Gujarat ChiefMinister questions UPA Government’s motive behind creation of NCTC, demanded withdrawal of the order

Gujarat ChiefMinister Shri Narendra Modi while strongly demanding rollback of NationalCounterTerrorismCentre (NCTC) condemned the UPA Governmentfor damaging the trust between Union Government and States. He said that in last few months, UPA Government has taken a number of such ill-advised steps to weaken State Governments. He also said that by this kind of intentions and unilateral actions, it is making terrorists happy as its focus is shiftingfrom fighting terrorists to weakening State Governments. In a scathing attack on the lack of leadership, he said that the Union Government is functioning in totaldisregard to the Constitutional propriety. It is damaging the federalstructure and breaking the bond of cooperation. He mentioned that it is changing the basicnature of an intelligenceagency and exposing it to public glare. It is exposing the intelligence organization to day to day grind of Police force, running from Court to Court for prosecuting offender. It is tinkering with all such institutions and damaging their capability to perform their task. ‘Guptchar’ is being exposed to become ‘Openchar’

He appealed to the PrimeMinister to rise to the occasion and cancel the OfficeMemorandum creating NCTC which is against the Constitutionalprovision and stop weakening the StateGovernments who are fighting against terrorismand extremism. He made a fervent appeal to the Prime Minister to workfor restoring the trust between the Union Government and States.

Speaking at the ChiefMinisters’ conference convened by the Government of Indiaunder the chairmanship of Prime Minister Dr. Manmohan Singh on the issue of NationalCounterTerrorismCentre (NCTC), Shri Modi pointed out that Gujarat is clearly in favour of a strong comprehensive anti-terror lawto combat terrorism. However, the State is not in favour of damaging democraticpolity and federalstructure by creating NCTC to create problems for the State Governments. It is more than obvious that NCTC is all about creating problems in the states and ferment trouble for the State Governments. He said that it is obvious that the presentUnion Government has hidden politicalagenda.

“What signals we are going to terrorists by creating a crisis of confidence between the UnionGovernment and States? Why Union Government wants to destroy the federalstructure? Why it does not trust the State Governments and its agencies? What does it want to achieve - to fight terrorism or to create crisis in States” he asked the Prime Minister.

Shri Modi further stated that in such operations there is a high probability of collateraldamages. How will the NCTC tackle these consequent situations if their actions leadtocounter violence, protests, agitations and problems of public order? It would be like the UnionGovernment agencies coming and disturbing a bee-hive and leaving the state agencies to bear all the bee-stings.

Shri Modi said that this august gathering should not be converted into a debating forum rather this occasion should be used to give a clear and strong message that both the UnionGovernment and States are together in the fight against terrorismand extremism. He said that our mainpriority is to combat terrorism in any form with strong politicalwill.

The Gujarat ChiefMinister while commenting on operational effectiveness of the proposed NCTC posed a question about the UnionGovernment’s success todeal with issues like viz. infiltration, arms landing, communication, channelization of funds through havala routes and extradition of terrorists, though the Central organizations are primarily responsiblefor tackling these issues.

He also gave an example how Gujarat Government successfully fought forextradition of a terroraccused hiding in UK. He appealed to the PrimeMinister to concentrate on these issues which willhelp in the fight against terrorism and weaken the backbone of terrorism.

He said that States are successfully carrying out operations in nabbing the terrorists. The weak link is rightintelligenceinputfromUnionGovernment. He said that he would like to know even a single instance where any State has not cooperated with the Union Government in carrying out operations in the field to nab the terrorists.

Emphasizing on having faith in our constitutionalarrangements and the Union – Staterelationship in a federal structure, he said that we should not focus on legalistic arguments, but rise above technicalities and dwell upon the larger picture of confidence–building between the Centre and states.

Criticizing the Union Government’s tendencytomisuseexecutive machinery, Shri Modi said that the creation of NCTC when seen in the backdrop of recent events in our body-politic assumes significance as a consciousstrategy to pursue certain hidden agenda. This is really “Kahin pe Nigaahen kahin pe Nishana”, he said sarcastically and mentioned the Union Home Ministry’s failure in preventing terroristattacks in Delhi.

