SREB / Standards-based Unit
High School to College and Career Transitions
Senior English Redesigned:
A 12th-grade English
Transitional Course
592 Tenth Street, N.W.
Atlanta, GA 30318
(404) 875-9211 / Survival 101
Unit Plan

Unit Plan Overview

Unit Title: Survival 101
Course Name: Senior English Redesigned
Grade Level(s): 12
Unit Overview
This unit will focus on survival stories both fiction and non fiction. Students will learn the creative problem solving process and use it to produce a technical document and prepare and present a multi-media oral presentation.
Timeframe: 12 90-minute classes

Essential Questions: (Open-ended style which promote in-depth investigation)

1. In what ways do survival experiences change people?

2. What are effective ways to cope with such experiences and other challenging situations?

3. What do people learn about themselves when they have to struggle to survive?

4. How can we help 9th graders survive the high school experience?

SREB Readiness Indicators
1. Develop vocabulary appropriate to reading, writing, and speaking proficiency.
4. Make inferences and predictions. (Problem Solving Process)
10. Use research skills to locate, gather, evaluate and organize information for different purposes.
11. Use appropriate organization, language, voice, delivery style, and visual aids to match the audience and purpose of oral presentations.
State/Local Standards: Mississippi
1. The student will develop and apply expansive knowledge of words and word meanings to communicate.
b. The student will compare and contrast author’s uses of word choice and diction as stylistic devices.
2. The student will comprehend, respond to, interpret, or evaluate a variety of texts of increasing levels of difficulty.
b. The student will...research a topic, integrating multiple sources to synthesize information.
c. The student will interpret textual evidence of details, organization, and language to predict, draw conclusions or determine author’s purpose.
3. The students will produce, analyze, or evaluate effective communication.
a. The student will compose functional documents.
b. The student will compose...documented texts.
4. The student will use standard English grammar, mechanics and sentence structure to communicate.
a. The student will analyze the appropriate use of advanced grammar in composing or editing passages to enhance style. (i.e., verbs, pronouns)
b. The student will analyze the appropriate use of advances mechanics in composing or editing passages to enhance style. (i.e. quotes, colons)
c. The student will analyze the use of advanced sentence structure in or editing passages to enhance style. (i.e. Parallel structure)

Acknowledgment(s): Elizabeth Bailey


Survival 101– Overview

Unit Plan Overview

Literacy Strategies / Habits of Success
_X_ Admit/Exit slips
_X_ Graphic organizer
_X_ Know/Want to Know/Learn Chart (KWL)
_X_ Open-response questions
_X_ Two-column/Cornell notes
___ Re-telling
_X_ Reflection
_X_ Jigsaw reading
_X_ Peer Review
_X_ Peer Editing
___ Anticipation Guide
___ RAFT (Role/Audience/
Format/ Topic)
___ Summarization (GIST)
(Generating Interactions Between Schemata and Text)
_X_ Paired Reading
_X_ Other / 1. _X_ Create Relationships
Teamwork/responsibility/effective communication
2. ___ Study, Manage Time, Organize
Organization/time management/study skills
3. ___ Improve Reading/Writing Skills
Use reading and writing to learn strategies
4. ___ Improve Mathematics Skills
5. ___ Set Goals/Plan
Set goals/plan/monitor progress
6. _X_ Access Resources
Assessments: Pre, Daily/Weekly and Post
Daily/Weekly: (Included on daily activities plans)
§  Responses to reading (Attachment 5)
§  Steps of the CPS process/practice on Documentation Guide (Attachment 35)
§  Quiz on language conventions/editing (Attachments 12, 13)
§  Quiz on Day 3 (Question in “Evaluate”)
§  Socratic Seminar (Attachment 25)
§  Portfolio Checklist (Attachment 30)
Post-assessment consists of two parts:
1. Content-based (traditional paper and pencil test):
a. Literary Analysis Paragraph (Attachments 26, 27, 28)
b. Reading Comprehension Test (Attachment 31b)
2. Performance - or product-based:
a. group problem solving (Attachment 34, 35, 36)
b. a survival manual (Attachment 37)
c. multi-media oral presentation (Attachment 38)


