SAOF AGM Discussion
Point 8: Technical Report.
Can we subscribe to changes to the Wiki site sothat people involved in the debate can take note of it? How do we improve communication in terms of the Wiki sites?
Re: ‘A secure version controlled repository for managing SAOF’s strategic maps’ – Jeremy Main has thought about this for PenOC, and Craig Ogilvie uses Google Docs to keep documents (for ROC?).
Nic Mulder suggested a national database to store clubs’ information, data and history to prevent institutional memory loss. Most European Federations use a model like this, and should be adopted here. There is a lot to be done but cannot be done by one person – currently we need someone, or a team to run with this.
Nico van Hoepen likes mapping but does not like going to a school to sell the idea. This needs to be pursued in a Marketing Portfolio, and will be done in conjunction with the Department of Education in the provinces.
What is the procedure to join the sub-commitees? The VP’s need to put out a call highlighting the clear tasks, and the community needs to be part of a pool of people who can be approached.
The record keeping of what has been done in sprint maps need to be improved.
Point 9: Development Report.
Defence, Military and Police has been approached but no success so far.
Permament courses have a challenge concerning the availability of courses to the public as challenge, but pdf versions and newspaper and magazine publishing are options. WITS and other universities were highlighted as potential permanent course sites.
Point 10: Admin
Proposal for deleting the comment the disbanding of SAOF was aired. It was shown that this is a 2030 scenario and listed as a threat not a current situation, and decided to keep in the context as shown.
Point 15a. Liability Insurance:
Cost is a huge issue, and we have to see what structure is best. Previously the SAOF has not had PLI (Public Liability Insurance). This probably contributed to our not getting permission to use Sappi forests that were mapped in KZN.
The SAOF will have PLI from 1 October 2010Total public liability is R3 million, including fire insurance. The cost is R8500 per annum.
A template for indemnity and what is covered needs to be designed. According to the National Accreditation Act (?) the indemnity form is irrelevant. The race organizer is required to ensure a reasonable safe event. Surely the indemnity form negates this? The new act says indemnity does not work. R150 000 per entrant –medical expenses, R250 000 legal expenses is covered.
What the SAOF needs to look into is get a rigorous safety procedure in place for clubs to do, in order to be valid on the insurance. The SRSA bill on “Safety at Sport and Recreation Events (2009)” will demand that this is taken much more seriously.
Are the trophies insured? This will be looked into and viability discussed. Are they on the Asset Register?