Meeting Report Summary
Chair:Scott Lambert1:00pm-4:00pm ET
- Call to Order
Mr.Lambert called the meeting to order at1:15p.m.and welcomed the participants to today’s meeting.
- Attendance Check-in, Introductions and Administrative Matters
The following ACTA Industry Segment Representatives and general public were present, either in person or on the telephone.It was noted that quorum was established.
Name / Company/Organization / RepresentingScott Lambert / Curtis-Straus, LLC / ACTA Chair
John Bipes / Mobile Engineering / Other Interested Party Segment
Vir Angelo Lontoc / Panasonic / Manufacturer Segment
Sharon Hoffman / Timco Engineering / Testing Laboratories Segment
Mark Cassarino / ATIS / ACTA Database Manager
Alexandra Blasgen / ATIS / ACTA Secretariat
- Agenda Review and Approval (ACTA-17-001)
- Participants reviewed the draft meeting agenda.It was approved as posted.
- Review and Approval of Meeting Summary from the November 17, 2016,General Council Meeting (ACTA-16-006)
- Participants reviewed the Meeting Summary and Action Items from the November 17th meeting.
Action Item Review from November 17, 2016:
- Mr. Lambert noted he would notify the TCB Council of the ACTA leadership vacancies. (ACTION ITEM).
Status: Open.
- Mr. Lambert noted he would inform the TCB Council of the Stabilized Maintenance Program. (ACTION ITEM)
Status: Open.
The next meeting of the TCB Council is May 1, 2017. Mr. Lambert noted he will provide an update on ACTA activities and the ACTA leadership vacancies at that meeting.
- Secretariat Update
- Leadership Vacancies
- Mr. Cassarino noted that there were a number of open Leadership Positions on the Council. Council Members were encouraged to provide suggestions for possible candidates for these positions.
- A participant noted that ACTA leadership positions were once limited to two two-year terms and asked whether the leadership terms were currently being tracked. It was noted the ACTA OP&P states that a member may remain in a leadership position unless there is interest in the position from someone else in the same industry segment.
- The ACTA Secretariat will provide an update on the ACTA leadership terms at the General Council meetings (ACTION ITEM).
- Liaison Reports:
- TR-41 Liaison Report
- There was no report provided.
- FCC Report
- It was noted that due to a last-minute scheduling conflict, Mr. Burgee was unable to attend.
- There were no updates provided from the FCC.
- ISED Report
- It was noted that Industry Canada is now Innovation Science and Economic Development (ISED).
- There was no report provided.
- Questions for the FCC
- Participants asked when the FCC expects to make a decision related tothe possibility of registering HAC VoIP equipment in the ACTA database.
- Tom Goode (ATIS General Council) will request an update on the HAC VoIP database from the FCC (ACTION ITEM).
- Old/New Business
- HAC Database
- The Council was reminded that there was previous discussion with the FCC regarding the possibility of including hearing aid-compatible (HAC) VoIP phones in the ACTA database.
- 2017 RPC Data Validation Program
- Stabilized Maintenance Program
- Mr. Cassarino noted that the 2017 RPC Data Validation Program began on November 8, 2016. The established fee for RPC Data Validation is $125.00.
- The Stabilized Maintenance option allows an RPC code to be validated for the remaining life of the RPC.
- Next Meeting
- November 16, 2017 – 1-4pm ET (Virtual)
- Adjournment
- The meeting adjourned at1:38pm ET.
Summary of Action Items
- Mr. Lambert noted he would notify the TCB Council of the ACTA leadership vacancies.(ACTION ITEM).
- Mr. Lambert noted he would inform the TCB Council of the Stabilized Maintenance Program. (ACTION ITEM).
- The ACTA Secretariat will provide an update on the ACTA leadership terms at the General Council meetings (ACTION ITEM).
- Tom Goode (ATIS General Council) will request an update on the HAC VoIP database from the FCC (ACTION ITEM).
April 25, 2017