Survival 101– Overview

Daily Activities Plan


Survival 101– Overview

Daily Activities Plan

Unit Title: Survival 101

Day 1 of 12

SREB’s Readiness Indicator(s) for Daily Activities
1. Develop vocabulary appropriate to reading, writing and speaking proficiency.
4. Make inferences and predictions. (Problem Solving Process)
State/District Standard(s) for Daily Activities: Mississippi
1. The student will develop and apply expansive knowledge of words and word meanings to communicate.
b. The student will compare and contrast author’s uses of word choice and diction as stylistic devices.
2. The student will comprehend, respond to, interpret, or evaluate a variety of texts of increasing levels of difficulty.
b. The student will...research a topic, integrating multiple sources to synthesize information.
c. The student will interpret textual evidence of details, organization, and language to predict, draw conclusions or determine author’s purpose.
Anticipated Times*
(90-minute Block Schedule) / Sequence of Instruction / Activities Checklist
8 minutes / Get Started
Put Essential Questions from p.3 on chart paper and post for the duration of the unit. Read the questions aloud.
Use the ABC2 (Attachment 1 for instructions and Attachment 2 template) to explore the concept of Survival.
Tell students that they are about to watch and read stories of survival. / §  Build Vocabulary
2 minutes / Engage
Imagine that you are on a school trip and the plane crashes. Luckily, you survive and as you look around, you discover that the only other survivors are fellow students. No adults are present. What would you do? We are going to read a novel by William Golding entitled Lord of the Flies that is based on this premise. (Show the book.) Before we begin the book, let’s explore a similar premise in another storytelling medium. / §  Display object/ picture
30 minutes / Explore
Give students background on the classic series “The Twilight Zone” and its creator Rod Serling found at the following website:
A copy of the show may be ordered:
Discuss before viewing:
§  Is it always best to follow the rules?
§  If you think rules are inappropriate, what can you do?
§  How do you feel when those who are in charge won’t listen to your ideas?
§  What are your alternatives when this happens?
§  How does what you can do differ from what you should do? / §  Media presentation
5 minutes / Explain
To assist students during viewing, distribute Attachment 3 and assign students to one of the 4 groups. / §  Active note-taking strategy
5 minutes / Practice in Teams/Groups/Buddy-pairs
Discuss the charts with members of the groups and then share. / §  Group discussion
30 minutes / Practice Together
Now we are ready to begin the book. Read aloud from chapter 1 (as long as time allows).
Stop every 3 or 4 pages and ask the students to predict what they think will happen next. Ask them to test the prediction as you continue to read aloud. (Attachment 4) / §  Make predictions
5 minutes / Practice Alone
Assign independent reading and written responses. (Attachments 5 and 6) / §  Reading responses
5 minutes / Closing Activities
Exit Slip:
What questions do you have about the book, the TV show or the concept of Survival? / §  Exit slip
As Needed / Enrichment/Extension/Re-teaching/
Assign a reading partner to students who struggle with reading alone.
For enrichment, suggest that students begin to do some research on true life survival stories. / §  Reading
Resources/Instructional Materials Needed
§  Classroom set of Lord of the Flies (Page numbers in this plan refer to the Perigee edition
ISBN 0-399-50148-7.
§  Video of Twilight Zone “I Shot an Arrow Into the Air”
§  Attachments 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6


