Michael Sutcliffe - Publications List (updated Oct 2003)
1. W.J. Stronge, M.P.F. Sutcliffe and T Yu. 'Wrinkling of elastoplastic circular plates during stamping.' Experimental Mechanics, 26, 345-353 (1986)
2. M.P.F. Sutcliffe. 'Surface asperity deformation in metal forming processes.' Int. J. Mech. Sci., 30, 847-868, (1988)
3. M.P.F. Sutcliffe. 'Central film thicknesses in elliptical contacts.' Proc. Inst. Mech. Engrs. C203, 387-392, (1989)
4. M.P.F. Sutcliffe. 'Central film thickness charts for elliptical contacts.' Proc. Inst. Mech. Engrs. C204, 273-275, (1990)
5. M.P.F. Sutcliffe and K. L. Johnson. 'Lubrication in cold strip rolling in the 'mixed' regime.' Proc. Inst. Mech. Engrs. C204, 249-261, (1990)
6. M.P.F. Sutcliffe. 'Experimental measurements of lubricant film thickness in cold strip rolling.' Proc. Inst. Mech. Engrs. C204, 263-273, (1990)
7. M.P.F. Sutcliffe. 'Traction measurements in mixed elastohydrodynamic lubrication with a controlled circumferential roughness.' Proc. Inst. Mech. Engrs. C205, 265-273, (1991)
8. M.P.F. Sutcliffe. 'Measurements of the rheological properties of a kerosene metal-rolling lubricant.' Proc. Inst. Mech. Engrs. B205, 215-219, (1991)
9. M.P.F. Sutcliffe and N.A. Fleck. 'Effect of geometry on compressive failure of notched composites.' International Journal of Fracture , 59, 115-132 (1993)
10. M.P.F. Sutcliffe and N.A. Fleck. 'Microbuckle propagation in carbon fibre-epoxy composites.' Acta Metallurgica and Materialia , 42(7), 2219-2231 (1994)
11. Tabary P.E., Sutcliffe M.P.F., Porral F. and Deneuville P., 'Measurements of friction in cold metal rolling.' ASME Journal of Tribology 118, 629-636 (1996)
12. Sivashanker S., Fleck N.A. and Sutcliffe M.P.F., 'Microbuckle propagation in a unidirectional carbon fibre - epoxy matrix composite.' Acta Metallurgica et Materialia, 44, 2581-2590 (1996)
13. Fleck, N.A. Sutcliffe, M.P.F., Sivashanker, S. and Xin, X.J. 'Compressive R-curve of a carbon fibre-epoxy matrix composite.' Composites Part B, 27(6), 531-541 (1996)
14. Sutcliffe, M.P.F., Fleck, N.A. and Xin, X.J. ‘Prediction of compressive toughness for fibre composites.’ Proc Royal Society (1996), 452, 2443-2465
15. Sutcliffe, M.P.F. and Fleck, N.A. . 'Microbuckle propagation in fibre composites.' Acta Metallurgica et Materialia, (1997), 45, 921-932
16. Fleck N.A., Sivashanker S. and Sutcliffe M.P.F., 'Compressive failure of composites due to microbuckle growth.' European Journal of Mechanics A/Solids, 16, 65-82 (1997)
17. Sutcliffe, M.P.F. and Rayner, P.J. Experimental measurements of load and strip profile in thin strip rolling, International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, 40(9), 887-899 (1998)
18. Sutcliffe, M.P.F. Flattening of random rough surfaces in metal forming processes, ASME Journal of Tribology, 121, 433-440 (1999)
19. Petras, A and Sutcliffe, M.P.F. Failure mode maps for honeycomb sandwich panels, Composite Structures, 44, 237-252 (1999)
20. Petras, A and Sutcliffe, M.P.F. Indentation resistance of sandwich beams, Composite Structures 46, 413-424 (1999)
21. Sutcliffe, M.P.F. and Le, HR. Measurements of surface roughness in cold-metal rolling in the mixed lubrication regime, STLE Tribology Transactions , 43, 39-44 (2000)
22. Le, HR and Sutcliffe, M.P.F. A two-wavelength model of surface flattening in cold-metal rolling with mixed lubrication, STLE Tribology Transactions, 43(4), 595-602 (2000)
23. Creighton, C.J. Sutcliffe, M.P.F. and Clyne, T.W. A multiple field image analysis procedure for characterisation of fibre alignment in composites, Composites A 32, 221-229 (2001)
24. Ahmed, R and Sutcliffe, M.P.F. Identification of surface features on cold-rolled stainless steel strip, Wear, 244, 60-70 (2000)
25. Le, HR and Sutcliffe, M.P.F. A robust model for rolling of thin strip and foil, Int. J. Mechanical Sciences 43 (6), 1405-1419 (2001)
26. Le, HR and Sutcliffe, M.P.F. Analysis of surface roughness of cold rolled aluminium foil, Wear, 244, 71-78 (2000)
27. Ahmed, R and Sutcliffe, M.P.F. An experimental investigation of surface pit evolution during cold-rolling or drawing of stainless steel strip, ASME J. Tribology, 123, 1-7 (2001)
