Focus GroupsRFP Questions and Answers
- The RFP references on several occasions "media buy" in relation to recruiting. Is media the only recruitment method you will accept? Is it preferred to work with focus group facilities to see if recruitment is possible through their databases?
We are happy to have focus groups recruited through facility databases.
- Is there a max budget to be considered for the services?
No. We are interested in knowing what you would charge for this
- Do the respondents need to be currently utilized Medicare benefits? ALL, or just part?
Focus group participants need to be enrolled in Medicare Part B.
- For the two male/2 female groups per city – should those be broken out by the age ranges so: 1 F 65-69 Group, 1 F 70-75 Group, etc. OR can both male/female groups be mixed ages?
The single sex groups should include a mix of ages.
- How are we determining the prediabetes component and risk level? By A1C level if they have it? We know from past research in this space EVERYONE might think they have prediabetes if they have a high sugar diet. If there is a certain validation you’re using on your end that would be helpful in narrowing down the screening criteria.
We are interested in respondents who have received a diagnosis of prediabetes from a health care professional or who are overweight. These questions will be in the screener.
- Do you need a formal report from the moderator? Or just notes/participate in discussions? It was mentioned in the overview, but not the deliverables (same thing for transcriptions).
We need transcripts and notes/participation in post focus group and overall discussions but we do not need a formal focus group report.
- Under proposal submission requirements, Part F confuses us. We don’t typically do anything with media buys, so is this not applicable for the services requested? Any clarity there would be helpful.
Part F was included in error. Please ignore this.
- What is the ideal timing to field the groups?
There is no ideal timing. We would like to start fielding as soon as we get government approval as possible—perhaps within 30 days of approval. We are in a queue for government approval now but do not know when we will receive it.
- Can you please provide me with tentative start and end dates for the project?
We cannot provided tentative start and end dates for the project. We would like to start fielding as soon as we get government approval as possible—perhaps within 30 days of approval. We are in a queue for government approval now but do not know when we will receive it.
- Are vendors expected to complete the FHI 360 Vendor Certification form and W-9 IRS form at thetime of proposal submission or at the time of award?
We don’t require it from them at this stage, but ask they provide it promptly when we inform them we are moving forward with awarding them the contract.
- The criteria for recruited participants includes: "Prediabetes (diagnosed) and being at increased risk for type 2 diabetes without diagnosed prediabetes." As we consider how to recruit, I looked up the risk factors for type 2 diabetes, so I have that list. If a person hasn't yet been diagnosed as prediabetic, do you have any guidance for the purposes of this study as to how to determine if a person is at risk for type two diabetes? For example, if we gave a list of the risk factors to the candidates, would they need to meet at least 1, or 2, or 3, or more risk factors to be a qualified focus group candidate?
Older adults who do not have a current diagnosis of prediabetes will be considered eligible for participation if they are identified as being overweight and/or have a family history or personal history of diabetes (i.e., gestational diabetes)
- My second question is regarding location of the interviews. For example, Philadelphia. Does that mean right in the city, or can it be suburb of Philadelphia? Does it have to be in Riverside, or somewhere nearby (Los Angeles)?
Close-in suburban Philadelphia is fine. Los Angeles is not fine - it does need to be in/near Riverside.
- Do you have apreferred schedule for each set of city focus groups? For instance, all four in one day, or two over two days, or two over two nights?
We are interested in what you propose and why. We are open to either approach if the groups are well recruited and attended.
- 2. Should focus group participants be representative of the ethnic/socioeconomic/education/gender etc. mix in their cities or of the whole US Medicare-eligible population?
We want gender-specific groups and want a group that contains a fairly balanced mix of older adults by age (65-69 and 70-75). We want a mix of race/ethnicity, SES and education but we are not looking for a “representative” sample.
- 3. We are not sure what the references to contractor being paid as a percentage of media buy refer to. (page 3, section F) On what basis will contractors be compensated?
This is an error. Please ignore
- 4. Is contractor responsible for reimbursing venues for rent and other advance payment of costs? If so, will contractor be advanced funds for such payments?
Yes and yes – the first payment will cover facility down-payments, recruitment, and incentives.
- 5. Please confirm the vendor certification form on FHI 360’s website is the form referred to in the RFP.
It is.