Survival 101– Day 1

Daily Activities Plan

Unit Title: Survival 101

Day 2 of 12

SREB’s Readiness Indicator(s) for Daily Activities
1. Develop vocabulary appropriate to reading, writing and speaking proficiency.
4. Make inferences and predictions. (Problem Solving Process)
State/District Standard(s) for Daily Activities: Mississippi
1. The student will develop and apply expansive knowledge of words and word meanings to communicate.
b. The student will compare and contrast author’s uses of word choice and diction as stylistic devices.
2. The student will comprehend, respond to, interpret, or evaluate a variety of texts of increasing levels of difficulty.
b. The student will...research a topic, integrating multiple sources to synthesize information.
c. The student will interpret textual evidence of details, organization, and language to predict, draw conclusions or determine author’s purpose.
3. The student will produce, analyze, or evaluate effective communication.
b. The student will compose . . . documented texts.
4. The student will use standard English grammar, mechanics and sentence structure to communicate.
a. The student will analyze the appropriate use of advanced grammar in composing or editing passages to enhance style. (i.e., verbs, pronouns)
b. The student will analyze the appropriate use of advances mechanics in composing or editing passages to enhance style. (i.e. quotes, colons)
c. The student will analyze the use of advanced sentence structure in composing or editing passages to enhance style. (i.e. Parallel structure)
Anticipated Times*
(90-minute Block Schedule) / Sequence of Instruction / Activities Checklist
10 minutes / Get Started
Analyze the quotes on Attachment 7. Discuss the underlined words and phrases and the underlined punctuation. Add unfamiliar words to the Word Wall.(Attachment 8)
The following URL is a good overview of the colon: / §  Grammar editing exercise
§  Vocabulary
5 minutes / Engage
Show a short clip from “Survivor” which can be found at
Briefly discuss connections between this reality show and chapters 1-3 in LOF. / §  Display object/ picture
5 minutes / Explore
List on chart paper the themes in the book that students have identified.
[Some suggestions are as follows:
§  The flaws in society can be traced to the flaws in human beings.
§  A society can be judged by the way it treats its most vulnerable citizens.
§  Without the structure of society, individuals will revert to primitive behavior.
§  All human beings have some inherent evil in their nature.] / §  Brainstorm
15 minutes / Explain
Make transparencies of Attachments 6 and 9. Think aloud for the students as you demonstrate how to analyze the passage and use the Triple Column Note template. [Attachment 10 provides an example.] / §  Demonstrate graphic organizers
10 minutes / Practice Together
Make a transparency of Attachment 11 and ask for student volunteers to analyze the passage, adding information to the Triple Column Notes [TCN] transparency. (Attachment 6) / §  Collaborative writing
10 minutes / Practice in Teams/Groups/Buddy-pairs
Assign students to a group of 3 or 4. Their task is to add additional information regarding themes, evidence, and explanation to the TCN template / §  Practice active reading strategies
10 minutes / Practice Alone
Begin reading independently on the assignment for Day 2; (Attachment 5). / §  Writing
15 minutes / Evaluate Understanding (Daily/Weekly/
Quiz (Attachments 12 and 13) / §  Quiz/test
5 minutes / Closing Activities
Exit Slip:
Predict something you believe will happen to one of the characters or to the whole group next. / §  Exit slip
As Needed / Enrichment/Extension/Re-teaching/
Resources/Instructional Materials Needed
§  Attachments 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13
§  Transparencies
§  Overhead Projector
§  Markers
§  Chart paper


Survival 101– Day 2

Daily Activities Plan

Unit Title: Survival 101

Day 3 of 12

SREB’s Readiness Indicator(s) for Daily Activities
1. Develop vocabulary appropriate to reading, writing and speaking proficiency.
2. Make inferences and predictions.
State/District Standard(s) for Daily Activities: Mississippi
1. The student will develop and apply expansive knowledge of words and word meanings to communicate.
b. The student will compare and contrast author’s uses of word choice and diction as stylistic devices.
2. The student will comprehend, respond to, interpret, or evaluate a variety of texts of increasing levels of difficulty.
c. The student will interpret textual evidence of details, organization, and language to predict, draw conclusions or determine author’s purpose.
4. The student will use standard English grammar, mechanics and sentence structure to communicate.
a. The student will analyze the appropriate use of advanced grammar in composing or editing passages to enhance style. (i.e., verbs, pronouns)
b. The student will analyze the appropriate use of advances mechanics in composing or editing passages to enhance style. (i.e. quotes, colons)
c. The student will analyze the use of advanced sentence structure in composing or editing passages to enhance style. (i.e. Parallel structure)
Anticipated Times*
(90-minute Block Schedule) / Sequence of Instruction / Activities Checklist
5 minutes / Get Started
Make a transparency of Attachment 14. Instruct the students to do one or more of the following:
§  Underline the verbs
§  Locate unfamiliar words and add them to the Word Wall
§  Lead brief discussion on Golding’s choice of active verbs, his use of past tense, past perfect tense, and subjunctive mood [“he dare not throw”].
§  Guide students in using context clues and phonemic analysis to deduce the meanings of unfamiliar words. / §  Grammar review
5 minutes / Engage
Pair-Share their charts and responses to the assigned reading. (Attachment 15)
Instruct students to decide in their pairs on the one most pressing problem that the boys face at the end of the reading. / §  Active reading strategy
10 minutes / Explore
Ask each pair of students to report, and list the problems they identify on chart paper or on a transparency. / §  Create lists


