to vulnerable groups:

  • Safeguarding vulnerable groups including children and vulnerable adults
  • Child protection

As a provider of residential facilities:

  • Housing and tenancy law

In practice this means trustees should assure themselves that appropriate policies are in place and are maintained, and that there is adequate internal audit.

IDAS is a company limited by guarantee, registered in England and Wales with company number 04984337. Registered charity number 1102337. Registered office: 39 Blossom Street, York, YO24 1AQ July 2015