
published for the Canadian Association ofSlavists


Thank you for agreeing to write this review for Canadian Slavonic Papers. Unless otherwise agreed, it will bedue two months from the day you received the book. If you expect a delay, please let us know, so that we may agreeon a new deadline. Here are a few guidelines to assist you in writing and submitting yourreview.

Reviews should be between 500 and 800 words long. If a book is a collection of essays, the word limit is 1000.The editors reserve the right to shorten any excessively long review. Note that reviews are not returned to authorsafter editing.

At the top of the review, please list the bibliographic information in the followingformat:

Booktitle,byAuthor(FirstNameLastName),LanhamMD,LexingtonBooks,2008,542pp.,£59.95 (hardback), ISBN 978-0-739-11434-6 / £27.95 (paperback), ISBN978-0-739-11435-3

Booktitle:allbold,byAuthor(FirstNameLastName)andAuthor(FirstNameLastName)/editedby Editor(FirstNameLastName),Cambridge,HarvardUniversityPress,2003,xliii+584pp.,US$28.95 (paperback), ISBN 0-95-445440-6

Please double-space, using Times New Roman 12 pt. font. We use Canadian spellings (modified British) andyour review will be edited to reflectthis.

Quotations from the book under review should be followed by the page number in parentheses (29). If you referto scholarlyworksotherthanthebookunderreview,pleaseprovidethefullnamesofauthors,completetitles(and periodical titles, if applicable) and publication dates. Do not useendnotes.

Please italicize foreign terms, rather than underlining. We use the Library of Congress transliterationsystem. At the bottom of your review, please list your name, affiliation, and e-mail in the followingformat:




(c) year, Reviewer’sName

Please save your review in the following format: [year of book’s publication] [book’s author] [name ofthe reviewer]. E.g.: 2005 SmithKrys.

Whenyourreviewisready,pleasee-mailitasanattachmenttoDr.Jeff Sahadeo (History, ), Dr. Tanya Richardson (SocialSciences,) Dr.KateHolland(LiteratureandtheArts,),orDr. Elisabeth Elliott (Language and Linguistics, ). We use MS Word, but alsoaccept WordPerfect or .rtffiles.

Again, thank you for this important service to theprofession. Yourssincerely,

Book ReviewEditors

Department of History and Classics • 2-28 Tory Building • University of Alberta

Edmonton, Alberta T6G 2H4

Tel.: 780-492-2566 FAX: 780-492-9125 E-mail:

