6th Grade Social Studies
Mrs. Lisa Lunn
Voice Mail: 797-8432
Welcome! It is a pleasure to be working with you this year at Genoa. The school year is off to a great start, and I am excited about the things we will accomplish together. Please feel free to contact me any time with questions, concerns, or news to share!
Class Website
You will find homework, notes, study guides, and information about upcoming events and assignments. You can access my website in one of two ways:
1)Go to
2)Go to click on Our Schools (top left of page), Middle Schools, Genoa, Teacher Web Sites, and finally Lunn, Lisa.
Classroom Expectations
In order for our class to run as smoothly as possible, I simply ask all students to maintain the following four expectations:
1)Enter quietly, take your seat, and get ready for class (fill out logbook and begin journal prompt).
2)Bring all necessary supplies for class. Everyday supplies include:
- Binder
- Logbook
- Journal (spiral notebook)
- Pencil
3)Complete assignments on time and to the best of your ability.
4)Respect all people and property.
6th Grade Curriculum
The 6th grade curriculum studies world geography and cultures. The units of study planned for this year align with the Ohio Academic Content Standards for Grade 6. Our curriculum is divided into two main sections—we begin the year by studying the geography and cultures of the modern world, with an emphasis on the Eastern Hemisphere; and we finish the year by studying civilizations of the ancient world. Following is an outline of the major concepts we will explore this year:
- Geography and Cultures of the Modern World
- Map Skills
- Five Themes of Geography
- Physical Geography
- Human Geography (including culture, religions, government, and economics)
- Ancient River Valley Civilizations
We will explore the geography, agriculture, government, religion, social structure, and achievements of these civilizations.
- Mesopotamia—Tigris & Euphrates Rivers
- Egypt—Nile River
- China—Huang He & Chang Jiang Rivers
- India/Pakistan—Indus River
Assessment and Grades
Students will be engaged in individual, small group, and whole group learning activities in my classroom. One of my goals is to guide students in finding the connections between their lives and issues facing our world today, as well as connections between the past and their lives today. I generally assign homework two to three times per week.
- Tests and Quizzes
- We will have about two to threetests per grading period. Students always know about tests well in advance, and we take time in class to review and practice for these as well.
- Short quizzes to monitor progress between tests or to review basic content (like vocabulary or map skills) will occur about every other week.
- Favorite test preparation strategies:
- I always encourage students to study for a test or quiz with somebody—if you can “say it” out loud, then you really know it!
- Making flashcards is very effective as well; students review the content while making the cards, but then can use them to study by themselves or with someone else.
- Writing Projects/Assessments
- One of the best ways for students to show what they know is through writing. We will develop a variety of writing pieces in Social Studies throughout the year. Students and I will evaluate writing pieces by using rubrics that describe in detail the criteria on which students will be scored. We will also conduct at least one research project during the school year.
- Homework/Classwork
- Not every homework assignment that students complete will be graded for “points,” yet completing homework with effort and quality is a key ingredient to success in every class. Many assignments are for learning purposes, and though students and I will evaluate the work they complete, and I will record and track all work completed, not every assignment is “graded.”
Keys to Success
1.Stay organized! Put papers in their proper place.
2.Write in your logbook EVERY DAY, and take it home with
3.Ask questions, and ask for help when you need it.
Homework Hotline Numbers
Ms. Horst—Science
Mrs. Lunn—Social Studies
Mrs. Miller—Language Arts
Mrs. Yeater—Math
Homework Hotline Numbers
Ms. Horst—Science
Mrs. Lunn—Social Studies
Mrs. Miller—Language Arts
Mrs. Yeater—Math