English 10 D Block ● Mr. Wozney
Semester 1: September 2011 – January 2012 ● Room 112 ●
web: hrsbstaff.ednet.ns.ca/pwozney ● twitter: @mrwozney ● elgg: catwoman.mrwozney.com
The leap from junior high to high school is a big one, and the expectations for you as a reader, writer, thinker and speaker increase considerably. The main objective of this class is to provide you with the essential skills you will need to succeed in reading, writing and speaking academically in English 11 and 12, as well as in other courses that require these skills. Think of it as basic training- without all the yelling, obstacle courses and early morning runs with heavy backpacks. J It may be tough while you’re in it, but when you’re done, you should be able to handle whatever high school has to throw at you.
As your teacher I will strive to create opportunities for you to read, write, think and, hopefully, speak daily with each other and myself as we explore the possibilities of the written, represented and spoken word. I will offer you opportunities to meet learning outcomes with a focus on helping you become more effective and passionate readers, writers, speakers, listeners and thinkers.
You will be expected to show evidence of your learning everyday. This means reading, thinking, note-making, writing and conversation each and every day. Yep. WORK. Every day.
Daily Materials for Class
English 10 D Block ● Mr. Wozney
Semester 1: September 2011 – January 2012 ● Room 112 ●
web: hrsbstaff.ednet.ns.ca/pwozney ● twitter: @mrwozney ● elgg: catwoman.mrwozney.com
· A pocket folder
· Lots of loose leaf
· Pens/pencils
· A USB memory stick/thumb drive
· Two hardcover notebooks (may require more)
· A few (3-5) different color highlighters or colour pencils.
· School network ID
· Student webmail account
English 10 D Block ● Mr. Wozney
Semester 1: September 2011 – January 2012 ● Room 112 ●
web: hrsbstaff.ednet.ns.ca/pwozney ● twitter: @mrwozney ● elgg: catwoman.mrwozney.com
Classroom Expectations:
You will be expected to abide by the student code of conduct in this course. You will adhere to school policies regarding attendance, electronic devices and assessment as included in your student handbook/agenda and school website. Please review these carefully!
Quick hits:
1. No electronic devices are permitted. If I see you using them (not necessarily meaning that I see the device), you are obligated to turn it in. If you are a repeat offender, your device will be handed to the office to deal with.
2. No food or beverages. Bottled water is permitted. Water bottles should be purchased or filled before, not during, class.
3. Your interactions with others and me should reflect the respect you expect to receive in return.
4. You will be using technology often. Responsible and appropriate use is required at all times.
Assessment and Evaluation
Assessment provides the student with information about how they are learning, and how they can improve their work to achieve the best possible result in the end. Assessment provides the teacher with information about how well they are teaching, and what areas require more or less attention throughout the course.
There are three types of assessment in my class. They are listed below, and you will know when items are assigned what category they belong to:
Formative Items
Formative items are opportunities to practice and receive feedback to monitor the degree to which you understand and apply skills, processes and concepts. These items are not a part of your final grade, but are most often a highly accurate predictor of how well you are doing leading up to summative items. Not doing them means submitting summative items blind!
Minor Summative Items
This component of your final mark will be determined by your commitment to the learning process through completion of in class work and your willingness to take teacher feedback and demonstrate improvement.
Major Summative Items
This component of your final mark will be determined by your performance on major assessments that come at the end of units/ areas of focus. These will be assigned well in advance of their due date. Rubrics and checklists will be included as needed to ensure you know exactly what you need to do to complete this work.
Please note that failing to complete major items means that you will not be eligible to exempt my class if you qualify for an exemption at the end of the semester.
Student Responsibilities:
1. You are responsible to monitor your attendance and marks online with your PowerSchool user ID. These are available in real time, so marks and attendance will not be printed and displayed/distributed in class.
2. You may only negotiate an extension in advance of the deadline for valid reason. Extensions cannot be granted on due dates according to school policy. Summative items submitted past due are marked as zero.
3. If you are absent, it is your responsibility to connect with me to make up any lost work regardless of the reason for your absence.
4. If you are absent with valid reason for a summative assessment, you must be prepared to complete/submit it the FIRST DAY you return to class.
5. For those with an upcoming vacation:
· you are responsible to make work up missed after you return; work packages will not be prepared in advance
· you must arrange (prior to leaving) an alternate date for assessments you may miss while away
6. Plagiarism, either identical copying of others’ work or presenting others’ ideas as your own without proper references, is a serious offence. Any plagiarized assessment will receive a zero, a phone call home, and a referral to the office as per school policy. There is no opportunity to recoup marks lost for this reason.
We have reviewed the course outline for English 10 together and understand the expectations and structure of the class.
We have reviewed the policies regarding attendance, assessment and electronic devices, as well as the student code of conduct found in the student agenda and understand that all of these policies are in effect for this course.
Parent/Guardian 1:
Parent/Guardian 2:
Please complete and return to class! Thanks!