Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on7 July 2016
Present: Cllr P Cartwright (Chairman)Cllr R Morley (Vice-Chairman)
Cllr A WatsonCllr J Hare
Cllr T Jones
and 1 member of the public.
16/17-33 Chairman's Remarks - The chairman welcomed the new Clerkand introduced Michelle Emery. Ms Emery advised that she was interested in the Thorold Arms and if she was successful would open it as a deli, shop an B & B. She would not use it as a pub but would consider evening meals for party bookings, by arrangement; she would live in. The Chair explained that there is an ACV on the building and that the Save the Thorold team were supported by the PC, for its use as a pub. The Thorold team has raised £112K from the sale of shares and a grant/loan for £150k in principle but it is thought the property may still go to auction.
16/17-34 Apologies - Cllr V Morrell and Cllr S Brown had tendered apologies for absence.
16/17-35 Declarations of Pecuniary Interest – None.
16/17-36 Minutes of the last meeting - Minutes of the meeting of 19th May 2016 were accepted as a true and accurate record, and were signed by the Chairman.
16/17-37 Action Items from the previous meeting
a)Emergency Plan –Stage 1 template to hand and Chair will populate it for the September
meeting. Stage 2 template not yet available. Action–Chair.
b) The Thorold Arms –See item 16/17-33 above – the auction of the pub will take place on 21 July and the Save the Thorold team are hopeful of a successful outcome.
c) Off road bikes - The LCC Footpath Officer had spoken with the Clerk and said that they had no jurisdiction and we should contact the Police. Leave for now.
e) Relocation of Litter bin - This matter is still to be resolved.
Action - Cllr S Brown
f) Clerk’s contract to be finalised. Chair will liaise with Clerk. Action - Chair
16/17-38 County, District and Police Matters - There were no County, District or Police matters for discussion and no reports had been submitted.
16/17-39 School Safety Zone – An e-mail from Jason Pattinson concerning safety problems with parking at the School was discussed. It was agreed that Cllr Watson would speak to Jason and to the School to find out who gave permission for the taxi to park on the yellow lines, before taking this matter further.Extension of yellow lines at the school had been discussed at a meeting with Mark Heaton of Highways several years ago but he declined to extend them. Clerk will ask PCSO Mooney to carry out checks on parked vehicles at school times. Action – Cllr A Watson and Clerk.
16/17-40 VETS – Information literature had been circulated prior to the meeting. The cost of VETS is £100 per annum and 10 volunteers are required for the system. Details will be put on Hougham and Marston Email Service (HAMES) to try and get 10 interested parties as volunteers. Action Cllr A Watson.
16/17-41 Annual Review of Policy Documentation –all documents had been circulated prior to the meeting. It was resolved to adopt the Equal Opportunities Policy, Media Policy, Publication Scheme and Complaints Procedure as drawn, and to re-affirm the Code of Conduct as drawn. The Asset Register needs updating before a Risk Assessment can be finalised. Cllr Brown will be responsible for updating the Risk Assessment. Standing Order 15xv needed revising and it was resolved to agree amendment. The Financial Regulations needed revising at 11b, 11f and 11h and the new figures were agreed. Clerk to amend the Financial Regulations accordingly and they will then be adopted. Action - Cllr A Watson and Clerk.
16/17-42 Planning Matters -
PL/0005/16Erection of a Gas to Grid Anaerobic Digestion Plant near the A1. Approved. S16/0706 – Change of use of amenity land, creation of carp lake, earth bund and associatedlandscaping at Wagtail Country Park – Approved.
S16/0802 J Thorold - Change of use for functions at Marston Hall. Outcome still pending.
S16/1224 – Extension at The Rowans – Outcome still pending.
S16/0702 – 11 lodges at Wagtail Country Park – Outcome still pending.
16/17-43 Finance –
(a)It was resolved to sign the bank reconciliation/income and expenditure account.
(b)Confirmed that insurance has been renewed and includes the SID.
(c)Annual Audit Return submitted and Electoral Rights advertised.
(d)Resolved to agree clerk’s hours at 10 per month. If any large projects mean more hours, these will be considered accordingly.
(e)Clerk to check Yorkshire Bank has updated all signatories. Action – Clerk.
(f)Suggestion for spending some of the monies held was village signage. Councillors will have a look when travelling, and submit suggestions.
16/17-44 Correspondence-
a) Advice to be sought for colourful plants in and around new planter. Action – Cllr J Hare.
b) The village GP surgeries held in Marston and Allington will cease on 30th September.
16/17-45 Urgent Matters (Not Resolution) –None.
16/17-46 Date of Next Meeting - Parish Council Meeting Thursday 01 September 2016 at 7.30pm.
Meeting closed at 9.20pm.
Signed by Chairman – 1.9.16