v. Feb. 19, 2018
20th Chemical Dialogue (“CD20”): AGENDA
February 25, 2018
Jackson Room 1&2, Gateway Hotel
Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea
09:00 – 09:40 / AGENDA ITEM 1 / SETTING THE SCENE1.A.Welcome from Government Co-ChairGovernment Co-Chair
The Government Co-Chair will introduce the first meeting of the Chemical Dialogue (“Dialogue” or “CD”) in 2018 and in particular focus onhow the Dialogue can contribute to the priorities of the APEC Committee and Trade and Investment(“CTI”) to be discussed further in Item 2(A) below, and to those of Papua New Guinea as the host economy.
1.B.Welcome from Industry Co-ChairIndustry Co-Chair
On behalf of the Asia-Pacific Chemical Industry Coalition (“APCIC”), the Industry Co-Chair will welcome delegates to CD20 and will present a summary of the issues discussed at the Industry Pre- Meeting (“IPM”) on February 24, 2018. These will include any emerging challenges that the IPM identified as well as any recommendations the IPM reached for future CD work.
1.C.Presentation by the SOM Chair’s office on the Priorities for 2018 & Welcome from Papua New Guinea SOM Chair & Papua New Guinea Representatives
A representative of the SOM Chair will provide a presentation on Papua New Guinea’s priorities for 2018. Representatives from the Government of Papua New Guinea and from its Industry will also have an opportunity to provide any other welcoming remarks.
09:40 – 10:10 / AGENDA ITEM 2 / STRATEGY AND ADMINISTRATION OF THE DIALOGUE2.A.Review of Alignment with CTI PrioritiesModerated by Co-Chairs
Meeting Documents
[TBC: Materials from CTI Chair, if any]
The CTI Chair will not be able to attend the CD, but will provide materials summarizing the CTI’s objectives for 2018, which will be tabled at the meeting. After introducing that presentation and those objectives, the Co-Chairs will promote a discussion regarding the CD’s alignment to the CTI’s objectives. Since 2014, the CTI has requested that its sub-fora include time during the first meeting of each year to “review their agenda to ensure it remains aligned with CTI objectives and is commercially relevant,” a request which the CD has followed since 2014.
2.B.2018 APEC Secretariat UpdateAPEC Secretariat
Meeting Documents
[TBC: Presentation from APEC Secretariat and/or Project Management Unit]
The APEC Secretariat will summarize any relevant developments from the Secretariat, including updates on the project submission process, developments in the meeting database, or other matters of general relevance to the CD.
2.C.Approval of the Revised CD Terms of ReferenceCo-Chairs
Meeting Documents
2018/SOM1/CD/[TBD] – Revised Chemical Dialogue Terms of Reference
At CD19, the CD discussed potential revisions to its Terms of Reference, which were last refreshed in 2015. Several potential revisions were displayed on screen and then circulated electronically to delegates intersessionally. Additional revisions were then proposed by the Secretariat to reflect priorities provided by the CTI/SOM. The Co-Chairs will seek CD endorsement of the proposed revisions. If approved, the Co-Chairs will then send the Terms of Reference to the CTI for review and approval.
A representative of the Chair of the Regulators’ Forum (“RF” or “Forum”) will discuss the RF’s 2018 work-plan and will call for additional topics to be added to that work-plan for continued work inter-sessionally. The representative from the RF Chair will also call for delegates to make plans to attend the next meeting of the RF at SOM3 in Port Moresby.
10:15-10:45 / FAMILY PHOTO AND COFFEE BREAK3.B.Virtual Working Group on Regulatory Cooperation and Convergence
3.B.i.VWGRCC Work Plan VWGRCC Co-Chairs (U.S. Industry; Government Co-Chair TBD)
Meeting Documents
The Virtual Working Group on Regulatory Cooperation and Convergence (“VWGRCC”) serves as the coordinating body for theCD’s work stream on regulatory cooperation. The VWGRCC Co-Chairs will discuss relevant developments in the VWGRCC’s workplan and moderate the remaining sub-items in this agenda item relating to particular aspects of that work plan. The VWGRCC will also renew its call for volunteers to serve as the Government Co-Chair of the VWGRCC’s efforts.
3.B.ii.Sharing Best Practices in Chemical Regulation Self-Funded Project: Update The Philippines & VWG
The Philippines and the VWG Co-Chairs will discuss next steps to carry forward the successful self-funded project related to “Sharing Best Practices in Chemical Regulation” held along the margins of CD19 in Ho Chi Minh City, Viet Nam. This will include a discussion of ideas for the four follow-up webinars as agreed at CD19.
3.B.iii.Customs Practices for Industrial ChemicalsU.S. Industry
Meeting Documents
As agreed at CD19, U.S. industry will provide an update on the collaboration with the APEC Subcommittee on Customs Procedures (“SCCP”) to streamline chemical import procedures, including tabling a distillation of key features of the survey results and potential recommendations for next steps.