Survival 101– Day 3

Daily Activities Plan

15 minutes / Explain
How would you solve the problems in such a situation? Let’s consider a process for solving problems.
Introduce the creative problem solving process. See the URL below for a mini-lesson on the background and steps of the Osborn-Parnes Problem Solving Method (Attachment 16a)
Make handouts of the four-step (condensed) process presented by Win Wenger at URL
Additional information can be found at the following site: provparn.htm
Review the Rules of Brainstorming (Attachment 16b). Model this by brainstorming “What can I do this weekend?” Say your ideas out loud and write them on slips of paper (e.g. party, clean house, visit Paris, study, shop, sew a new dress, read, visit museum, bathe the dog, grade papers, plant garden) / §  Explain process
10 minutes / Practice Together
After explaining the 4 (or 6) steps, review the sample problem presented in “Gravel Gulch” found at the Win Winger URL above.
Use the jigsaw method (Attachment 17). Divide the class into 4 groups and assign each group one of the steps as described in the handout. The task of each group is to read, ask questions, clarify understanding, and then present that step to the class.
As students are working, visit each group to answer questions and to ask questions as a way to push their thinking and to guide students as needed. / §  Solving problems
20 minutes / Practice in Teams/Groups/Buddy-pairs
Assign students to 4 person Problem Solving Teams. (Give these groups careful thought because they will be working together for the remainder of this unit. Include a leader, a strong writer, and a technology guru in each group if possible)
Distribute the Project Packet made up of attachments 34, 35, 36, 37, 38.
Read together the Situation described in Attachment 34. Ask questions to spark their thinking: Do you remember what it was like to be a 9th grader? Are there some things you know now that you wish you had known then?
Give each team a stack of slips of paper 4.25 x 2.75. (Cut these from 8.5 x 11 sheets of paper using a paper cutter.)
Set a 2-3 minute time limit. Say “Begin.” Teams should be brainstorming: saying problems out loud, writing them on slips, putting slips in piles.
At the end of time, say, “Stop.” Instruct them to count their ideas and ask how many they came up with.
Teams will place each idea in a category. (See suggested categories on Attachment 16b.) Give them 3-5 more minutes to categorize and brainstorm more ideas in categories they had not thought of earlier.
Call time; count.
Have them collect all ideas slips and place them in an envelope with the team name on the outside. Collect these for tomorrow. / §  Solve similar problems
15 minutes / Evaluate Understanding (Daily/Weekly/
Name and describe the steps of the problem solving process. (See attachments above for key.) / §  Quiz/test
5 minutes / Closing Activities
Exit slip:
What are your questions about the creative problem solving process? What step do you need more help with? / §  Exit slip
As Needed / Enrichment/Extension/Re-teaching/
Resources/Instructional Materials Needed
§  Attachments 14, 15, 16a, 16b, 17
§  Transparency of attachment 14
§  Overhead projector
§  Classroom set of “Gravel Gulch: 4 steps to problem solving” handouts
§  Packets of attachments 34, 35, 36, 37, 38
§  Chart paper
§  Slips of paper for brainstorming
§  Timer