COURSE: MUS 119, Introduction to the Keyboard and Solfege
OUTCOMES: Upon completion of this course, student will be able to:
- Quickly identify keys on the keyboard corresponding to notes on the staff, and vice versa.
- Conceptualize scales and intervals on the keyboard.
- Sing elementary stepwise melodies on solfege.
Lancaster, E.L. and Renfrow, Kenon D. Group Piano for Adults, Book I, 2nd Ed., Van Nuys, CA: Alfred Publishing Co.
Midterm Test – 100 points
Exit Exam – 100 points
Five Quizzes – 100 points (20pts each)
Grades for quizzes, the midterm and the final exam will be posted in Blackboard. The total number of points possible is 300. The Grading Scale is:
A = 270 - 300
B = 240 – 270
C = 210 - 240
K = 180 - 210
F = 000 – 180
The “K” grade is normally used in courses at NKU which mandate a specific proficiency which must be achieved prior to moving on to the next level. If, for example, a student does unsatisfactory work on a Class Piano I exam, he or she will be given a “K” grade for the course. This will have no immediate impact on the student’s GPA as an F might have. Instead, the grade will remain on the transcript until such time as the student passes the exit exam for Class Piano I. Then the “K” grade automatically changes to the grade received in the class.
Important Note about Grades:
If you feel that the grade you receive for a quiz or exam does not fairly represent your performance on the quiz or exam, you may contact Dr. Belland by email or in person during office hours or immediately before or after class to schedule a meeting in order to receive afull explanation of your grade.
Your professor will clearly explain---- in advance---the level of mastery expected for each item on the quiz or exam. Consultations will be scheduled with students who are earning grades lower than a C.
Regular attendance is vital to your success in learning to play the piano. One unexcused absence is allowed. For every two unexcused absences, your letter grade will be lowered one full letter grade. Please refer to (website)
Mid-term grades will be issued only to students who have successfully completed fewer than 30 semester hours. Students will be able to access mid-term grades through Norse Express as soon as faculty submit the grades. Mid-term grades are not a part of students’ permanent records; they will be replaced by final class grades when these are submitted. Mid-term grades do not guarantee a good or bad class grade; they reflect a current level of performance that can be altered by the quality of subsequent work.
August 23 – Last day to register or enter a course
Last day to drop with a 100% tuition adjustment
August 29 – Last day to drop without a grade appearing on a student’s
Last day to drop a course with 50% tuition adjustment
September 3: Labor Day – University closed/no classes
September 20 – Last day to drop a course with a grade of W
October 12 – Last day of classes
Quiz, midterm and final exam dates are posted under the heading, Syllabus.
Please review the Student Honor Code:
which states, in part, that “the work you will do in this course is subject to the Student Honor Code. The Honor Code is a commitment to the highest degree of ethical integrity in academic conduct, a commitment that, individually and collectively, the students of Northern Kentucky University will not lie, cheat, or plagiarize to gain an academic advantage over fellow students or avoid academic requirements.”
Students with disabilities who require accommodations (academic adjustments, auxiliary aids or services) for this course must register with the Disability Services Office. Please contact the Disability Service Office immediately in the University Center, suite 320 or call 859-572-6373 for more information. Verification of your disability is required in the DSO for you to receive reasonable academic accommodation. Visit the website at
Please read the following syllabus carefully. It is important for each student to understand that this syllabus serves only as a general guide for the objectives of the course and that this syllabus may be altered at any time during thesemester at the discretion of the professor. The class may at times be behind or ahead of the syllabus or material may be added or eliminated, according to the progress of the class and individual student needs. Remember---this syllabus may change! You will be alerted well in advance about any changes.
The outline below indicates the units in the text to be covered. Each Friday afternoon, specific assignments for following week will be posted on Blackboard. It is your responsibility to check Blackboard regularly, especially if you miss a class. Requirements for all quizzes and exams will be announced well in advance and will be posted on Blackboard.
Supplementary material may be added to this syllabus as needed.