NUS Business School
Department of Decision Sciences
BMA 5271 Supply Chain Management
Lecturer:Adjunct Professor Sheila Wang
Session:Semester II, 2011/2012
SYNOPSISGlobalization and fierce business competition have directed companies to look for new competitive edge. Supply Chain Management – the management of a network of activities required in fulfilling a customer’s request; such networked business elements include manufacturing locations, sourcing and procurement, logistics, inventory, distribution, and information management, is this new found corporate competitive edge. To compete effectively in today’s business environment, items are produced at one or more factories utilizing the optimal production method, and sometimes outsourced. Logistics systems, including transportation, warehousing, and distribution must be efficient to meet customer delivery requirements. Information systems have evolved to integrate all functions’ interactions while proving, in some corporations, a new paradigm in conducting and winning business. Consequently, to reduce overall cost while meeting customer commitments require all these various business elements to interact in an efficient and optimized manner. It is in the topic of Supply Chain Management that we explore the various business elements, establish a solid foundation and understanding of systematic tools, and acquire pragmatic knowledge of the applications.
Throughout the semester, we will use a systematic approach and address each of the Supply Chain Management areas as follows:
Optimized logistics network
Inventory management and supply contracts
Information technology for supply chain management and e-business
Supply chain integration
Procurement and outsourcing strategies
Cost effective distribution strategies
International issues in supply chain management
Supply Chain Management is far beyond simply logistics but a holistic approach to the operation of effective organizations. Supply Chain Management has been identified in today's corporations as the new competitive edge. What is a Supply Chain? Why is it important to the success of corporations? How do cross functional organizations operate effectively in a supply chain? What are the supply chain successes and challenges in various worldwide corporations and why? These are some of the examples of discussions this course will address to help participants make effective management decisions.
The objectives in this course is to allow the student to:
Increase one’s knowledge in the subject of supply chain management with an integrated approach dealing with the various components which make up the spectrum of supply chain management.
Develop a solid knowledge required for systematic analysis of corporations’ supply chain networks and management.
Through learning the analytical tools and pragmatic case studies to enable one to apply the acquired supply chain management knowledge in real life corporate practices.
Enhance one’s thinking process and problem analysis approach in dealing with supply chain management issues and the optimization of a supply chain process.
Increase one’s value contribution in the subject of supply chain management through acquiring an understanding and application of the various components of supply chain management and the value creation of good supply chain management.
Through discussions of theories and business case studies, this course aims at providing participants the necessary knowledge to build a solid understanding on the topic of Supply Chain Management and to make effective decisions in Supply Chain Management.
Students should have a basic knowledge of quality management. Statistics and Operations Management are strongly recommended.
This course will involve case studies. Students are expected to be prepared with pre-class case readings and be prepared for class discussions.
Week 1: Course Overview. Introduction to Supply Chain Management Reading: Chapter
Week 2: Network Planning/The Value of Information Reading: Chapter 3, 5
Week 3: Inventory Management and Risk Reading: Chapter 2
Week 4: Supply Chain Contracts/Supply Chain Integration Reading: Chapter 4, 6
Week 5: Midterm Exam (1 page notes allowed)
Week 6: NUS recess week
Week 7: Distribution Strategies, Information Technology and Business Reading: Chapter
7, 14
Week 8: Strategic Alliances/ Procurement and Outsourcing Strategies Reading: Chapter
8, 9
Week 9: Industry Speaker
Week 10: Coordinated Product and Supply Chain Design, Technology Standards
Reading: Chapter 11, 15
Week 11: Customer Value /Smart Pricing Reading: Chapter 12, 13
Week 12: Group Project Presentation and Projects Due
Week 13: Group Project Presentation and Projects Due (continued); Module semester
review in preparation for Final Exam
Week 14: Reading Week, No Class
Week 15: Final Exam (1 page notes allowed)
Lectures, case studies, and industry guest presentation.
Title & Author / Edn/Year/ISBN / Publisher
Mandatory Textbook
Designing and Managing the Supply Chain: Concepts, Strategies, and Case Studies
David Simchi-Levi, Philip Kaminsky, Edith Simchi-Levi / Edition: 3rd edition
Year: 2008
ISBN: 978-0-07-110750-1
/ McGraw Hill
Class Participation (individual) 10%
Case Preparation (individual) 10%
Class Case Analysis and Presentation (Group) 10%
Midterm Exam (individual) 15%
Group Term Project (Group) 20%
Final Exam (individual) 35%
Class Case Analysis and Presentation; Group Term Project: is due in groups. Each group is supplied a case study or a problem situation to analyze, prepare and present to class. Submit to Turnitin and IVLE. See Assignment Submission Requirement.
Group Term Project is due in groups. Each group is assigned a term case project to analyze, prepare and present to class at the end of the term. The report and presentation are due at the beginning of class on April 8th before 6pm; submit to Turnitin and IVLE. See Assignment Submission Requirement .
Solectron: From Contract Manufacturer to Global Supply Chain Integrator (pg 295)
HC Starck Inc. (pg 109)
IBM On-Demand
Dell: Improving the Flexibility of the Desktop PC Supply Chain (pg 179)
Assignment Submission Requirement: The group is to submit a report of no more than 10 pages (inclusive of executive summary, table of contents, case/situation background and problem identification, literature review, methodology, analysis and findings, conclusion and recommendation, reference) and a power point presentation at the beginning of class. Submit typed report (10 pages) via Turnitin and submit both typed report and powerpoint presentation via IVLE. Each group is allowed 30 minutes to present its case and findings to the class. Following the presentation, the floor is open for Q+A and class discussion. Each group is assessed by the following criteria:
– Problem statement and situation analysis (20%)
– Methodology, identification of assumptions, and analysis (20%)
– Recommendation and action plans (20%)
– Professionalism in report presentation (10%)
– Oral presentation (20%)
– Handling of Q + A (10%)