NAME: ______

Disease/Condition Research Note Form # _____


Copy and paste your web page information below:

Date Viewed:


Research Directions:

1.  Copy the paragraphs from your website into the ‘Web Page Paragraph’ column below (add enough rows so that you are able to copy all of the information from the web page you chose).

2.  Underline key information in the original paragraphs by highlighting the text and then pressing the command key and the letter u.

3.  Rewrite the underlined information in your own words in the ‘Main Idea/Supporting Details’ column. Write your information in bullet point form (not in sentences).

4.  Copy and paste your bullet points into the appropriate categories listed in the Research Summary section.

5.  Reread the article and your summary notes and add any missing information.

Web Page Paragraphs (Copy and Paste) / Main Idea/Supporting Details
Summary Directions:
-1.  1. Define what the disease/condition is (i.e. what does it do to your body, what body systems and/or organs does it impact, what can happen if it is untreated, who is at risk for having the disease/condition).
-1.  2. List/explain the symptoms of the disease/condition (primary symptoms, secondary symptoms, what will the patient notice, how the symptoms relate to the progression of the disease/condition).
-1.  3. Tell how a doctor will diagnose the disease/condition (what type of doctor/specialist, names/purposes of tests, etc.).
-1.  4. List/explain treatment options for the disease/condition (medicine, therapy, alternative).
-1.  5. Explain the causes of the disease/condition (inherited, environmental, other).
-1.  6. Describe preventative health care measures that will help someone to avoid getting the disease/condition (nutrition, exercise, screening).
-1.  7. Include a medical diagram of the major body system (healthy view) impacted by the disease/condition.
8. Include a medical diagram showing the impact of the disease/condition on the body.