August 26, 2012

2243 Burbank Avenue (Corner of Rose & Burbank)

Nashville, TN 37210

Sunday School: 10:00 a.m.

Morning Worship Services 11:00 a.m.

Evening Worship Services 6:00 p.m.

Church Website: http//

Pastor: Elder Barry Armour 615-822-4681-615-812-6204

Pastor Email:

Music Director: Bro. Bert Lanier

Sunday School Supt.: Bro. Terry Parker

Church Clerk: Bro. Billy Clemons

Deacons: Bro. Jimmy Hicks Bro. Bert Lanier

Bro. Don Langford Bro. James Quinn

“Thus saith the Lord, Stand ye in the ways , and see, and ask for the old paths, where is the good way. And walk therein, and ye shall find rest for your souls. But they said, We will not walk therein.”

Jeremiah 6:16

God With Us Women’s Fellowship

September Meeting – Tuesday, September 18, 6:30 p.m. Faith Baptist Church, 2243 Burbank Ave. Nashville, TN. (Basement)


Fairview Missionary Baptist Church – September 2 at 6:00 p.m.

Woodburn, KY

Lafayette Missionary Baptist Church – Sunday, October 21. at 6:00 p.m.302 College St., Lafayette, TN


DATE : September 15, 10:00 a.m.

PLACE: Victory Missionary Baptist Church

The theme is "What is your Life?" Taken from James 4:7 Finding the purpose in living...not just existing.

Sister Wanda Oliver is still working on getting speakers. As soon as she can, she will announce and send flyers. Ladies, I got the following information from Wanda Oliver and I
wanted to be sure you mark your calendars. This is an wonderful event. I have always left very blessed and having more knowledge in the Lord. (from Cindy)

Annual Indiana’s Ladies Conference

Whiteland MB Church

210 N Front St, Whiteland, IN 46184-9752

October 12th and 13th

(For more information see last page of Bulletin)


Old Paths Missionary Baptist Church – 402 E. College Smyrna. TN. Revival beginning Thursday, August 23, 7:00 p.m. Pastor, Elder Jason Wheeley, assisted by Elder Josh Gregory.

Old Fashion Gospel Hour – Sundays, 9:00 a.m. – Channel 17 and 28.



Bro. Armour requested our prayers for a friend’s dad who has Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever and was in serious condition last week. We hope his condition has improved.

As most of you know, Al Burgess passed away on Friday of this last week following open heart surgery. He had seemed to be doing okay except he was experiencing breathing problems at times. His funeral will be today at 1:00 p.m. in Collinwood, TN, with Bro. Armour conducting the service. Please keep Linda in your prayers.

Mary Jo has been having trouble with walking and pain in her legs for the past month. She has had a very difficult 4 weeks or so. Pray for Mary Jo’[s health to improve and that she will get the help that she needs medically.

The little 3 year old who is Bro. Monty Shoulders’ granddaughter suffered a setback in her treatment this past week. Please continue to remember this baby in your prayers.

Bro. Tony Clark preached for us last Sunday. He and Bro. Armour canvassed the neighborhood last week and communicated with our neighbors, some of them in Spanish, as Bro. Clark speaks Spanish fluently. Pray for the efforts they put forth to appeal to these people to attend our meetings and for the instructionn they gave each family as they talked with them.

Katrina Maddox lost an aunt this past week. She had had some teeth pulled and was scheduled to have heart surgery but passed away before the surgery. Pray for this family.

Ezma Trapp is getting weaker and Brenda thanks the Lord that she has had the strength to take care of her. Pray that the Lord will be with her and comfort her.

The Clemons family encounters many people in the store that they operate and many share their problems, health issues, and spiritual needs. Pray for the efforts that they are making to communicate God’s love to those who need His guidance.


Susan Coon had a fun trip recently to the Dukes of Hazzard Homecoming. As we all know, Susan is a big fan. She had a great time.


The August meeting of this Fellowship met last Tuesday evening. Cindy spoke on the subject of the miraculous way God intercedes on our behalf in times of our need. She read many scriptures in this regard and several participated in sharing events in their lives where God stepped in on our behalf in times of need.

There were several prayer requests.

Nathan’s mom (Dillon’s friend) requested prayer for Nathan as he has a new job and since he doesn’t have a car yet, because of the transportation issue, he had to move in with his dad.

Dillon has moved in at college and Cindy requested the group to remember him in prayer.

Vicky Troutt asked us to pray for her daughter, Jamie, who attends college at Austin Peay and she has many miles to drive to and from each day. Vicky also announced she was going to be a grandmother and asked our prayers for the couple and the new baby when it arrives.

Cindy reminded everyone of the September 15 Fellowship Meeting at Victory Baptist Church and the October 12 and 13 meeting of the Ladies Conference sponsored by the Whiteland Missionary Baptist Church in Whiteland, IN. She encouraged everyone to try to attend these meetings.


