Beyond 20/20 Professional Browser

Exercise B2020.1: Hiding elements and displaying charts

1.  Open the file Crudbal.ivt

2.  Move the dimensions COUNTRY, BALANCE, PRODUCT next to each other (drag and drop them in that order).

3.  Display quarterly data choosing “Last values” (View - Time Series -> Quarterly).

4.  From the PRODUCT dimension select the element “Crude Oil” (right-click and select “Show”).

5.  From the BALANCE dimension select “Closing Government stock level [in KT]” (right-click and select “Show”).

6.  Select “Belgium” from COUNTRY the same way.

7.  Click on the element “Crude Oil”.

8.  Select the row and open a chart by using the chart button:

9.  Align the table and the chart horizontally (Window -> Tile Horizontal).

You should now be able to see when the Belgian stock holding agency was created (the 3rd quarter of 2008).

Exercise B2020.2: Sorting data

1.  Use the file from Exercise B2020.1: Crudbal.ivt

2.  Close the chart window.

3.  Go to View -> Reset and reset the table to the initial format.

4.  Move the dimensions COUNTRY, BALANCE, PRODUCT next to each other (drag and drop them in that order).

5.  From the PRODUCT dimension choose “Crude Oil” and from BALANCE choose “Total Imports [in KT]”.

6.  Move the PRODUCT and BALANCE dimensions to the upper bar (drag and drop them).

7.  Display only “Feb2000” (select it, right-click and select “Show”).

8.  Hide all aggregates (OECD Total, OECD Europe, OECD North America, OECD Pacific) by right-clicking on them and selecting “Hide”.

9.  Select the COUNTRY dimension and sort the data in a decreasing order using the button (remember to select “Data” in the “Field” window)

You should now be able to see the total crude oil imports of the OECD countries by descending order of magnitude.

Exercise B2020.3: Exporting to Excel

1.  Use the final table from Exercise B2020.2: Crudbal.ivt.

2.  Click on “Save as…”

3.  From the “Save as type” list, choose .xls and give a name to your file. Save it on your desktop.

4.  Open the file in Excel to view the data.

Please note:

The above data could have been exported to Excel by copying and pasting. However, this would not have been possible for a large data set. Here, we suggest that you save the data in a .csv format, and then import it from Excel:

Excel 2007: go to “Data” menu, on the left choose “From Txt”, and follow the wizard. Remember to select “Comma” as a delimiter.

Excel 2003: go to Data, Import External Data, Import Data, find the csv.

Please also note:

B2020 only exports the data that is currently being displayed in the programme window. Hidden elements will not be included in the output file.

Optional Exercise B2020.4: Pie chart

1.  Open the file OECDdemo.ivt.

2.  Choose the month “JAN2000” (right-click on the month’s name, select “Show”).

3.  Hide the elements “Total Products” and “Gas/Diesel Oil” (select both items, right-click and select “Hide”).

4.  Select the column “JAN2000” (if you don’t select the month/year, the chart will only display the selected cell).

5.  Click on chart icon in the menu above or go to View -> Chart.

6.  Click the Tile button on the toolbar to tile the table with the graph.

7.  You will see a Bar chart on the left side of the screen. Right-click on the chart and choose “Chart options” and then select a pie chart.

You should now be able to see the demand for secondary petroleum products for Australia in January 2000.

Note that Australia is the default country. To view the data for other countries, set COUNTRY as the active dimension by selecting it with a click. Then click on the arrows next to the active dimension’s field to browse through the country list:

Thank you for your cooperation!