28. Sutcliffe, M.P.F. and Montmitonnet, P. Numerical modelling of lubricated foil rolling, Revue de Metallurgie - Cahiers d'informations techniques, 98 (5), 435-442 (2001)
29. Petras, A and Sutcliffe, M.P.F. Indentation failure analysis of sandwich beams, Composite Structures 50, 311-318 (2000)
30. Court, RS, Sutcliffe, MPF and Tavakoli, SM. Imaging of adhesively bonded joints - Fracture and failure analysis using video imaging techniques, International Journal of Adhesion and Adhesives 21(6), 455-463 (2001)
31. Le, HR and Sutcliffe, M.P.F. Measurements of friction in strip drawing under thin film lubrication, Tribology International, 35(2) 123-128 (Feb. 2002)
32. Sutcliffe, M.P.F., Le, HR and Ahmed, R. Modelling of micro-pit evolution in rolling or strip drawing, ASME J Tribology 123 791-798 (2001)
33. Le HR, Sutcliffe MPF. A semi-empirical friction model for cold metal rolling, Tribology Trans. 44 (2), 284-290 (2001)
34. Sutcliffe, MPF and Yuwono, AH, Experimental study of microbuckle initiation in a model composite system, Scripta Materialia 45 831-837 (2001)
35. Le HR, Sutcliffe MPF. A friction model for cold strip rolling with two-wavelength surface roughness in the 'mixed' lubrication regime, ASME J Trib (July 2003)
36. Le HR, Sutcliffe MPF. Rolling of thin strip and foil: application of a tribological model for 'mixed' lubrication. ASME J Trib 124 129-136 (Jan 2002)
37. Sutcliffe MPF and Georgiades F. Characterisation of pit geometry in cold rolled stainless steel strip. Wear 253 963-974 (Nov 2002)
38. Le HR, Sutcliffe MPF. Evolution of surface pits on stainless steel strip in cold rolling and strip drawing. ASME J Trib 125 384-390 (Apr 2003)
39. Sutcliffe MPF, Combarieu, R, Repoux, M and Montmitonnet, P. Tribology of plane strain compression tests on aluminium strip using ToF-SIMS analysis of transfer layers. Wear 254, 65-79 (Jan 2003)
40. Sharma, SB and Sutcliffe, MPF Draping of woven composites: a progressive drape model. Plastics, Rubber and Composites, 32, 57-64 (Feb 2003)
41. Chang, SH, Sharma, SB and Sutcliffe, MPF. Microscopic investigation of tow geometry of a dry satin weave fabric during deformation, Composites Science and Technology, 63, 99-111 (Jan 2003)
42. Le HR, Sutcliffe MPF. Finite element modelling of the evolution of surface pits in metal forming processes, Submitted to J Mater Proc. Tech. (July 2002)
43. Sutcliffe MPF, Le HR and D Farrugia. Simulation of transfer layer formation in strip drawing of stainless steel, Wear 254 523-531 (March 2003)
44. Sharma, SB and Sutcliffe, MPF Characterisation of material properties for draping of dry woven composite material. Composites A, 34, 1167-1175 (Dec 2003)
45. Chang, SH, Sutcliffe, MPF and Sharma, SB. Microscopic investigation of tow geometry changes in a woven prepreg material during draping, Submitted to Composites Science and Technology (Jan 2003)
46. Utsunomiya, H, Sutcliffe, MPF, Shercliff, HR, Bate P, Miller, DB. Evolution of matt surface topography in aluminium pack rolling: Part I – model development. Submitted to Int. J. Mech. Sci. (May 2003)
47. Utsunomiya, H, Sutcliffe, MPF, Shercliff, HR, Bate P, Miller, DB. Evolution of matt surface topography in aluminium pack rolling: Part II – effect of material properties. Submitted to Int. J. Mech. Sci. (May 2003)
48. Le, HR, Sutcliffe, MPF, Wang, PZ, Burstein GT. Surface oxide fracture in cold aluminium rolling, Submitted to Acta Materialia (May 2003)
49. Le, HR, Sutcliffe. Strip deformation at the inlet of the bite in cold metal rolling, Submitted to Journal of Mechanics and Physics of Solids (Sept 2003)
Refereed conference papers
1. M.P.F. Sutcliffe and N.A. Fleck. ‘Compressive failure of notched carbon fibre-epoxy laminates.’ European Conference on Composites testing and standards, September 8-10th, 1992, pp 123-131 European Association for Composite Materials, Amsterdam, (1992).
2. Tabary P.E., Sutcliffe M.P.F., Porral F. and Deneuville P., 'Measurements of friction in cold metal rolling.' in "Tribology in Manufacturing Processes", edited by Dohda, K., Jahanmir, S. and Wilson, W.R.D., ASME, New York (1994).
