I wish to nominate Judy Peacock, Information Literacy Coordinator at QUT, for the CAUL Achievement Award, 2004. Judy has made an outstanding contribution to CAUL’s strategic support for Teaching and Learning, and to its goal to optimise learning outcomes and maximise the potential of libraries to contribute to graduate attributes.

1.  As an exemplar of good practice within her institution:

Judy has developed a unique QUT Information Literacy Framework and Syllabus which has been formally adopted by the University, and used to embed information literacy attributes across the curriculum. She has trained, mentored and supported liaison librarians on all campuses to work pro-actively with faculty to achieve this. QUT’s Information Literacy program was chosen by the University as one of its 2003 AAUT nominations.

2.  By generously sharing expertise and tools with CAUL libraries across the country and with other regional and overseas libraries:

·  QUT’s PILOT Information Literacy module has been adapted, through Judy’s facilitation, for use at UTS, ANU, JCU and VUT, as well as at Education Queensland, Southbank TAFE, Brisbane North TAFE and Thuringowa City Council Libraries. It has also been adopted at Leeds Metropolitan University (England), Queen Margaret University College (Scotland) and University of Windsor (Canada).

·  Judy has facilitated Information Literacy workshops to assist CAUL members at University of Tasmania, University of Newcastle, Latrobe/RMIT, UTS/UNSW, Bond, USC, as well as at the University of Waikato.

·  Judy has consulted for UniSA, University of Newcastle, SCU, University of Waikato and University of Otago.

·  QUT’s AIRS Online (online research student information skills unit), presently under development, is under consideration for adoption by the LATN group of CAUL members.

3.  Through serving on committees promoting information literacy nationally and internationally:

As ANZIIL Executive Committee member and Chair of its Professional Development Working Party, CAUL Information Literacy Group member, QULOC Information Skills Working Party Chair, IFLA Information Literacy Section Committee member.

4.  Through lifting the profile of Australian university libraries as international leaders in the field of information literacy development:

·  As keynote speaker at COMLA (Christchurch, NZ) and at ACURIL (Ochos Rios, Jamaica), as speaker at WILA (New Brunswick Canada). Judy was also invited by a number of Canadian libraries to undertake a fully funded lecture tour to the Universities of Guelph, Waterloo, Western Ontario and Manitoba to inform them of Australian developments in information literacy. In the last five years, Judy has published 13 articles/papers on information literacy in national and international publications, as well as contributing substantially to the development of the Australian Information Literacy Standards.

In all these activities Judy has shared her expertise willingly and has taken on significant additional personal workload in order to inspire new developments in information literacy and to heighten the profile of information literacy within Australian universities. Through this, she has greatly contributed to CAUL’s support of teaching and learning through the development of graduate attributes.

Judy would be a very worthy recipient of the CAUL Achievement Award.

Gaynor Austen

Director, Library Services, QUT Library

CAUL Achievement Award

Letter of support for Judy Peacock

As Convenor of the CAUL Information Literacy Working Group, I would like to strongly support the nomination of Judy Peacock for the CAUL Achievement Award.

Judy has been a strong, integral member of the ILWG since its inception and was heavily involved in the development of the Australian Information Literacy Standards, and the Information Skills Survey for Assessment of Information Literacy in Higher Education. When ILWG was changed in 2004 from a representative group to an expert one, Judy’s was the first name to be considered to be on the group due to her high level of contribution to the area of Information Literacy, both nationally and internationally over a period of time.

One of Judy’s strengths is her willingness to share information and to provide advice to other institutions as they develop their information literacy programs. She is strongly committed to the concept of embedding information literacy into an academic program and for it to be included as a graduate attribute. She has not only had success within her own institution but has played a strong mentoring role for library staff from other institutions involved in doing the same. Her strong conference presentation and publication record in the area of information literacy speaks for herself. Her presentations particularly are always dynamic and inspiring.

I believe Judy’s work in the area of Information Literacy clearly promotes CAUL’s objective of libraries having a strong role within the teaching and learning endeavour of an institution. I have no hesitation in supporting the nomination of Judy Peacock for the CAUL Achievement Award.

Ruth Quinn
Director Library and Information Access

Charles Darwin University

Convenor CAUL Information Literacy Working Group

20 October 2004