He mentioned that NIA was created todealwith scheduled offences affecting different States. Within a short span, UnionGovernment came out with NCTC. Similarly, MAC and SMAC were set up to strengthen our intelligencesystem and now it feels that these mechanisms are inadequate and want that all the intelligence agencies be subsumed in the Intelligence Bureau.

During the last 25 years this country has witnessed series of terror incidents and yet we have not been able todeal with the problem comprehensively, he pointed out. As the States bear the brunt of the menace, the real need is to enhance their capacities. The forces fighting terror at the forefront need strong support and legal backing, Shri Modi suggested.

While entire developed world enacted strong anti-terror laws in post 9/11 terror attack, India was seen repealing POTA. Shri Modi pointed out that the UnionGovernment has still not been able to come out with a comprehensive anti-terrorism legislation. The UPA Government of 2004 repealed POTA depriving the country of the legalshield to fight terror and today it seeks to use the Unlawful Activities (Prevention) Act to create NCTC through back door, thereby depriving States to dischargetheir responsibilities.

Citing examples of Anti-terrorism Act and legislations in countries like Canada, New Zealand, UK, Japan and Indonesia, Shri Modi said that USA which already had a strong legalframework found it appropriatetoenactspecial laws like the USA PATRIOT Act, Homeland Security Act, SAFETY Act and so on to rise up to the new challenges. However, while these nations were strengthening themselves and sending a strong signal of robust will to fight terror, UPA Government was busy repealing the existing Anti-terror Acts like POTA.

Strongly opposing creation of NCTC in the presentform in such a clandestine manner, Shri Modi said that the State Governments must be strengthened and supported in fight against terror. However, what we are witnessing is a systematic attempt to weaken the State Governments and subvert the Constitutionjust to wield power in States.

Shri Modi also pointed out that the IB, though placed under the Ministry of Home Affairs, is outside the scope of Parliamentary oversight. The creation of NCTC increases the possibility of violation of democratic rights duetoco-existence in a single Agency of covert capabilities and directoperational capacities. He wondered why at the conceptual stage, UnionGovernment did not consult States on the issue of creation of NCTC.

Gujarat Minister of Statefor Home Shri Prafulbhai Patel, Addl. ChiefSecretary (Home) Shri Varesh Sinha, Principal Secretary (Law & Order) Shri G C Murmu, DirectorGeneral of Police Shri Chitaranjan Singh and ResidentCommissioner Shri Bharat Lal besides seniorofficers fromState Government attended the meeting.

Colourful Sunday

ChiefMinisterto attend Bihar CentenaryCelebration in Surat

26 dignitaries from Bihar-Jharkhand-Gujarat tobe felicitated

CM topreside over Telugu MahaSammelan

Indeed, it willbe a colourful Sunday for people migrated from Bihar-Jharkhand and Andhra Pradesh and residing in Surat, asChiefMinister NarendraModi will preside over their two mega congregations. Shri.Modi will attend Bihar CentenaryCelebration as well as TeluguMahaSammelanthat will be held in city, in the evening.

Bihar ShatabdiMahotsav, that willbe held at B.R.C. ground,Udhna, organized by Samasta Bihar-Jharkhand Samaj Trust, will witness a grand felicitation of 26 dignitaries from Bihar,Jharkhand and Gujarat. The ChiefMinister will felicitate Renowned Litterateur cumJournalist Bhagvatikumar Sharma, noted singer PadmashriUdit Narayan, noted litterateurPadmashriRavindraRajhansh, first lady of the world, who scaled Mount Everest twice PadmashriSantoshYadav, popularfilmactor ManojTiwari, TV star Rajesh Kumar, Prof. TathagatTulsi, who completed graduation at the age of 10, well known Mathematician who founded “Super-30”, Anand Kumar, Coach cum player RamashankerSinh and others at the grand celebration that will be attended by thousands of people from Bihar and Jharkhand.

Chief MinisterNarendraModi, willsharedais with Shankracharya of Sri KanchKamkotiPith SriSriJayendraSaraswati at a Telugu MahaSammelan that is tobe held at Parbat villagearea on the outskirt of the City, after attending the Bihar Celebration. Ministers Narottambhai Patel, Mangubhai Patel, RanjitbhaiGilitwala, MPs, MLAs from Surat-Navsari and city Mayor will be the specialguests on the occasion.