Minutes of the July meeting were read and approved. The treasurer’s report and Sunday School report was read and approved. Correspondence was read from Grace Baptist church in Gallatin.

The committee looking at whether it is feasible to enlarge or improve our upstairs bathrooms made a report. This work would involve possibly losing about 4 pews in the church. The cost was also estimated. There was no decision made at this meeting.

Two young preachers have asked for appointments. Bro. Justin Hall was given an appointment for Sunday evening, August 26, and Bro. Armour was given permission to make an appointment for Bro. Matthew at Bro. Matthews’ convenience (Note: Bro. Justin Hall may preach at the 11:00 hour due to Bro. Armour needing to hold a funeral.)

The church voted to hold a TENT REVIVAL Friday, September 28, through Sunday, September 30.

Joyce Callis asked if anyone could take the Bulletin.

She would like to turn it over to anyone who would like to do

It. No one volunteered at this meeting.

There was no other business and the meeting adjourned.


BY Dee Dornan

Dead was I, in sin and shame,

I prayed to God, in Jesus’ Name,

At the Cross the Truth I found,

Redeeming love that knew no bounds…

Not because of what I’d done;

But earnest pleas to God’s own Son;

In faith I prayed to Him who died…

And paid the price with sword-pierced side…

Enduring pain that I might know,

His love could save, and make me whole!

Love like this I’d never felt,

And my stoney heart, His touch did melt,

Confessing all, I did repent,

And trusted Him, the One God sent.

He alone is all I need

To keep my soul; His voice I heed.

At times I feel His presence near,

And even when in times of fear;

No enemy can cause me harm;

His Word assures, with no alarm!

Death? It holds no sting for me,

My eyes He opened, and now I see!

Light from Him as bright as day,

It reaches out to guide my way…

Each time He calls, I answer “Yes,

Lord, do with me as you see best….

Restore my soul,

I’ve passed Your test!”


All of the apostles were insulted by the enemies of their

Master. They were called to seal their doctrines with their blood

and nobly did they bear the trial.

Matthew suffered martyrdom by being slain with a sword at a

distant city of Ethiopia.

Mark expired at Alexandria, after being cruelly dragged through the streets of that city.

Luke was hanged upon an olive tree in the classic land of Greece.

John was put in a caldron of boiling oil but escaped death in a miraculous manner, and was afterward banished to Patmos.

Peter was crucified at Rome with his head downward.

James the Greater, was beheaded at Jerusalem.

James, the Less, was thrown from a lofty pinnacle of the

temple, and then beaten to death with a fuller’s club.

Bartholomew was flayed alive.

Andrew was bound to a cross, whence he preached to his

persecutors until he died.

Thomas was run through the body with a lance at Coromandel

in the East Indies.

Jude was shot to death with arrows.

Matthias was first stoned and then beheaded.

Barnabas of the Gentiles was stoned to death at Salonica.

Paul, after various tortures and persecutions,

was at length beheaded at Rome by the Emperor Nero.

Such was the fate lf the apostles, according to traditional




August 26-September 2

Paul Hassell – August 29 - Birthday



A politician who promised everybody everything for nothing was running against a more conservative man. Some sought the preacher’s appraisal. He replied, “I try to stay out of politics; but when a man puts himself up greater than Jesus Christ, I guess I ought to say something. Jesus said, ‘Follow me and ye shall not want.’ But one of the candidates is saying, ‘ Sit down, fellows, and I’ll hand it to you;”

Annual Indiana’s Ladies Conference - October 12th and 13th Whiteland MB Church

210 N Front St, Whiteland, IN 46184-9752


I am interested in attending this event. Last year, Irene, MaM aw, Lisa and I attended this event. We made it a two day event and had a great time. Normally, Friday night the 12th is a small fellowship night with the conference being all day on the 13th.

Please let me know if this is something that you would like to attend. We will figure out how many vehicles we need to take and how many hotel rooms. I will not know the cost for sure but to give you an idea, with 2 women per room it will run approx $60 a night for your room plus food. We will all share the cost of the gas.

One thing I want you to consider would be what time you would like to leave on Friday night. If we want to attend their Friday night fellowship we will need to leave Nashville around noon. I also would like know if you want to plan to spend Saturday night. If we do choose to stay Saturday night we could plan to attend church in Indiana on Sunday morning.

Let me hear from you one way or another. I would like to make hotel reservations by September 1st. Let’s go and fellowship together. I think it’s good to spend time together and not just on Sunday morning! Cindy Clemons


Joyce would love it if someone else would like to do the

Bulletin. The church bought a printer and it goes with the job. If anyone wants to volunteer, call Joyce and we’ll get it lined up for the Business Meeting. Joyce will continue doing the Bulletin until someone volunteers, hopefully.

Bulletin Committee:

Joyce Callis 352-3070

Susan Coon– 773-5250 ; Betty Coon- 773-5250

Jean Langford-758-7431 Langford

Lisa Parker-274-2783