Use the Internet, books and other sources to do research on robots beingused in our world. Pick one robot and do more research on it.
Prepare a short report on your robot. Your report may take any form of your choice – a written document, PowerPoint presentation, Prezi presentation, short documentary etc.
Your document should be no longer than a single A4 page, and any presentations no longer than 4-5 slides.
You will need to include the following information on your particular robot in your report:
- What is your robot used for? (Space exploration, household chores, medical procedures etc.)
- Sensors – What information does the robot take in? (e.g. sound, distance, levels of light etc. )
- Mechanical – What materials is it made of and how does it move?
- Power – how is your robot powered – what is its source of energy
- What does your robot do better in its job than a human?
- In what aspects would a human be better in that job than the robot?
Please get your choice of robot checked by Mrs. Rao to make sure you are on the right track. Please DO NOT cut and paste information directly from websites. You must rewrite all your information in your own words. If you don’t understand something in your own report – it shouldn’t be in it!!
Based on your understanding of real world robots, design a robot to meet a specified need in society. Your final design (on A4 paper) must include
- A detailed description of the need it will meet in society
- A labeled diagram of your robot
- Information on how it is powered
- What sensors it will need to have
- The sorts of movements/actions it will need to be capable of
- Its size
- The materials it will be made from
Part B will need to be handed in to me in class. Your robot designs will be displayed in the Science Classroom.
DUE DATE: Your completed report should be uploaded to Google Classroom byweek 7 (March 12th). Please see me if you are having problems with Google Classroom.
- Report provides comprehensive information on all questions
- All answers are accurate and in sufficient detail to demonstrate an in-depth understanding of the chosen robot
- Answers are written in student's own words
- Sensors, power mechanism, materials used, movements etc. are clearly defined
- Final product is creative, well presented and with care given to spelling checks and layout of information
- Lists references used for information
HIGH 11-13
- All questions have been answered
- Most answers are accurate and in sufficient detail to demonstrate an understanding of the chosen robot
- Most answers are written in student's own words
- Provides a sound description of sensors, power mechanism, materials, movements
- Final product has been presented well with care given to spelling checks and layout of information
- Lists references used for information
SOUND 9-10
- Provides sound information on chosen robot but some questions have been left unanswered
- Answers are accurate but lack detail in key aspects
- Writing style does not always reflect students own words
- Description of sensors/power mechanism/movement is lacking some detail
- Final product contains spelling errors and shows lack of editing
- Provides some information on chosen robot
- Some answers lack accuracy and detail in key aspects
- Writing contains many instances of 'cut and paste'
- Provides a sketchy description of the sensors, movement, materials etc.
PART B - 5 marks
- Robot is an original design
- Function in society is clearly defined
- Labeled diagram showing dimensions and parts of robot included
- Types of sensors are identified
- Movement and power mechanism is described clearly