Muscles & Muscle Tissue

Human Anatomy & Physiology

Eight characteristics of muscle tissue are listed below. Identify each muscle type by choosing the correct item and write the letters in the answer blanks.

A. Cardiac B. Smooth C. Skeletal

_____ 1. Involuntary _____ 5. Figure-8 packaging of cells

_____ 2. Banded appearance _____ 6. Coordinated activity to act as a pump

_____ 3. Longitudinal and circular layers _____ 7. Referred to as the muscular system

_____ 4. Dense connective tissue packaging _____ 8. Voluntary

First, identify the structures described in this group by matching them with the terms below. Enter the correct letters in the answer blanks. Then label the diagram on page 10 with the terms with an asterisk.

A. Endomysium* E. Myofilament D. Sarcomere

B. Epimysium* A. Myofibril E. Sarcoplasm

C. Fascicle* B. Perimysium* A. Tendon*

D. Myofiber* C. Sarcolemma

_____ 5. Connective tissue, ensheathing a bundle of muscle cells.

_____ 6. Another term for deep fascia.

_____ 7. Contractile unit of muscle.

_____ 8. A muscle cell.

_____ 9. Thin connective tissue wrapping of each muscle cell.

_____ 10. Cell membrane of the muscle cell.

_____ 11. Long, filamentous organelle within muscle cells that has a handed appearance.

_____ 12. Actin- or myosin-containing substance.

_____ 13. Cord-like connective tissue beyond the muscle, serving to attach it to the bone.

Complete the following statements by choosing the correct responses from the key choices and enter the appropriate letters in the answer blanks.

A. Fatigue E. Isometric contractions D. Many motor units

B. Isotonic contraction A. Whole muscle E. Relax

C. Muscle cell B. Tetanus

D. Muscle tone C. Few motor units

_____ 14. ___(14)___ is a continuous contraction that shown no evidence of relaxation.

_____ 15. A(n) ___(15)___ is a contraction where a muscle shortens and work is done.

_____ 16. To accomplish a strong contraction, ___(16)___ are stimulated at a rapid rate.

_____ 17. The “all-or-none” law applies to muscle function of the ___(17)___ .

_____ 18. When a weak but smooth muscle contraction is desired, ___(18)___ are stimulated at

a rapid rate.

_____ 19. When a muscle is being stimulated but is not able to respond, the condition is _(19)_ .

_____ 20. A(n) _____(20)___ is a contraction in which the muscle does not shorten, but tension

in the muscle keeps increasing.

_____ 21. Wave summation results in stronger contractions at the same stimulus strength because the muscle does not have time to completely _____(21)___ between successive stimuli.

For each of the following descriptions, indicate whether it is more typical of (A) skeletal muscle or (B) smooth muscle (single unit).

_____ 22. Most often arranged in flat sheets, arranged in different directions.

_____ 23. Gap junctions spread the impulse.

_____ 24. Contraction is slow, seemingly tireless, which saves energy.

_____ 25. Contraction duration is always less.

_____ 26. When stretched, contracts vigorously.

Match the movement with its appropriate definition:

A. Flexion A. Circumduction A. Supination

B. Extension B. Dorsiflexion B. Pronation

C. Rotation C. Plantar flexion C. Opposition

D. Abduction D. Inversion

E. Adduction E. Eversion

_____27. The forearm rotates laterally so the palm faces anteriorly and the raidus and ulna are parallel

_____28. Movement of a bone around its longitudinal axis (shaking your head no)

_____29. Movement that decreases the angle of the joint and brings two bones closer together

--------30. Moving a limb away from the midline of your body

--------31. Lifting the foor so that its superior surface approaches the shin (standing on your heels)

_____32. The forearm rotates medially so that the palm faces posteriorly

_____33. The sole of the foot is turned medially

_____34. The sole of the foot is turned laterally

_____35. An action where you move your thumb to touch the tips of the other fingers on the same hand

_____36. Movement that increases the angle, or the distance, between two bones or parts of the body

_____37. Movement of a limb toward the body midline

_____38. Combination of flexion, extension, abduction, and adduction; proximal end is stationary and the distal end moves in a circle

Match each of these names with a numbered leader line on the following page.

_____ 39. Orbicularis oris _____ 50. Adductor group

_____ 40. Pectoralis major _____ 51. Peroneus longus

_____ 41. External oblique _____ 52. Temporalis

_____ 42. Sternocleidomastiod _____ 53. Orbicularis oculi

_____ 43. Biceps brachii _____ 54. Zygomaticus

_____ 44. Deltoid _____ 55. Masseter

_____ 45. Vastus lateralis _____ 56. Vastus medialis

_____ 46. Frontalis _____ 57. Tibialis anterior

_____ 47. Rectus femoris _____ 58. Transversus abdominus

_____ 48. Sartorius _____ 59. Tensor fascia lata

_____ 49. Gracilis _____ 60. Rectus abdominis

Match each of these names with a numbered leader line on the following page.

_____ 61. Gluteus maximus

_____ 62. Adductor muscles

_____ 63. Gastrocnemius

_____ 64. Latissimus dorsi

_____ 65. Deltoid

_____ 66. Semitendinosus

_____ 67. Trapezius

_____ 68. Biceps femoris

_____ 69. Triceps brachii

_____ 70. External oblique

Take home Essay Portion of Muscle Test:

Answer the following completely, but concisely.

1. When a suicide victim was found, the coroner was unable to remove the drug vial clutched

tightly in his hand. Explain the reason for this. If the victim had been discovered 3 days later,

would the coroner have had the same difficulty?

2. A long distance runner is about to enter a 10K race. Beforehand, he spends several minutes

“warming up”. During the warm-up period, the phenomenon of treppe is occurring in muscles

being used. What is treppe and why does it occur?

3. Name and describe the four special functional characteristics of muscle that are the basis for

muscle response.

4. Name the four important roles in the body that muscles play.

5. List the four things that are needed in order for a muscle to contract

6. Explain the steps in the sliding filament theory of muscle contraction, following the spreading of an action potential along the sarcolemma

You will also need to define and study these words and their definitions for the muscle test:

A. Flexion A. Circumduction A. Supination

B. Extension B. Dorsiflexion B. Pronation

C. Rotation C. Plantar flexion C. Opposition

D. Abduction D. Inversion

E. Adduction E. Eversion

A. Endomysium* E. Myofilament I. Sarcomere

B. Epimysium* F. Myofibril J. Sarcoplasm

C. Fascicle* G. Perimysium* K. Tendon*

D. Myofiber* H. Sarcolemma

A. Fatigue E. Isometric contractions D. Many motor units

B. Isotonic contraction A. Whole muscle E. Relax

C. Muscle cell B. Tetanus

D. Muscle tone C. Few motor units

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Label the diagram with the stars from page 1:

Label the muscles of the head: