February Happenings

St. Paul’s / Zion Lutheran

St. Paul’s Sunday School: 9:15 AM - Zion Worship: 8:30 AM Pastor Patti Meyer

St. Paul’s Worship: 10:30 AM - Zion Sunday School: 9:30 AM Phone: 623-910-7859

Website: stpaulandzionlutheran.com Pastor e-mail:

St. Paul’s Annual Meeting was held on Sunday, Jan. 24th. Elected to Church Council were Brandt Boerner

and Michelle Noble. Thank you to Jon Osmundson and Steve Wigham who have served on council the past

3 years.


Ash Wednesday. Feb. 10 a St. Paul’s. Soup will be served from 5:30 - 6:30 PM

with worship/communion and imposition of ashes at 7 PM

There is a sign-up sheet in the narthex for donations

**** Lenten Bible Study - There is a sign-up sheet in the narthex to order the book for our

Lenten BibleStudies – The Journey of Lent – Water Marks - cost of the book will be

determined by thenumberof books ordered, final day to order is Feb. 7th.

Study will be held at 6:00 PM before the 7:00 PM Lenten worship at the church hosting

Wednesday mid-weekservice as follows: Feb. 17 at Zion; Feb. 24 at St. Paul’s;

March 2 at Zion; March 9 at St. Paul’s; and March 16 at Zion.

**** St. Paul’s Mission offeringfor February will be taken on February 7th for Medical

Missionary, Marsha Bartz. A summary of what this mission is:We do 8 mobile clinics to the

African bush around Ndola Zambia. We bring doctors, nurses, a lab, medicines and supplies to these

Clinicsand treat everything from pneumonia to malaria. We see and treat anywhere from 400-500 people

at each of the clinics.

**** Luther League will serve Soup Lunch Feb. 7th after worship at St. Paul’s. All are welcome to

come and join in the fellowship – freewill offering taken.

**** Coming events

- Social time for Sunday School parents/grandparents Sun., Feb. 14th - 10 AM in Sunday

School wing. Members of St. Paul’s welcome to join in.

- Minnesota River Assembly at Pontoppidan Church, 2 – 5 PM, Sun. Feb. 14th.

USHERS- we are looking for volunteers to usher beginning in March of 2016 through February, 2017.

Please let Diane Kath-Schoenfeld know if you would like to become a part of the team of ushers!

Thanks for your help.

Also needed are volunteers for the Fellowship Committee – this committee prepares and serves the

Ash Wednesday Soup supper and serves coffee during summer worship. Let Diane know if you wan

be a part of this committee.

Thursday, Feb. 4th - “The Lutheran” article discussion/study at 7 PM. All are welcome to join

in the study held at St. Paul’s.

Pastor’s Ponderings

Love is in the Air!!

C.S. Lewis mentions and explores four different kinds of Love in his book “The Four Loves.”

From a Christian and philosophical view, C. S. Lewis explores the differences between affectionate (storge), friendship (philia), erotic (eros), and unconditional (agape) loves.

That seems to make way for a preaching series or study to look into our role in the behavior of love……or maybe into how we receive love.

But as I write this, I am also reading the 1 Corinthians text (below), which is our second reading for this coming Sunday……and since it’s February, the month of hearts and love everywhere, it just seems fitting that I would bring Paul’s words to the early Christians in Corinth on love to our attention. Just prior to this reading, there is talk about spiritual gifts, but Paul sets love apart from that. Love is not a spiritual gift, but a way that God intends for us to practice our gifts.

1 Corinthians 13:4-8a (NRSV)

4 Love is patient; love is kind; love is not envious or boastful or arrogant 5 or rude. It does not insist on it’s own way; it is not irritable or resentful; 6 it does not rejoice in wrongdoing but rejoices in the truth. 7 It bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things. 8Love never ends.

This passage is about the difference between our human way of interpreting love and the unconditional, self-sacrificing love God has for humanity. We might want our own way, we might be impatient and even irritable with others, but God’s love is not like our love for each other. We have empathy for each other and love one another as brothers and sisters in Christ, and we even have relationships that go deeper, but the agape Love is God’s love for what God has created, and it never ends.

Love is in the air….

It’s God’s love and it’s everywhere.

Pastor Patti Meyer

Funerals, Baptisms, Weddings:

Baptism: Zion: January 10, 2016 :

Autumn RoseHansen

Daughter of Reva Graves and Craig Hansen

? ? Bible Quiz ? ?

At a time of deep struggle in Elijah’s life, God made his presence known to him. How?

a. In a strong and destructive wind b. In an earthquake

c. through fire d. through silence

Answer to Bible Quiz: D (see 1 Kings 19:9-12 NRSV.)

JanuaryCouncil Notes (unapproved)

Constitutional meeting was held at 4 PM

Joint Council Meeting with Zion held at 5:00 PM

Pastor Patti opened with devotion

* First Communion that was held on Maundy Thursday last year will be on Palm Sunday this year.

* Church website is: stpaulandzionlutheran.com

* Renew 2016! “Nurturing a Culture of Healthy Leadership” - will be held at Trinity Lutheran Church

in Owatonna on Feb. 28th , 2 – 5 PM. Council member will attend – members of congregation are

also welcome to attend – poster with more information will be posted.

St. Paul’s Meeting called to order –

Secretary & treasurer’s reports were presented and approved.

Old business:

* west side steps with a deck as well as a new west door will be done next Spring..

* Motion lights by kitchen outside door – project in process

* We have a couple volunteers for snow removal this winter – someone needed for February & March

New Business:

* Council will set up for Annual Meeting potluck

* Bring to annual meeting setting up committee for St. Paul’s 150th Anniversary in July, 2017

* Need to look into new ear mic for pastor.

* Church website is: stpaulandzionlutheran.com

Meeting was adjourned -

Closed with the Lord’s Prayer

February Mission Offering will be taken Sun., February 7thfor – Medical Missionary Team,

Marsha Bartz. (If you are not in attendance on the Sunday the mission offering is taken you can

Designate on your check or cash in an envelope any Sunday during the month of any mission.)

Below is a list of the missions voted to support this year and amounts given.

January, 2016: Salvation Army - $ 904; February: Medical Missionary Team,Marsha Bartz–

March: Food Shelves – Offering

The following missions will be supported through the year. The Church Council was designated at

the Annual meeting to determine the months they will be taken in 2016:

Campus Ministry; Habitat for Humanity; Lutheran Social Services;Lutheran Volunteer Corps;

Transitional Housing; Crisis Resource Center; Missionary – Karen Anderson in Chili; Synod support;

Hospitality House, Owatonna & Mosquito nets for an African village, Medical Missionary Team.

JanuaryChurch attendance – General Offering Mission Offering

Jan. 3 - 80 $ 2 ,777 $ 904

Jan. 10 - 65 $ 942 $

Jan. 17 - No church held

Jan. 24- 78 $ 1,097

Important Upcoming dates:

Mon., Feb. 1: St. Paul’s Quilting, 8:30 AM – 12:30 PM

Wed., Feb. 3: St. Paul’s Quilting, 8:30 AM – 12:30 PM

Zion & St. Paul’s Confirmation class, 6:15 PM at St. Paul’s

Thurs., Feb. 4 : Z&SP: “The Lutheran” article study/discussion, 7 PM at St. Paul’s

Sat., Feb. 6: St. Paul’s Quilting, 8:30 AM – 12:30 PM

Sun., Feb 7: Mission offerings taken at St. Paul’s and Zion

St. Paul’s for Medical Missionary Team, Marsha Bartz;

Luther League Soup lunch after worship at St. Paul’s

Z&SP: Bible Study on Book of Ruth at St. Paul’s. 12/12:15 after soup

St. Paul’s Council meeting, 5 PM

Tues., Feb 9: St. Paul’s Women of Mission meeting, 6:30 PM at church.

Wed., Feb. 10: Ash Wednesdaysoup supper served 5:30 – 6:30 PM, at St. Paul’s;

Worship / Communion / imposition of ashes at St. Paul’s 7:00 PM

Sun., Feb. 14: Sunday School parents/grandparents social time in Sunday School Wing,

10 AM; St. Paul’s members welcome to join.

Minnesota River Conference Assembly at Pontoppidan Church,

2 – 5 PM – all members invited to attend.

Mon., Feb. 15: St. Paul’s Quilting, 8:30 AM – 12:30 PM

Wed., Feb. 17: St. Paul’s Quilting, 8:30 AM – 12:30 PM

Lenten Bible Study at Zion 6 PM; Lenten worship at Zion, 7 PM

Sat., Feb. 20: St. Paul’s Quilting, 8:30 AM – 12:30 PM

Wedding at St. Paul’s, church reserved all day

Sun., Feb. 21: Zion Council meeting, 7 PM

Wed., Feb. 24: Lenten Bible Study at St. Paul’s 6 PM; Lenten worship at St. Paul’s, 7 PM

Sun., Feb. 28 : Council will attend Renew! 2016 at Trinity, Owatonna, 2 – 5 PM

“Nurturing a Culture of Healthy Leadership”

Any congregation member can attend – see poster for details.

Wed., March 2: Lenten Bible Study at Zion 6 PM; Lenten worship at Zion, 7 PM


2/12: Gavin Lewison 2/23: Lex Lewison 2/27: Diane Kath-Schoenfeld

We would like to include everyone on our birthday recognition –

please let Diane know when your birthday is so we can share with

others and wish you a Happy Birthday!!!

FebruaryWorship Services

Sun.,Feb. 7: – Worship w/Communion, 10:30 AM

Ushers – Ray Wiest

Communion Server – Jon O

Transform us, Transfigured Lord, so we may reflect your light in the world.

Wed., Feb. 10: Ash Wednesday soup supper served 5:30 – 6:30 PM, at St. Paul’s;

Worship / Communion / Imposition of ashes at St. Paul’s 7:00 PM

Ushers – Don & Jon Wilker

Communion Server: Paul.

I remember today that I am dust, and to dust I will return.

Yet I am marked with the cross of Christ, and I am his forever

Sun., February 14: – Worship Service – 10:30 AM

Ushers – Brad & Tam Lewison

As the first Sunday in Lent falls on Valentine’s Day this year, may we remember that

Jesus’ self-giving love is the greatest love of all.

Wed., Feb. 17: Lenten Bible Study at Zion 6 PM;

Lenten worship at Zion, 7 PM

Sun., February 21– Worship w/Communion – 10:30 AM

Ushers – Joel & Betty Weber

Communion Server –Kay

No matter what brings you here or what you’re facing, take heart;

“The Lord is my light and my salvation; whom shall I fear? (Psalm 27:1)

Wed., Feb. 24: Lenten Bible Study at St. Paul’s 6 PM;

Lenten worship at St. Paul’s, 7 PM

Ushers: Jerry & Linda Kath

Sunday, February 28 - Worship Service 10:30 AM

Ushers: - Ray Wiest

Even in the depths of winter, I’m warmed by your love,

O God, and by the love of your people. Thank you.

Council at Trinity, Owatonna, 2 – 5 PM

Renew! 2016 – “Nurturing a Culture of Healthy Leadership”

Parish Education Board is: Vonna Dinse, Annette Frank, Cindy Hokanson and Sheila Katzung.

Your help throughout the Sunday School year for special events as well as for Vacation Bible School

is welcome! Please let one of the board members know if you would like to help.

Class on Wed., Feb. 3rd, 6:15 AM at St. Paul’s

During the Lenten season Confirmation students will be participating in the Lenten Bible Studies

to be held at 6 PM before the Lenten worship at 7 PM.

St. Paul’s & Zion Members: Luther League invites you to mark the dates of Feb. 7th; March 6th and April 3rd

tojoin them for Soup Sundays following the 10:30 worship service at St. Paul’s. Come for delicious soup

and fellowship! Sunday Feb. 7th Boerner & Engel’s families are preparing soup.

Also on the 7th after soup set up we will have a Sunday Morning Social

A HUGE thank you to all Luther League families who donate and prepare soup each time and bring bars

and bread. We could not do it without our great league families!!!

two spots open for soup on March 6th if you are able to help please let Mike or Marsha know

phone: 451-4804 or e-mail Marsha

If you would like help with leading Luther League please contact Mike or Marsha


12 Women of Mission met on Tues., Jan. 5 at Dee Ann Pettyjohn’s

Bible Study led by Jon Wilker “Confidence in God’s Beginnings and Endings”

5 thank you’s were received from recent mission project recipients, Clothesline,

Transitional Housing, Steele County Public Health and 2 individuals.

* Quilting report: Cotton fabric is needed for quilts.

* Discussed Transitional Housing project community connect – an open house for needy

families on Jan. 21st. special offering will be taken hat will be used to purchase items

for “Blessing Bags” that are given to persons in need.

* Sign-up sheet for Bible Study & serving for the coming year

* Election of officers was held: President – Sandy Dinse; vice-president – Liz Bratsch;

Secretary-Treasurer (Hope group) – Diane Kath-Schoenfeld; Education Sec. - Carol Raetz

Quilting – Ileen Rieck; Treasurer General group – Lori Osmundson

Meeting adjorned - Lord’s Prayer - Lunch served by Dee Ann

Thank you

Thanks to my secret Santa or Santa from the congregation who gave me a much appreciated

but definitely unexpected gift. I only wish I could thank them personally. It was very helpful

in getting me through a usually sad and lonely Christmas season.

Thanks again, Sharon Schuler

Bits and Pieces

Remember, visitors are guests sent by the Lord. Please make them feel welcome by introducing yourself and

greeting them warmly. Invite them to come back again and to please sign our Guest Book.

Messages for the church bulletin and/or newsletteror a change in your schedule from what is in thechurch

yearbooks should be sent to Diane Kath-Schoenfeld: 590 Holly St., Owatonna, MN; phone: 444-9978;

e-mail: - Bulletin information should be in by Thursday and newsletter items are due the date

as shown on monthly calendar and also in church bulletin. Thank you for getting information in timely.

For reservations of the church and/or Fellowship hall at St. Paul’s outside of regularmeetings in the

church yearbook for your organization or forpersonal use please contact Diane Kath-Schoenfeld.

Please check the Bulletin Board for events happening in surrounding churches and communities.

Pancake Supper, Wed., Feb. 3rd, 4:30 – 7:30 pm at United Methodist Church, Ellendale,

Cost is $7.50; $4.00 - 5 & under. Pancakes, eggs, ham links, juice, milk & coffee.

Proceeds go to Youth Missions.

St. Paul’s Lutheran Church

2781 SW 92nd Ave