3. Creighton, C.J. Ellis, J., Sutcliffe, M.P.F. and Clyne, T.W. The influence of processing variables on fibre alignment and compressive strength of unidirectional laminates, Proceedings of ECCM-9 (Abstracts), Brighton, 4-7 June 2000, IOM Communications (2000)
4. Creighton, C.J., Sutcliffe, M.P.F. and Clyne, T.W. Characterisation and control of fibre alignment during prepreg manufacture, Proceedings of ICCM12, Paris, 5-9 July 1999, (1999)
5. Le, HR and Sutcliffe, M.P.F. Surface finish of cold rolled aluminium foil, Proceedings of the conference on Modelling of Metal Rolling Processes 3, Dec. 1999, London, Institute of Materials pp 468-476 (1999)
6. Ahmed, R and Sutcliffe, M.P.F. Evolution of surface finish within the roll bite during cold rolling of stainless steel, Proceedings of the conference on Modelling of Metal Rolling Processes 3, Dec. 1999, London, Institute of Materials, pp390-399 (1999)
7. Sutcliffe, M.P.F. and Montmitonnet, P. A coupled tribological and mechanical model for thin foil rolling in the mixed lubrication regime, Proceedings of the conference on Modelling of Metal Rolling Processes 3, Dec. 1999, London, Institute of Materials pp 187-196 (1999)
8. Ahmed, R and Sutcliffe, M.P.F. An analysis of micro-plasto-hydrodynamic lubrication using a strip drawing rig, Presented at the 16th International Conference "CAPE 2000", 7-9 August 2000, Edinburgh, UK, Institution of Mechanical Engineers
9. Court, RS, Sutcliffe, MPF and Tavakoli, SM. Fracture and failure analysis of adhesively bonded joints by video imaging techniques, Proceedings of Adhesion '99, Cambridge, 15-17th Sept 1999, pp237-242
10. Sharma, S.B, Sutcliffe, MPF, Clifford, MJ and Long, AC. Experimental investigation of tow deformation during draping of woven fabrics, 4th International ESAFORM Conference on Material Forming, Liege, Belgium , 23-25 April 2001
11. Sharma, S.B and Sutcliffe, Draping of woven composites over irregular surfaces, 13th International Conference on Composite Materials (ICCM-13), Beijing, China, 25-29 June 2001
12. S.B. Sharma, M.P.F. Sutcliffe, “Draping of woven composites: a progressive drape model”, Proc. 9th Int. Conf. on Fibre Reinforced Composites (FRC 2002), Newcastle-upon-Tyne, March 2002, pp337-344
13. Sutcliffe, MPF, Sharma, S.B, Long, AC, Clifford, MJ, Gil, RG, Harrison, P. and Rudd, CD. A comparison of simulation approaches for forming of textile composites, 5th International ESAFORM Conference on Material Forming, Kracow, Poland , 14-17 April 2002, pp311-314
14. Long, AC, Gil, RG, Clifford, MJ, Harrison, P, Sharma, S and Sutcliffe, MPF. Experimental analysis of fabric deformation during forming of textile composites, 5th International ESAFORM Conference on Material Forming, Kracow, Poland , 14-17 April 2002, pp279-282
15. R. S. Court, S. M. Tavakoli and M. P. F. Sutcliffe, Predicting Adhesive Joint Life-times, 25th Annual Meeting of the Adhesion Society and The Second World Congress on Adhesion and Related Phenomena (WCARP-II). February 10-14, 2002. Orlando, USA
16. Sutcliffe MPF, Combarieu, R, Repoux, M and Montmitonnet, P. Characterisation of friction during plane strain compression tests on aluminium strip. Euromech 435; Friction and wear in metal forming, June 18-20 2002, Valenciennes, France (June 2002), pp141-148
17. HR Le and Sutcliffe MPF. The role of lubricant entrapment in the evolution of surface pits in metal forming processes. Euromech 435; Friction and wear in metal forming, June 18-20 2002, Valenciennes, France (June 2002) , pp47-54
18. Le HR, Sutcliffe MPF. Evolution of surface pits on stainless steel strip in cold rolling and strip drawing. Proceedings of 2002 ASME/STLE Joint International Tribology Conference, Cancun, Mexico, October 27–30, (Oct. 2002)
19. Sharma, S.B and Sutcliffe, MPF. A simplified finite element approach to draping of woven fabric, 6th International ESAFORM Conference on Material Forming, Salerno, Italy, 28-30 April 2003 pp 887-890
Other publications
1. Sutcliffe, M.P.F., 1989,” Friction and Lubrication in Metal Rolling”, PhD thesis, University of Cambridge.
2. Xin X.J., Sutcliffe M.P.F., Fleck N.A. and Curtis P.T., 'Cambridge Composite Designer. A users manual.' Cambridge University Engineering Department, Report CUED MAT/TR139, (1995).
3. Sutcliffe M.P.F., Xin X.J., , Fleck N.A. and Curtis P.T., Composite Compressive Strength Modeller, Version 1.4 Cambridge University Engineering Department/DERA Farnborough , Report CUED/C-MICROMECH/TR 35 (2000).
4. Sutcliffe, M.P.F Surface finish and friction in cold metal rolling, in Metal forming science and practice, edited JG Lenard, Elsevier, Oxford, U.K. 2002