3.B.iv.Safety of Chemical Products – National and International Issues Russian Federation
Meeting Documents
At CD19, Russia discussed the “Comparative Regulatory Systems Text” which it had tabled intersessionally for comment from economies as well as a self-funded project (CD 02 2017S) to produce a “Survey for Review of Chemical Management Regulatory Systems Worldwide” (“Survey”). In response to comments from several economies that the Survey contained substantial useful information, but would likely be too long to publish as an APEC document, Russia agreed to seek to publish an “Executive Summary” of the Survey as its output from the self-funded project and to potentially seek APEC endorsement of that document. To do so, the CD agreed to seek comment from economies on the Survey by the end of April 2018 to provide Russia with sufficient time to incorporate those comments, draw conclusions, and develop a shorter output conveying those conclusions to the CD prior to the end of 2018. Russia will therefore report on developments since SOM3 and any pending requests (e.g., comments on the Survey) for economies.
3.B.v.Economic Importance of the Chemical Industry in APEC Economies U.S. Industry
Meeting Documents
2018/SOM1/CD/[TBD] – Revised Version: The Economic Importance of the Chemical Industry in the APEC Economies (U.S. Industry)
U.S. Industry introduced a study on “The Economic Importance of the Chemical Industry in the APEC Economies”[1] at CD18 and an initial revised version at CD19. Additional comments were provided intersessionally, so a new revision was circulated to the CD prior to CD20. U.S. industry will introduce the intersessional revisions and seek endorsement of the revised report. Once endorsed, at CD19, the CD agreed to (a) post the report to the CD website and (b) transmit the report to the CTI for information “along with a short cover note that uses the report as a basis for reiterating the value of the CD’s work.”
3.C.Virtual Working Group on GHS
3.C.i.Implementation of VWG WorkplanVWG Co-Chairs
Meeting Documents
The VWG on the Globally Harmonized System for the Classification and Labeling of Chemicals (“GHS”) (“VWGGHS”) will discuss progress on the workplan that was endorsed intersessionally. This will include: (a) any comments received on the “Comparison of Implementing [GHS] Regulations Amongst the APEC Economies” (Doc. No. 2017/SOM3/CD/012), which was endorsed intersessionally, (b) any comments received on, and next steps arising from, the VWGGHS’s Workplan and Terms of Reference (Doc Nos. 2017/SOM3/CD/013-014), which were endorsed intersessionally, and (c) comments received on the scope of the “GHS Implementation Rationale Questions” (Doc. No. 2017/SOM3/CD/024), which is intended as a tool to promote information sharing regarding why economies had made the GHS building block implementation choices that they had.
3.C.ii.Annual GHS Implementation ReportAustralian Industry
Meeting Documents
At CD19, the CD agreed to a revised reporting schedule for drafting its annual report to the Ministers Responsible for Trade (“MRT”) with an aim of seeking completion and endorsement of the report by SOM1 each year. Request for comments were submitted intersessionally and Australian industry will summarize the status of the report and the remaining steps before it can be put forward for endorsement.
3.C.iv.Extensions and Status of the G.R.E.A.T. ProjectChinese Taipei
Meeting Documents
Chinese Taipei will provide an update on developments related to the GHS Reference Exchange and Tool(“G.R.E.A.T.”) project that it hosts, including any new information received and posted since CD19.
3.D.Virtual Working Group on Data ExchangeRussian Federation
Meeting Documents
The VWG on GHS Data Exchange (“VWGDE”) focuses on promoting information sharing between and amongst the CD on several topics, including, in particular between the CD and the UN Subcommittee of Experts on the GHS (“UNSCEGHS”). Russia, as the VWGDE Co-Chair, will introduce developments in the VWGDE’s work since CD19, where the CD had agreed to (1) welcome efforts by the VWGDE to strengthen cooperation between the CD and UNSCEGHS through information and data sharing on their activities, (2) note the proposal related to information sharing on eco-labeling (Doc. No. 2017/SOM3/CD/022), and (3) agree that interested economies should work through their UNSCEGHS representatives to complete the survey submitted at the UNSCEGHS related to subheading numbering requirements.
4.A.VWG on Marine DebrisRepresentative of the Marine Debris VWG
Meeting Documents
The Marine Debris VWG (“MDVWG”), a joint working group between the CD and the Ocean’s and Fisheries Working Group (“OFWG”), will present on the work it has undertaken since CD19, at which the CD agreed to welcome the update from the MDVWG (Doc. No. 2017/SOM3/CD/016). In particular this will include work related to (1) efforts to implement the Policy and Practice Recommendations that were endorsed by APEC Ministers in 2016; (2) the MDVWG’s draft work-plan for 2018; and (3) efforts to encourage interested economies to join the MDVWG’s ongoing work and engagement with other APEC fora.
4.B.Industry Approach for Marine Debris in JapanJapan Industry
Japanese industry will share its activities with other relevant industry associations to tackle Marine Debris in Japan. Specifically, the Japan Chemical Industry Association started a voluntary group where information, issues, and efforts around Marine Debris can be shared with member associations such as the Japan Plastics Industry Federation, Plastic Waste Management Institute, and others. The work has included: (1) Providing appropriate information based on scientific approach, (2) Supporting in building social infrastructure for sound management of waste in emerging countries, and (3) Prevention of plastic leakage to the marine environment.
4.C.Options for Potential CD Work on Sustainable ChemistryU.S. Industry
U.S. Industry will provide an update on this workstream which was initiated at CD17 and was designed to focus on areas in which the CD could contribute to ongoing global discussions regarding sustainability and sustainable chemistry. At CD19, the CD agreed to (1) maintain this agenda item to identify ways it could meaningfully contribute to ongoing international discussions on the topic, including related to implementation of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (“SDGs”); and (2) encourage interested economies to participate in intersessional discussions. U.S. Industry will provide an update on developments since CD19.
This item was added to the CD agenda at CD17 and was part of the impetus behind the extensive discussion about the basis of, and the challenges inherent in, maintaining a risk-based approach to chemical regulation during the CD19 Best Practices in Chemical Regulation workshop. After discussing those challenges further at CD19, the CD agreed (1) to maintain the agenda item and to seek presentations from economies at future CD meetings regarding why they have adopted risk-based approaches and how they have implemented them, noting Australia presented on this topic regarding its own regulatory system at the Workshop; and (2) that the Regulators’ Forum would assist in carrying forward this item by undertaking further capacity building work on the topic. Several economies identified interest in further discussions at CD20 and U.S. Industry will moderate a discussion on intersessional developments, including whether any economies wish to present case studies on their risk-based approaches.
5.B.SAICMSingapore & U.S. Industry
Meeting Documents
At CD19, Singapore and the U.S. Industry had tabled a SAICM Reporting Template (Doc. No. 2017/SOM3/CD/026) and an example completed template (Doc. No. 2017/SOM3/CD/027) to promote the CD’s ability to proactively compile information regarding each economy’s SAICM implementation in advance of the Fifth International Conference on Chemicals Management (“ICCM-5”). At CD19, the CD had agreed to (1) seek intersessional endorsement of the template and (2) to encourage completion of the template once endorsed. Singapore and U.S. Industry will present on developments in the SAICM process, any comments received on the reporting template since SOM3, and proposed next steps for the CD’s engagement in ICCM-5 preparations.
5.C.SAICM Update from Asia-Pacific Regional MeetingJapan
Meeting Documents
Japan will provide an update from the SAICM Asia Pacific regional meeting held in Bangkok from Jan. 23 to 25. Prior to the 2nd intersessional process meeting, SAICM secretariat is now organizing 5 regional meetings to facilitate input on the Strategic Approach activities and prepare for the upcoming intersessional meeting. At the regional meeting, delegates discussed a couple of key topics such as a progress review of SAICM’s overall Orientation and Guidance, provision of guidance on implementation, and the perspectives on the future and identification of regional priorities towards and beyond 2020.
Meeting Documents
Economies are invited to provide an informational update on regulatory developments in their economies since CD19. These updates are provided for informational purposes only and will not entail action items for the CD. Interested economies are encouraged to (1) notify the Co-Chairs in advance of the CD meeting of their interest in presenting, (2) table any supporting documentation with the secretariat, and (3) to the extent possible, include a discussion of how the regulatory developments made use of, or aligned with, the CD’s Best Practice Principles (Doc. No. 2017/SOM3/CD/006) and related Regulatory Checklist (Doc. No. 2017/SOM3/CD/007).
17:30-18:00 / AGENDA ITEM 7 / RECOMMENDATIONS AND CONCLUSIONS7.A.Summary of the Day and Action ItemsAPCIC
A representative from the APCIC will summarize the day’s discussions and read the list of agreed upon action items for revision and endorsement by delegates.
7.B.APEC Ministers Responsible for Trade (MRT) StatementGovernment Co-Chair
The CD’s work was recognized by Ministers several times in 2017. The Ministers Responsible for Trade welcomed the “efforts of the Chemical Dialogue to encourage the use of good regulatory practices, to address divergences in classification and labeling in industrial chemicals in order to facilitate trade” as well as “efforts to improve the investment environment for waste management infrastructure.”[2] APEC Ministers (“AMM”) also recognized the CD’s work, “noting the importance of risk-based chemicals management”, the AMM “note[d] the efforts of the APEC Chemical Dialogue to encourage the use of good regulatory practices and address divergences in the Globally Harmonized System of Classification and Labeling of Chemicals (GHS) to facilitate trade” and “encourage[d] all economies and stakeholders, particularly the private sector, to engage in ocean-related cooperation including investment in sustainable materials management and waste management infrastructure, to reduce land based sources of marine debris in APEC.”[3]
The Dialogue will discuss its progress on these instructions and the items that the Government Co-Chair could consider submitting to Senior Officials for possible inclusion in the MRT statement at SOM2 in May 2018.
7.C.Document Classification ListAPEC Secretariat
Meeting Documents
2018/SOM1/CD/000 – Document Classification List (APEC Secretariat)
The Secretariat will review Document Number 2018/SOM1/CD/000, as updated throughout the discussions, and seek endorsement of the final classifications.
7.D.SOM3 PreparationsPapua New Guinea
A representative from Papua New Guinea will conclude the discussions with any preliminary notes about the next CD, to be held during SOM3 2018 in Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea.
[1] 2017/SOM1/CD/003.